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Form CSR-1: Why it is Mandatory for NGOs?

dateOct 22, 2021
timeReading Time: 3 Minutes

All Non-Government Organizations (NGOs) seeking to procure CSR funding and the implementing bodies are mandated to...

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A Brief Overview on Bye-Laws of Society Registration Act 1860

dateSep 13, 2021
timeReading Time: 4 Minutes

In the legal context, a registered society is known as the group of enthusiasts that works for the betterment of so...

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How to Avail Punjab Society Registration?

dateSep 13, 2021
timeReading Time: 4 Minutes

In the legal purview, Society refers to a pool of individuals the cohesively work to serve a common goal. As per th...

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Kerala Society Registration: All You Need to Know

dateSep 09, 2021
timeReading Time: 3 Minutes

This write-up pens down the procedure & legal requisites for Kerala Society Registration. In a legal purview, s...

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Music License

Know the Types of NGO Registration & their Benefits

dateAug 17, 2021
timeReading Time: 4 Minutes

NGO registration is a mandate for those who are intending to set up an NGO in India. NGO can exist in various forms...

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Can a Founder of an NGO Draw Salary from the Trust?

dateJul 10, 2021
timeReading Time: 4 Minutes

These days there are several NGOs thriving throughout the nation. In today’s pandemic hit world, the NGOs are pla...

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Section 8 Company

A Closer look at Benefits of Section 8 Company Registration

dateJul 01, 2021
timeReading Time: 4 Minutes

Section 8 companies are the establishments that aim to promote social welfare, charity, education, science, art, re...

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Key Factors to Consider Before Making Donation to NGOs

dateJun 30, 2021
timeReading Time: 3 Minutes

NGOs generally refer to a group of enthusiasts that work in synergy for the betterment of society without expecting...

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Section 8 Company

How to Approach for Section 8 Company Name Reservation?

dateJun 10, 2021
timeReading Time: 4 Minutes

Section 8 company operates under the Indian Companies Act, 2013. The same act has laid down the regulatory gui...

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NGOs Failing To Meet These Requirements Shall Be In Trouble

dateJun 02, 2021
timeReading Time: 4 Minutes

NGOs, trusts, & charitable organizations need constant funding to operate seamlessly. Numeral tax exemptions ar...

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Types of NGOs in India: A Brief Outlook

dateJun 01, 2021
timeReading Time: 4 Minutes

NGOs refer to those entities that take a stand to deliver support to underprivileged and needy ones. They are forme...

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Remember these crucial aspects for setting up an NGO in India

dateJun 01, 2021
timeReading Time: 4 Minutes

Unlike other companies, setting up an NGO in India is not that difficult task. The real challenges surfaced up when...

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Potential Advantages of running an NGO in India

dateMay 31, 2021
timeReading Time: 4 Minutes

An NGO (Non-Governmental Organization) or NPO (Non-Profit Organization) is a pool of enthusiastic individuals whose...

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Important Sources and Government Funding For NGOs: A Complete Outlook

dateMay 29, 2021
timeReading Time: 4 Minutes

A non-governmental organization NGO is a non-profit entity that functions autonomously of government. As the name s...

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