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Who Needs LEED Zero Water Certification?

LEED Zero Water Certification is provided for buildings and, therefore, is meant for those companies or businesses involved in the building and construction sector in order to evaluate the use of water, which has become an increasingly scarce resource on our planet. It has become a ubiquitous rating system in the construction industry to evaluate the efficiencies of the buildings so constructed, explicitly with regard to water usage, energy efficiency and carbon emissions.

LEED Zero Water Certificate is granted to those businesses involved in the construction sector that build exemplary projects in order to promote a regenerative future. There are various categories of LEED Zero Certificates that are granted by the concerned authorities, which can be secured to make your buildings compliant with the current compliance requirements, and LEED Zero Water Certification is one such compliance.

Therefore, in order to procure a LEED Certification to confirm that your buildings are compliant with all the LEED regulations, get in touch with Corpbiz today. We assist enterprises in complying with all kinds of guidelines and regulations and further help in discharging all the necessary obligations by providing them with hands-on business solutions and valuable insights.

Need of LEED Zero Certification

As we are well aware that the construction industry is witnessing a major shift towards sustainability; therefore, the businesses involved are expected to reduce their dependency on non-renewable resources and are further required to improve their carbon footprint by taking measures to design their buildings in a way that they can become LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) Certified, which is a certification that improves the reliability of buildings and is bestowed by the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC). Being LEED Certified demonstrates your commitment towards sustainable development goals by meeting the highest sustainable performance standards.

Obtaining a LEED Zero Water Certification further helps you in maximizing the operational efficiency of your business operations while minimizing environmental impacts. It helps incentivize property managers and portfolio owners who want to lessen their operating costs while growing the occupant's productivity. Therefore, LEED basically provides guidelines for sustainable building operations and sporadic upgrades of building systems and processes.

Benefits of LEED Certification for Businesses

The increasing attention to sustainability is pushing the construction sector towards swift changes where policies, laws, rules and regulations around the world are challenging the need to adopt sustainable innovations to encourage more sustainable buildings; therefore, the business involved in the construction of buildings must contemplate investing in a LEED Zero Water Certificate in order to enjoy various benefits, some of which are

Environmental Benefits

LEED Zero certificate emphasizes and recognizes those buildings that ensure a balance or a net-zero usage in fundamental aspects like carbon emissions, water and energy usage, waste generation and treatment, etc. The LEED system awards points for limiting or reducing carbon emissions, renewable energy use, and waste generation mitigation. Overall, this LEED Zero program helps enhance environmentally sustainable goals and ensures that businesses involved in the construction industry take measures to preserve the environment and take some responsibility for reducing the pollution caused by construction activities.

Tax Benefits

Apart from ensuring a sustainable environment and society, securing LEED Zero Certification helps businesses and companies who choose to build a green building as per the criteria specific by the concerned organizations in availing some tax benefits in certain jurisdictions, as the government aims to encourage those doing business in the construction sector to invest in sustainable strategies and solutions to mitigate the environmental pollution and help the government in achieving sustainable development goals (SDGs).

Discharge ESG Obligations

Another benefit of securing this certification is that LEED also ensures the concerned businesses can discharge their ESG obligations as it guarantees a green construction framework by managing project performance, which helps them in their industry-specific regulatory compliance and further helps them attract investors and stakeholders who hold ESG parameters in high regard while evaluating investment decisions and possible performance of a portfolio. This is further essential for abetting in environmental remediation and attracting building occupants or customers.

Augmented Resale Value

The government has enforced rules and regulations to ensure greener building constructions, and with the increase in the demand for sustainable strategies and measures across the sectors, the demand can be seen settling more towards the LEED Zero building projects, which will cause their resale value to increase. In the times to come, the concerned stakeholders will be more interested in investing in those projects that have been duly certified by LEED.

But What is LEED?

LEED is Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design, which is a standard that has been developed by the United States Green Building Council, commonly referred to as USGBC, to certify sustainable buildings. At the same time, it promotes the global adoption of sustainable green building and construction development practices through the implementation of the universally accepted rating system and performance criteria.

Starting from 1998, LEED has grown full-fledged to encompass around 14,000 projects in the United States and many other countries across the world, covering roughly 1.06 billion square feet of area. LEED is so widely recognized and accepted internationally for its transparent certification process; therefore, it has emerged as a global initiative with highly respected programs in the construction sector. According to the United States Green Building Council, the LEED system initially supported certification for only new constructions. However, the existing buildings and commercial certifications were also added in 2004.

Furthermore, LEED has been raising awareness around environmental issues by offering compelling justifications to user clients and to the general public at large in order to make them want to incorporate and take care of environmental goals. Therefore, these criteria have been incorporated to encourage the benefits of reusing old buildings and as it is an influential tool because it offers customized paths for a variety of project types and makes sure that large, luxurious projects that are unavoidably going to be built become more environmentally sensitive.

Various Categories of LEED Zero Certification

LEED Zero Certification was earlier mandatory only in the United States, but now it is being widely accepted and recognized by countries across the world for the open and transparent rating system it embodies for construction projects aimed at achieving net zero goals. The four complementary levels of certification involved in LEED are

LEED Zero Carbon Certification

LEED Zero Carbon recognizes buildings that have achieved net zero carbon emissions over the last 12 months. It encourages new construction projects to achieve net zero emissions by taking steps like promoting energy efficiency, using onsite and/or offsite renewables, embodying carbon reduction, etc. The LEED Zero Carbon program currently pays attention only to energy consumption as well as occupant transport emissions. Therefore, the first step to secure a LEED Zero Carbon certificate is to implement strategies for reducing and eliminating greenhouse gas emissions, followed by using renewable energy resources to reduce the carbon footprint.

How is it Calculated?

The LEED Zero Carbon is calculated by looking into the difference between the total carbon emissions and total carbon avoided. The former refers to the total emissions related to building energy consumption and occupant transportation.

Carbon Balance = Total Carbon Caused - Total Carbon Avoided

LEED Zero Energy Certification

LEED Zero Energy recognizes those buildings that have been successful in accomplishing an energy use balance of zero for the last year. This concept is gaining importance across the world as it encourages projects to reduce their overall energy consumption and rather rely on renewable energy resources instead of non-renewable energy.

How is it Calculated?

The energy consumed on site of the project is considered site energy, for instance, total building energy consumption used for heating, electricity, etc. Whereas source energy refers to the energy supplied from the source and is considered the standard metric unit to quantify the various energy sources within a building calculating energy consumed allows the projects to compare building efficiencies.

Source Energy Balance =Total Energy Consumed - Total Energy Generated On-Site or Procured Off site

LEED Zero Water Certification

LEED Zero Water certification recognizes those buildings that have achieved zero potable water use balance for the last 12 months. Therefore, the emphasis here is on the balance between the total potable water used and the total recycled water consumed, and then the water is returned to its original source.

How is it Calculated?

The phrase' water returned to its original source' means water collected from the building systems itself, such as green infrastructure, onsite treated wastewater, etc. It penetrated the ground, which is equivalent to natural hydrological methods. The substitute water resources include offsite water sources like cultivated water and pipe water, which is delivered from the municipality, and onsite water sources like capturing rainwater runoff, etc.

Water Balance = Total Potable Water Consumed - (Total Alternative Water Used + Water Returned to Original Source)

LEED Zero Waste Certification

LEED Zero Waste certification recognizes 'Total Resource Use and Efficiency', i.e. TRUE, which is the most prevalent zero waste certification currently existing in the market. This certification is also administered by GBCI, where total resource use and efficiency ongoing data tracking and recording necessities align well with the LEED Zero data tracking mechanism. The minimum requirement to achieve a TRUE certification is to realize an average of 90% or higher non-hazardous solid waste, which must be diverted from landfills over a period of 12 months.

How is it Calculated?

A zero waste economy emphasizes eradicating waste right from the source itself. These guidelines include a zero-waste order where strategies for the best use of the waste generated are promoted. This includes finding opportunities for source reduction and later moving on to reducing and recycling practices. The benefits of undertaking all these measures are that a net-zero waste building will eventually help with the long-term cost, improve material flow, create faster progress, and incorporate sustainability solutions under any project type.

A Guide to LEED Zero Water Certification

Growing awareness about the relationship between environmental quality, materials, thermal comfort, the natural environment and health and productivity has catalyzed substantial support for sustainable and healthier buildings and spaces. To promote these parameters, LEED certifies building projects all over the world on the basis of their carbon emissions, water usage, energy consumed and waste generated. While historically applied to energy use, the net-zero framework is also relevant to water management. Therefore, one such certification is LEED Zero Water Certification, which is awarded to building projects that have achieved a potable water use balance of zero over the last year.

Net zero water projects require the utilization of alternative water sources to offset potable water consumption. Potable water use decreases as water reuse and recycling connections increase. This category of certification encourages building owners to take a methodical approach to recognize potential water sources, how water is used in that building, and how it normally flows around the project site to reduce water usage and wastewater discharges. The credits are earned by reducing or eliminating the use of potable water for landscape irrigation, reducing wastewater, and reducing overall water consumption. The goal is to

  • Minimize the use of potable water while conserving water quality and availability.
  • Minimize offsite treatment of wastewater.
  • Minimize stormwater release from the site.
  • Maximize the use of onsite water resources (e.g rainwater).
  • Match water quality with end-use requirements.
  • Maximize aquifer recharge.

Our Services for LEED Zero Water Certification

Achieving net zero is not only a matter of design; it requires careful attention to operations and maintenance, as well as to occupancy patterns. While net zero buildings are possible with today's technologies, there are various challenges associated with achieving net zero in large buildings. However, the entire process of getting LEED Zero Water Certification can be made easier with the help of our LEED Consultants, who can help you secure this certificate by ensuring compliance with these arduous requirements. Our Services for LEED Zero Water Certification entail the following

Support For LEED Registration

The first step in procuring a LEED zero water certification is applying for LEED Registration. The applicant must register their projects with USGBC. However, the process of LEED registration means ensuring the furnishing of detailed information relating to your projects and the fulfilment of innumerable requirements. Our team of LEED Consultants can help you take care of the entire registration process with USGBC, so you don't have to worry about a single thing.

Assistance with Documentation

LEED Certification requires the filing of numerous Documents and reports to show your commitment towards net-zero goals. Our team of LEED Consultants and experts will assist you with the paper works for LEED Zero Water Certification and in compiling all the required reports in order to show compliance with the LEED rules and regulations. Our team will further help you ensure that all the Documentwork and the application form are precisely in order to enhance your chances of acceptance.

Assistance with Reporting and Data Compilation

One of the critical requirements for procuring a LEED Zero Water Certification is that businesses are required to take a methodical approach to recognize potential water sources, how water is used in that building and how it normally flows around the project site to reduce water usage and wastewater discharges. The credits are earned by reducing or eliminating the use of potable water for landscape irrigation, reducing wastewater, and reducing overall water consumption. To ensure compliance, applicants are required to compile and furnish data from the past year, which is analyzed to determine whether the concerned project satisfies the net-zero criteria or not. Our team of LEED Consultants can assist you in compiling this data over the relevant period of time to ensure compliance with the specified criteria.

Expert LEED Consultation

With the introduction and recognition of the LEED rating system, a new policy framework is required to be established if the building industry is to embrace net zero. To accelerate adoption, the research suggests that companies need a comprehensive roadmap that addresses all of the issues. They further need to comply with a myriad of international and national rules and regulations, which necessitate the assistance of experts who have relevant industry experience in this field, as the standards and criteria specified are often too multifaceted and complicated for a layperson to understand. Therefore, it is advisable to hire a team of LEED Consultants who can help you navigate through these regulations, as even an unintentional failure or mistake can lead to the rejection of your application.

Procedure to Get LEED Zero Water Certification

LEED Zero Water Certification is obtained after submitting an application detailing compliance with the requirements of the LEED rating system as well as paying registration and/or certification fees. In order to secure this certification at the platinum level, the project must satisfy all prerequisites with an aim to earn a minimum number of credits outlined in the LEED Rating System. The certification review process includes the following

  • Application Submittal
  • Administrative Review
  • Technical Review
  • Award
  • Schedule

Thankfully, LEED is a user friendly system, and a major factor that helps secure this certification is the simplicity of its credit-based rating system. These credits can be achieved by discharging the specified requirements.

LEED for existing buildings or new buildings or constructions that involve major renovations, particularly for commercial buildings, there are approximate 69 points, and buildings can obtain certifications at 4 levels of certification

LEED Rating System

The LEED Rating System awards these points as follows

LEED Categories



Sustainable Sites



Water Efficiency



Energy and Atmosphere



Resources and Materials



Indoor Environmental Quality



Innovation and Design Process






Step by Step Process to Obtain LEED Zero Water Certificate

Here's a step-by-step process to obtain a LEED Zero Water Certificate for your building

Meet the Relevant Criteria

In order to determine if your building project is eligible for the LEED Zero Water certificate, first ensure that you meet all the necessary criteria, along with the additional requirements.

Furnish Relevant Data

Next, you are required to gather data on potable water consumption over the period of the last 12 months, as you will need to provide this data for both indoor and outdoor water use. This information can be gathered from your utility bills.

Determine Total Offsite Water Sources

After this, you are required to determine the total offsite water sources for the last 12 months, and if your building or project is receiving reclaimed water from a nearby municipality or is using renovated wastewater, you will need to furnish the details on the amount of such water used.

Details on Onsite Water Sources

You are also required to gather details of any captured rainwater, runoff, stream recovery water, or any other water sources available on site. You will need to provide details on the volume of water collected and how it is used.

Details on Water Collected from Building Systems

This requires furnishing details regarding any onsite treated wastewater that is collected and reused on the project site. The details must include the volume of water collected and how it is being treated and reused.

Submit Documentation for Certification

Once you have gathered all the required information and all the Document works, you can go ahead and submit these to the US Green Building Council for review, and if approved, the Council will bestow the certification upon your project.

Maintain LEED Compliance

If you plan to retain your LEED Zero Water certification, you will need to continue maintaining LEED Compliance by monitoring and reporting on your water usage, along with implementing any necessary water conservation measures.

Get LEED Zero Water Certification with Corpbiz!

Corpbiz has a renowned presence in the field of regulatory compliance and licensing. We have been offering services ranging from securing permits and licenses to procuring certifications and registrations and much more, with a key emphasis on serving our clients and assisting them in achieving unparalleled growth. Our team of expert LEED Consultants work diligently to provide our esteemed clients with the world-class services possible. In addition to this, we always guarantee that every client's concern gets resolved promptly, and to ensure that, we have an excellent automation system in place, so you can easily contact us by just making a click.

So, if you are concerned about your LEED Compliance requirements, then you have landed on the right page because we offer a wide range of services at throw-away prices. Corpbiz is a well-known technology-driven platform, and our team is well-equipped and driven to answer all your questions and can help you navigate through all LEED compliance requirements. We discuss your needs at length and then recommend premium solutions and strategies tailored to your specific needs and goals. This is why we have been successful in establishing our prominent presence as trustworthy LEED Consultants in India.

So, if you wish to deliberate more about LEED Zero Water Certification in India, please don't hesitate to reach out to us.

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Brace yourself to attain excellence in your business operations. Connect with us at 9121230280 to discuss how Corpbiz can help you achieve your quest for success.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

LEED is the abbreviation of Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design.

LEED Zero Carbon recognizes buildings that have achieved net zero carbon emissions over the last 12 months. It encourages new construction projects to achieve net zero emissions by taking steps like promoting energy efficiency, using onsite and/or offsite renewables, embodying carbon reduction, etc.

LEED Zero Water Certification is awarded to building projects that are able to achieve a potable water use balance of zero over the last year. Net-zero water projects require the utilization of alternative water sources to offset potable water consumption. Potable water use decreases as water reuse and recycling connections increase. This category of certification encourages building owners to take a methodical approach to recognizing potential water sources, how water is used in that building and how it normally flows around the project site to reduce water usage and wastewater discharges.

The prerequisites of LEED Credits include Intent, Requirements, Documentation, Referenced Standards, Building Design and Construction Phase Submission. All these prerequisites must be earned in order to earn any LEED credits. Even if you manage to score the required number of credits, missing even one essential requirement will mean that your project will not qualify for any certification level. However, no additional points are awarded for prerequisites.

The LEED zero water Certification is granted by the Green Building Council, which is responsible for issuing the LEED rating system used on the project.

You should register for LEED Certification during the early phases of project design, which will ensure maximum potential for achieving the certification. The process of registration will further provide access to crucial information, software tools, and, more importantly, a database of existing credit interpretation requests and rulings.

The goals of the water efficiency LEED category are to minimize the use of potable water while conserving water quality and availability, minimize offsite treatment of wastewater, minimize stormwater release from the site, maximize the use of onsite water resources, match water quality with end-use requirements and maximize aquifer recharge.

India ranks first in LEED Zero certification, which is awarded for green building projects.

LEED is recognized all across the world as a green building certification system, whereas IGBC is the equivalent of LEED in the Indian context.

Indian Green Building Council, i.e. IGBC, certifies the green buildings in India.

The 4 levels of LEED zero Certification are Green, Silver, Gold and Platinum. Each of these levels is worth a certain amount of points that are awarded for fulfilling specified criteria.

GBCI is the Green Business Certification, an international body which was founded under the ambit of the U.S. Green Building Council in the year 2008 to provide for an autonomous and independent oversight of credentialing as well as project certification under the LEED, which is a global green building rating system.

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