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Overview of Refurbisher Authorization and Refurbisher License

An e-waste certificate is required to extend a product's life span for its intended purpose, distribute it consistently throughout the market, or return it to the owner. Experience quick updates, simple processing, and foremost importantly, no hidden cost applied. A detailed guide on how to commence your refurbisher business and Enroll for the refurbisher license now.

What do you mean by E-Waste?

E-Waste is known as Electronic Waste, which includes unwanted, non-working electronic products nearing or at the end of their useful life.Computers, televisions, stereos, photocopiers, and printers are commonplace electronic devices. According to the E-Waste (Management) Rules of 2016, E-Waste refers to electrical and electronic equipment whose life has come to an end or same has been partially discarded as waste by a consumer or a group of consumers, as well as rejects from the manufacturing, refurbishment, and repair industries. To commence your refurbisher business scroll down to know more about it.

Who is Refurbisher?

As per the E-waste Management rules, 2016, Refurbishment means a process that improves the quality of used electrical and electronic equipments, same listed under schedule I for extension of its lifespan for its genuineness and originality. A refurbisher is a person who carries out the business of complete Refurbishment of used electronic goods.

Structure of E-waste Production

To commence your refurbisher business you should know the structure of Electronic waste which is hazardous for human health, and it has been an issue of concern for environmental degradation in India. Considering the current scenario, India ranked fifth largest E-waste producer in the world. Experts said that approximately more than 1 million tons of electronic waste produced annually in India. Also, a massive number of electronic products are imported from countries, and when the quality and life of these products ceases, they are considered to be the E-waste materials. There are various types of electronic items that contribute to E-waste every year.

Following are the categories of E-waste:

  • Computer devices contribute around 70% of E-waste annually
  • The telecom sector accounts for 12 % of E-waste annually
  • Medical devices and used equipment contributed 8% of E-waste annually
  • Both the government and private sectors contributed 75% of electronic E-waste annually
  • Household sector individually accounts for 16% of E-waste

Significance of E-waste Refurbishment

It is well said that Refurbishment is more advantageous than recycling Products; the benefit of refurbishment is not limited to reducing the E-waste, but it also improves the work-life of the products. The significant distinction between the recycling of products and the refurbishing of products is that the former are extracted and reused. On the other hand, the latter effects are reused in new products. Therefore, refurbishing is a much better option than recycling because it does not harm the atmosphere by producing waste. Another benefit of refurbishing E-waste is that the older material replaces the new materials. Usually, the customers those are habitual with the technology does not notice any difference between the refurbished and quality of unique products. People who recycle products usually buy natural materials, and on the other hand, creators use second-generation materials to manufacture new products.

Criteria required to be Refurbisher

Given below the following requirements should be matched:

  • The first and foremost important criterion required is the particular place, required spacious place where all the E-waste can be kept from other equipment.
  • The second criteria should be matched that a closed space similar to a factory and the size should be small.
  • The required equipment those are used for the repair of the refurbished materials.
  • A network with the suppliers is needed to supply a decent amount of refurbished materials to you.

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Documents required for Refurbisher License

The below are the Documents required to be submitted along with Form-1:

  • PAN Details
  • Incorporation certificate
  • TIN Details
  • Photo ID Proof Of Business Owner
  • Business Owner Address Proof
  • Proof of Possession of Premises: Sale deed | Rent agreement | Electricity Bill, etc.
  • Company Documents: MOA | Company Incorporation Documents | Partnership Deed
  • Layout Map of Business Premises

Requirement of Land

To commence your refurbisher business the requirement of land is very much important so its depends upon you; if you are willing to commence the small-scale refurbish business, then it requires a small space; on the other hand, if you want to set up the large-scale refurbish business, then a large land is necessary for the refurbishment process.

Requirement of Technicians and labours

To run the refurbishing business, you must need a technical person to analyze the technology-related advanced machines. You should hire a technician who understands and knows how to work in machines regarding the refurbishment process.

Responsibilities of a Refurbisher

Given below are the responsibilities of the refurbisher:

  • The refurbisher should collect the E-waste generated materials throughout the process of Refurbishment and should send the waste to the authorized dismantler or recycler.
  • Refurbishers should ensure to the state that his refurbishment business causes no environmental degradation due to storage and transportation of E-waste.
  • Refurbisher is responsible for the business he is carrying that it should not cause any harmful effect to the heath of the public at large and environment.
  • Keep the records of the E-waste handled, and the concerned authority should scrutinize the records above.

How can we assist you

  • Provide advice on procedure for obtaining refurbisher license and business setup
  • Provide Full assistance in paper works
  • End-End support
  • Regular follow-ups
  • Information, search, and filing of application for refurbisher license

Frequently Asked Questions

Refurbishment means the act of reusing a product decorating, renovating, restoring , cleaning and the significant use of refurbishing a product is older material replaces the new materials.

E-waste referred to as the Electronic waste, E-waste includes old computers, televisions, stereos, copier, fax machines, discarded phones and everyday electronic products.

License is required for refurbisher business in India to avoid the Legal liabilities as well as renewal of the same is mandatory.

An applicant must have a place that depends upon the size of the business, equipment and machines required for refurbishment of products and network with suppliers.

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