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Overview of Patent Registration

Patent Registration provides a statutory right to the inventor by the government for his/her invention which is either a new process or product. The Registered patent helps the inventor to prevent the third party without authorization of making or manufacturing, using, offering for sale, selling, importing, distributing, and licensing.

What is Patentable Subject Matter?

The below-mentioned list will help you in determining that the invention is patentable or not, which are as follows:-

  • Novelty
  • Inventiveness
  • Inventive Steps
  • Utility Application
  • Must not fall under Section 3 and Section 4.

In India, the Patents are administered by the Patent Act 1970 and Patent rules 1972. However, Inventions must not be published in India or outside India, in prior knowledge or already in use in Public within India, and claimed before in any specification in India.

What are the Benefits of Patent Registration?

Grants Right to Inventor

Registered Patent keeps the opponent away, as the inventor has all the rights owned by him/her.

Good Market Reputation

Patent rights enable the inventor to get a noticeable market status and improve his portfolio by uncovering the invention publicly. It then helps him in building up a good relationship with consumers and competitors that ultimately add to his revenue.

Enhances Business Interest

Patent registration enhances the business interests and enables the registered patent holder to receive a premium for the invention.

Public Disclosure

Patent rights allow public disclosure that helps the inventor in building up his portfolio along with increasing the funds, market value, and business partners. Sharing information that pertains to the invention publicly will demonstrate the inventors specialization and good command over the technical subject-matter. All these facts benefit the owner by attracting leading and high-end investors, shareholders, business partners, and consumers.

Provides Legal Status

Registered patents provide legal status to the inventor. Hence, it is reasonable to license them.

Fund Raising

If a patent holder ready to sell or license the patent that he/she possesses, it helps in simplifying the process of raising the funds.

Enhances Credibility

The credibility of the inventor will get enhance after the patent registration is done.

Privileges for Return on Investment

Sometimes, the owner finds that his invention is not bringing good outcomes for him and therefore, wants to hand it over to any other deserving or successful person. Once obtained, the patent rights allow him to earn a good amount of ROI, i.e., returns on his investments by commercializing the invention.

Advantageous in Longer Run

The selling of the invention will result in various advantages to the inventor. It only helps in getting a royalty of 5%, but it is highly advantageous to inventors who have the idea but don't have the appropriate money to bring the discovery to the market themselves.

Prohibits Usage of Registered Inventions

Registered Patents prohibits others from using patents creativity without the patentee's permission. Also, in case of violation, it helps in suing the 3rd party.

Exclusive Access from Early Filing

Patent registration begins bestowing the inventors with the benefits right from the first step, i.e., the time of filing for the patent. The applicant gets the security and surety that no other person or company could claim the ideas similar to his invention, as soon as he files the Provisional Patent Application.

Liberty to Make Changes

The patent law entitles the owner to use his ideas in any way for the permitted period. It means that the owner owns full freedom to utilize, sell, or even modify the original invention and to prevent others from making profits from the same ideas without his consent.

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What are the Essential Ingredients of Complete Specification Under Patent Registration?

  • Title and Preamble
  • Prior Art
  • Loopholes in the Prior Art
  • Solution to Drawbacks
  • Summary of the Invention
  • Statement of invention
  • Particulars of invention
  • Particulars regarding drawings
  • Examples
  • Claims

What Documents are Required for Patent Registration?

For Patent registration, the below-mentioned forms and Documents are required-

For FORM-1 (Application for Grant of Patent)

  • Identity Proof of the Inventor and Assignee.
  • Address Proof of the Inventor and Assignee.
  • Contact Details.
  • Information corresponding to prior patent applications relating to the current invention, which you or any authorized entity has filed.
  • Some declarations, among other information.

For Form-2 (Provisional/Complete Specification)

  • Form 2 is used to furnish your patent specification. It may be provisional or a complete patent specification depending on the type of patent application you are filing.

For FORM-3 (Statement and Undertaking under Section 8)

  • Particulars of Assignments
  • Details of Foreign filing.

Form 5: Declaration as to Inventorship

  • This application is used to declare the inventors of the current patent application

For Technical Information

  • Background of the Invention
  • Disclosure of need of invention
  • Summary of the Invention
  • Description of how the Invention works.

For Form-18

Request for Examination.

For Form-19

Request for Early Publication.

Form 26

Disclosure of Power of Authority (If assigned to the Patent Agent).

Request for Publication

This is optional (form 9) if the express publication is required.

Other Details

  • Disclosure of Claims and Abstracts
  • Requisite Statutory fees ( cheque / DD)
  • Proof of Right to file the form of patent:-The proof of right can either be an endorsement at the end of the application or a separate agreement attached with the patent application.
  • MSME or Start-up certificate
  • Provisional specifications, if complete specifications are not available.
  • Priority Document must be filed in the following cases:

    Convention Application (under Paris Convention).

    PCT National Phase Application wherein requirements of Rule 17.1 (a or b) of has not been fulfilled.

  • If the Application pertains to a biological material obtained from India, the applicant is required to submit the permission from the National Biodiversity Authority any time before the grant of the patent.
  • The Application form should also indicate clearly the source of geographical origin of any biological material used in the specification.
  • All patent applications must bear the signature of the applicant or authorized person or Patent Attorney along with name and date.

What is the Procedure for Patent Registration?

The process of Patent registration involves various steps, which are as follows in brief:-

  • Application for grant of registration
  • Provisional/Complete Specification
  • Statement and Undertaking under Section 8
  • Declaration as to Inventorship
  • Request for publication
  • Request for Examination of Application for Patent
  • Authorization of a Patent Agent

Engaging a Professional

Before you proceed with the filing of patent application you need to decide if you will be taking any help of patent professional or undertaking the patent process itself. Considering the no. of deadlines it is recommended that you hire a professional who has experience in the world of patent.

If you decide to take the help of professional make sure that you sign a NDA (Non Disclosure Agreement) with the patent professional before revealing about your invention.

Patentability Search

The very first step for Patent registration is the patentability search. Patentable search determines the novelty, inventiveness, industrial application & enabling of the invention.

After Patentable Search, an applicant needs to create a user id and password for applying online.

Drafting the Patent Application

After a patentable search, if the invention is patentable, an applicant has to draft an application that includes the description of the invention. Once a patent application is drafted, the very first step is to file the patent application.

Patent Filing Application

The next step is filing the patent application. An application must contain specifications of the invention and other required and related details of the invention. An applicant can file both provisional and complete application for their invention to get a Patent registration.

Publication of Application

Once the application is filed it goes to the Indian patent office. Simultaneously, the Indian patent office publishes the patent application in the official patent journal. Along with the same, the patent application comes in the public domain after the patent office publishes it.

Every application is published in the official journal after 18th month period from the date of filling of application or the date of priority of application whichever is earlier. There is a provision for early publication of an Indian Patent application by filling a formal request. The early publication rule does not apply if:

  • Secrecy directions are imposed under Section 35 of The Act.
  • Application has been abandoned under Section 9(1) of The Act.
  • The applicant has withdrawn his application three months prior to the expiry of said prescribed period of 18 months

Examination of the Application

After publication, the next is the examination of the patent application. Unlike the publication of the application, the examination does not happen automatically by way of filing the Indian patent application.

For examination, the applicant has to request for examining their patent application. It helps in determining whether the invention meets the statutory requirements for patentability or not. The examiner examines the application considering the prior art information of the invention.

Objection by the Examiner

The examiner can raise the objections while examining the application. The examiner scrutinizes the application following the patent act. Based on the information mentioned application, the examiner will issue an examination report to the applicant. The examiner will state all the objections related to the application.

Office Action Response

Once the examiner issues the Examination Report, the applicant has to successfully revert on the objections raised by the examiner to receive a patent grant. The applicant has to respond to examination reports, appearing for hearing, etc.

Note- The maximum duration given to respond is 6 months from the issuing date of the First examination report. However, this duration can be extended for a period of another 3 months by filing a request to the IPO.

Grant of Patent Registration

Once the application overcomes all the objections raised by the examiner, the patent office will grant a Patent to the applicant. Once the patent is granted, the IPO publishes it in the patent gazette.

What are the Penalties for Unauthorized Claims to Patent Rights?

Section 120 of the Patent Act penalizes the cases of unauthorized claims to patent rights. Thus, any individual or entity:-

  • Who falsely represents any article sold by him to be patented in India or,
  • Falsely represents the subject of an application for a patent in India is punished with a fine which may extend to 1 lakh rupees.

What is Complete Patent Application?

Complete patent application is an exclusive legal right given to an inventor. It gives him/her legal authority to exclude others from making, using, selling, and offering for selling or importing a particular invention.

This right remains valid for 20 years, from the date of filing. The holder of the patent is entitled to sue any person who violates the patent and chooses who to sell, grant or license the patent.

What is not Patentable in India?

The invention is not patentable if anything-

  • Is a mere discovery, and does not have any inventive step.
  • Frivolous, obvious, contrary to law, injurious to public health and inventions relating to atomic energy.
  • A mere arrangement or rearrangement or duplication of known devices, and anything that does not have any utility.
  • A method of agriculture or horticulture.
  • Anything comes under Section 3 and Section 4 of Patent Act 1970

Prescribed Fees for Patent Registration Under Different Heads




Small Entity

Other Than Small Entity

For Filing Patent Application




For each sheet of Specification in addition to 30 pages




For each claim in addition to 10 claim




Physical Filing



Small Entity

Other Than Small Entity

For Filing Patent Application




For each sheet of Specification in addition to 30 pages




For each claim in addition to 10 claim




New Indian Patent Rules Offer Benefits to Startups and Small Entities

India's latest chains of amendments to its Patent Rules are expected to hugely benefit startups & small entities requesting patent protection for their inventions. With these amendments, overall filing and registration fees for startups & small entities have been considerably reduced. While the fees applicable for small entities have been concentrated outright, startups can retain their startup position for up to ten years, thus permitting them the benefit of favorable fees, etc. for an absolute extended period from what was earlier available.

Earlier this year, the famous Scheme for Facilitating Startups Intellectual Property Protection (SIPP) that was firstly launched as a pilot project to help startups in increasing and protecting their intellectual property has been extended for a additional period of 3 years from April 01, 2020 to March 31, 2023.

Amendments on 19 October 2020

The Patents (Amendment) Rules, 2020 simplified the procedure concerning to the submission of priority applications and their translations, as well as the filing of working statements (Form 27). These amendments will trim down both compliance and prosecution expenses for applicants.

Amendments on 04 November 2020

The Patents (Second Amendment) Rules, 2020 has also further reduce the filing & prosecution costs for applicants that are startups as well as small entities. These amendments shall cumulatively make IP protection affordable as well as available to various classes of business, and will likely also improve patent filings.

Fees for Small Entities

The Patent Rules, 2003 beforehand allowed a 50% decline in the fees payable by a small entity, measured up to that payable by other entities. However, now, the fee payable by a small entity is reduced to 20% of that payable by other entities. This enables the fee payable by a small entity at par with that payable by a natural person & a startup.

Change in the Status of Startups

The Patent Rules, 2003 beforehand provided that an entity would no longer be able to claim the position of a startup after a period of '5 years' from the date of its incorporation/registration. The amendments substitute this period of 5 years by a period during which it is acknowledged and recognized by the competent authority.

At present, an entity ceases to be known as a startup by the DPIIT (Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade) on the completion of 10 years from the date of its incorporation/registration or if its turnover for any previous year exceeds 100 crore rupees

CorpBiz Procedure for Patent Registration

Kindly utilize the steps given above to integrate legally and securely a Patent Registration and get the benefits in the form of better-quality & long lasting inventions. Our CorpBiz experts will be at your disposal for assisting you with guidance concerning Patent Registration and its compliance for the smooth functioning of your inventions. CorpBiz professionals will assist you in planning seamlessly at the least cost, confirming the successful conclusion of the process.

It is advisable that an attorney with IPR experience must be appointed to overwhelm many of the potential pitfalls that creep around within Patent Registration and to understand the requirement in detail. The elementary information would be mandatory from your end to start the process. The Attorney will begin working on your request once all the information is provided, and the payment is received.

Why CorpBiz?

CorpBiz is one of the platforms which coordinate to fulfil all your legal and financial requirements and connect you to consistent professionals. Yes, our clients are pleased with our legal service! Because of our focus on simplifying legal requirements, they have consistently regarded us highly and providing regular updates.

Our clients can also track at all times the progress on our platform. If you have any questions about the Patent Registration process, our experienced representatives are just a phone call away. CorpBiz will ensure that your communication with professionals is charming and seamless.

  • Purchase a Plan for Expert Assistance
  • Add Queries Regarding Patent Registration
  • Provide Documents to Corpbiz Expert
  • Prepare Application for Patent Registration+ Complete all Admissibility Criteria for Preliminary Screening
  • Complete Procedural Actions
  • Get your Patent Registration at your Door Step

Frequently Asked Questions

A Patent Registration application is not examined automatically after its filing.

The patentee has the option to pay the renewal fees every year, or he can pay in a mass sum as well.

Yes, there is an 'International Depository Authority' in India established at Chandigarh, which is recognized as the Institute of Microbial Technology (IMTECH).

Forms 18A, 29 and 30 have newly demonstrated because of the Patents Act, 1970 Amendment 2016. Form 18A has moreover been amended in Patents (Amendment) Rules, 2019.

The Patent office Journal includes information relating to patent applications which are issued u/s 11A, post grant publication, restoration of patent, notifications, list of non- working patents including public notices published by the Patent Office.

Yes, India has four patent departments located at Kolkata, New Delhi, Mumbai and Chennai. Every office has a separate provincial jurisdiction.

Yes, the applicant can demand the early publication in Form 9 along with the prescribed fee. After getting such request, the Patent Office publishes such application within one month implemented the invention contained thereon does not linked to Atomic energy or Defense scheme.

If the candidate does not file a reply within six months or does not take an extension of 3 months, the request is deemed to have abandoned.

No, there is no fee for filing description for pre-grant opposition? Anybody can file this.

The grounds for filing pre-grant opposition are included in section 25(1) of the Patents Act 1970.

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