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Why IMEI Certificate for Import of Mobile Handsets

IMEI Certification for Mobile Handset Imports in India with Coprbiz: Unleash New Opportunities

Corpbiz, being a dynamic and prosperous cloud-based legal and compliance platform, has made a name for itself in the consulting sector, especially in Asia. We offer services to a diverse and global clientele, extending our impact across the United States, Singapore, India, and 15 other nations.

Our team of experienced professionals has unmatched proficiency in negotiating intricate legal and regulatory processes. Corpbiz aims to simplify India's complex legal and regulatory environment, specifically concerning IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity) registration related to Import of Mobile Handsets in India. In the telecom sector, IMEI registration is essential, and we're dedicated to making it easier for our clients to do so while maintaining efficiency and compliance.

Get the Seamless IMEI Certification and power your Mobile Imports with Corpbiz. From January 1, 2023, the government require that all mobile phones have their IMEI numbers registered on its anti-counterfeit and lost handset blocking webpage before they can be sold in India. In accordance with a Department of Telecom (DoT) notification dated September 26, all Import of Mobile Handsets in India or domestic must be registered and obtain IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity Number) certificates from the DoT's Indian Counterfeit Device Restriction portal.

Note:IMEI number is not only required for the smartphones/mobile handsets but also it is required for every device having a SIM slot, such as Cellular-enabled smart watches, Mobile Wi-Fi Hotspots, Tablets, USB Modems and Dongles, Certain laptops and computers with built-in cellular connectivity capabilities, GPS Trackers

Importance of IMEI Certificate for Mobile Handset Import

The IMEI numbers of all phones sold in India have to be active. It is prohibited to import of Mobile Handsets in India or sell them without an IMEI number. DOT, GOI, and the Department of Customs, also known as DGFT/Commissioner Customs, are the entities that issue the policy in this regard.

However, the main benefit of IMEI numbers is that they may be used to locate, and safeguard stolen or lost phones. If a phone is stolen, for example, and you know its IMEI number, you could report the loss to your cell provider, provide them with the IMEI, and they would ban the phone. This implies that even with a fresh SIM card installed, the device itself becomes banned, making it impossible for the criminal to use. Furthermore, the firm will always check the IMEI to determine whether the phone has been reported stolen if the criminal brings the phone to a mobile recycler to swap it for cash.

The location of the phone's most recent network connection can also be ascertained by the authorities using the IMEI if required. But often, this is only done in an attempt to locate the missing and decipher calls made from their phones in order to follow their whereabouts. Therefore, the Import of mobile handsetscan be done only after getting an IMEI certificate. Corpbiz can be your best partner who can help you with this process.

Benefits Of IMEI Certificate For Import Of Mobile Handsets

The telecoms and mobile device industries rely heavily on IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity) certificate services. Every mobile device, including tablets and smartphones, is given an IMEI, or unique identifying number for import of Mobile Handsets in India to help them stand out from other devices. These unique IDs are managed and verified by IMEI certificate services. The following are some of the main purposes and roles of IMEI certificate services:

  • Device Identification: Each mobile device is uniquely identified by its IMEI certificate. This identity is necessary for a number of things, such as tracking down lost or stolen devices and verifying the legitimacy of devices connected to a network.
  • Security: In order to maintain security, IMEI certifications are necessary. By prohibiting stolen devices from connecting to mobile networks, they aid in preventing their usage. The IMEI number of a device may be banned when it is reported stolen, which may prevent it from working to make calls or utilize data services.
  • Device Authentication: When authenticating mobile devices on a network, IMEI certificates are helpful. This improves network security by preventing unauthorized or fake devices from connecting to the system.
  • Regulatory Compliance: To guarantee the lawful and appropriate usage of mobile devices, some nations have regulations pertaining to IMEI certificates. Network operators and makers of mobile devices can adhere to these rules with the use of IMEI certificates.
  • Device Tracking: In the event of theft or an emergency, IMEI numbers can be used to locate a device. Devices that have been lost or stolen can be found and recovered using IMEI information by law enforcement and service providers.

Our IMEI Certificate Services

At Corpbiz, we believe in providing you with the benefit of in-house experts who have a thorough understanding of IMEI Registration rules and regulations. With our assistance, you may effortlessly negotiate the hurdles of IMEI Registration in India. We offer clients the following step-by-step services:

Application Filing

Application filing is the foremost step in getting an IMEI registration. We prepare the registration application and submit it to the concerned authorities for IMEI Certificate for Import of Mobile Handsets in India in a hassle-free manner. So, you can start your business as soon as the registration is done without any further delays. Moreover, you do not have to travel anywhere, you can just sit back at your home, provide us with the required information and leave the rest to us.

Documentation Preparation

After filing the application, we are also required to submit certain required Documents to the concerned authority. You are only required to provide us with the relevant Documents, and we will submit them to the authorities. They will then examine and verify your application and after becoming satisfied with the information provided, your IMEI registration for import of mobile handsets in India will be completed.

Regulatory Compliance Assurance

Not only the filing of the application, but we also assure clients to fulfil all the regulatory compliances that will take place as a part of IMEI registration.

Certificate Processing

It is very important for the import of mobile handsets in India to get an IMEI certification. For that, a complete procedure must be followed. It starts with the submission of Documents, specifics of the business, import and export details, etc. After the submission of all the required Documents, the certificate processing will begin. Our experts will make sure to submit all the Documents on time to get started with the certificate processing.

Compliance with Import Regulations

In the process of IMEI registration for the import of mobile handsets, we are required to follow numerous compliances that are related to import regulations.

Our experts at Corpbiz are experienced in guiding you through the process of import regulation as well. We will make sure to complete all the required compliances so that nothing is left untouched, and you are smoothing move ahead with your business.

Regulatory Compliance Advisory

We cannot expect every normal working individual to have knowledge of all the regulatory compliances, this is where Corpbiz steps in.

We have a large team of experts specialized in different areas. Our experts who specialise in the niche of IMEI registration for the import of mobile handsets will be assigned to you and he or she will provide you with thorough advice on all the regulatory compliances that will take place in order to get the IMEI registration and license along with every simple detail of the compliances required to be performed and why is it required.

Updates on Regulatory Changes

The government issues new notifications time and again and it is provided to keep up with the upcoming notifications and changes. You do not have to worry about it as the experts at Corpbiz keep themselves updated with new information or regulatory changes and they will guide you accordingly for Import of Mobile Handsets in India.

Our Approach For Import Of Mobile Handsets

Our Approach for Import of Mobile Handsets in India is Mentioned as Follows:

  • Customized Solutions for IMEI Certificate Needs: Corpbiz is aware of the special IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity) certificate needs associated with imports of mobile phones. To guarantee adherence to IMEI standards, we provide customized solutions. We assist clients in quickly and easily obtaining the required certifications.
  • Collaborative Communication: We place a high value on honest and cooperative client communication. Our specialists collaborate with you to comprehend your unique import needs, respond to your inquiries, and offer assistance all through the import procedure.
  • Stay Informed About Regulatory Changes: Corpbiz closely monitors any changes to laws about the importation of mobile phones. To make sure that our clients are constantly in compliance, we keep an eye on changes to IMEI rules and associated legislation.
  • Transparent Pricing Structure: We think that when it comes to prices, transparency is important. Our customers may anticipate a simple and transparent price schedule for our offerings. There aren't any unexpected costs or expenses.
  • Customized Packages: Corpbiz provides tailored solutions that address the unique requirements and inclinations of our customers. Regardless of your size, a small business or a major corporation, we can customize our services to meet your needs. Regardless of the size of your place of business for the import of mobile handsets, you will always receive the help you require.
  • Competitive Rates: We are aware of how crucial cost-effectiveness is to import operations. Corpbiz works hard to provide our services at reasonable prices without sacrificing our commitment to excellence. We try to maintain competitive pricing in the market, so you get value for your money.

Benefits of Our Services

IMEI certificate services are essential to the security, legal compliance, and device authenticity of mobile networks and the experts at Corpbiz are experienced in the three fields. There is no better option than getting your IMEI certification from Corpbiz.

  • Smooth IMEI Registration Process- We provide a smooth and hassle-free IMEI registration process where you do not have to do anything other than provide us with relevant information and Documents rest of everything will be done by our experts effectively.
  • Facilitated Import of Mobile Handsets- We will also help you in facilitating the import of mobile handsets in India.
  • Full Regulatory Compliance- You can rest assured that the experts at Corpbiz will complete the full regulatory compliance for the import of mobile handsets in India in a hassle-free manner.
  • Risk Mitigation - Corpbiz prepares for and mitigates the consequences of hazards by using risk mitigation strategies. Risk mitigation, which is similar to risk reduction, aims to lessen the detrimental consequences that threaten business continuity (BC).
  • Focus on Core Business Activities- We focus on the main tasks and operations that a company must carry out in order to accomplish its overall aims and objectives. These are the duties and activities that are necessary for the company to succeed; without them, it could not run efficiently.

Understanding IMEI Certificates

Do you still have questions about the import of mobile handsets and what IMEI registration comprises and why it really matters to you? The following information will assist you in determining the answers and will also throw light on the relevance of IMEI registration in today's digital age.

A Document called an IMEI certificate contains information on the model of a mobile phone, its IMEIs, CHA, importer, OEM, and other facts. As part of the customs clearance process, the consignee must have this certificate verified by the customs agents. Every mobile device connected to the Global System for Mobile (GSM) network has a unique identifying identifier known as the International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI). The gadget is identified by its 15-digit IMEI number. The eight-digit Type Allocation Code (TAC), six-digit Serial Number (SNR), and the last digit for verification make up the IMEI format. Every digit has a binary-coded decimal value between 0 and 9. The manufacturer, make and model, type approval information, and country of manufacturing are also disclosed by the IMEI.

All mobile phones whether imported or domestically produced must be registered and given IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity Number) certifications via the Indian Counterfeit Device Restriction portal maintained by the Department of Telecommunications. In accordance with the Prevention of Tampering of the Mobile Device Equipment Identification Number (Amendment) Rules, 2022, the statement has been released.

The government's official announcement states that "The international mobile equipment identity number of the mobile phone imported in India for sale, testing, research or any other purpose shall be registered by the importer with the Indian Counterfeited Device Restriction portal prior to import of mobile phone into the country." Therefore, if you wish to continue the import of Mobile Handsets in India, then contact Corpbiz and get the IMEI certification.

Significance for Importers

Before a smartphone is sold or imported for the first time, manufacturers and importers of mobile phones must now compulsorilyregister the device's IMEI.This was made public by the Department of Telecommunications (DoT) on September 26 through a gazette announcement.

Beginning on January 1, 2023, all mobile phones in India will need to have their International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI) registered on the government's anti-counterfeit and lost handset blocking webpage before they can be sold.

The Center said, "Prior to the mobile phone's first sale, the manufacturer must register the international mobile equipment identity number of each phone made in India with the Indian Counterfeit Device Restriction portal of the Government of India in the Department of Telecommunications."

In addition, before a mobile phone is imported into India for sale, testing, research, or any other reason, the importer must register the IMEI of the phone with the portal.

In an effort to stop illegal activities, the government has implemented the Indian Counterfeit Device Restriction (ICDR) system and started the Central Equipment Identity Register (CEIR) initiative to restrict and track down lost or stolen mobile phones. It is important for importers to get an IMEI certificate with the help of Corpbiz before the Import of mobile handsetsand let your business achieve great heights.

Reasons to Control Non-IMEI Mobile Handsets

As the number of phone users rises, so does their vulnerability to theft since phones are convenient, compact, and easy to target. Police have classified mobile phones as CRAVED (Concealable, Removable, Available, Valuable, Enjoyable, Disposable) products due to the high theft rate. As phones get more sophisticated and functional, like the ability to pay for products and services directly through handsets, the problem will only get worse.

Due to the potential for misuse, stolen mobile devices pose a threat to national security in addition to causing personal damage. The Supreme Court used evidence produced with the aid of an IMEI number to convict the accused of crimes in the State (N.C.T.) of Delhi vs. Afsan Guru and Shaukat Hussain Guru, demonstrating the significance of an IMEI number in the criminal justice system. Based on the cellphone record and a study of the IMEI number located on the mobile, convictions have been made in a number of cases.

The Delhi High Court admitted relevant evidence about the subject mobile phone in Gajraj v. State, where the most significant piece of evidence was the deceased's handset. Call logs revealed that the accused had the aforementioned phone shortly after the deceased's death, which was unquestionably true. In a different Vinod Kumar v. State, the Delhi High Court admitted evidence linking the accused to the murder of the deceased through the IMEI number of the cell phone he was using.

Furthermore, reprogramming is simple for the majority of mobile devices, which are software-based. Reprogramming such mobile phones allows you to modify their IMEI number, even setting all the digits to zero. There is no explicit law prohibiting the reprogramming of mobile phones in India, despite the fact that cell phone theft is already a crime. Therefore, it is important to stop the non-IMEI handset and this has raised the need to make it compulsory for importers to take IMEI certificates prior to the Import of mobile handsets.

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What is the Scope of IMEI Registration?

Manufacturer: To obtain their own IMEI registration certificate for the import of Mobile Handsets in India, all mobile equipment manufacturers and brand owners must register at

Importer: Using their user ID and password, importers of any kind of mobile equipment must use the online portal. In order to proceed with the import of mobile handsets in India, you must submit the application form before the deadline for IMEI certification. Next comes the IMEI cloning and duplication restriction (ICDR) automated system from GSMA. Subsequently, the information will be verified by the ICDR against the global GSMA reporting entity that produces TACs. The registration certificate will subsequently be granted for the import of any kind of mobile equipment only if the verified information is determined to be accurate.

Documents Required for IMEI Registration

You do not have to worry about obtaining the IMEI Certificate for Import of Mobile Handsets in India, you simply need to submit the required Documents to our experts. Then, we will file the IMEI registration application along with submitting the required Documents. Moreover, a few important Documents required during the IMEI registration process are mentioned below:

  • The technical specification sheet for each field must be completed in the registration form's specification section. The particular model for which the company wants to obtain the IMEI certification must then be filled out for import of mobile handsets in India.
  • A signed non-disclosure agreement (NDA) from the director or owner of the organization from whom the importer intends to import mobile equipment devices is necessary for every importer wishing to import any kind of device in the future. Then, you must return the signed non-disclosure agreement in both hard copy and soft copy.
  • Manufacturer agreement - The importer is required to get a stamp paper worth Rs. 100 and fully notarize it before filling it out with all the necessary details. Next, obtain the identical sign from the organization's owner or director.
  • The manufacturer agreement must be sent by the importer to the MSAI (Mobile Standard Alliance India) headquarters, which is situated in Delhi.

Procedure of IMEI Registration

The following are the steps that the experts at Corpbiz will follow in order to obtain an IMEI registration for your mobile handset:

  • By submitting the required paperwork, the importer (in India) or exporter (outside of India) we register the specifics of their business.
  • After that, the company's paperwork will be inspected by the authorities for validation.
  • Following a successful Document inspection and validation process, the business is registered and granted permission to register the models of mobile devices it intends to import of Mobile Handsets in India.
  • The IMEI number and the number of mobile numbers are also recorded, and the mobile device models are then permitted to be registered with extra features such as model frequency, form factors, single sim, etc.
  • For customs clearance at Indian ports, the IMEI certificate for each individual shipment is issued and may be submitted with the import paper works.

With Corpbiz Get Your IMEI Registration Done

Corpbiz is the greatest partner for the IMEI certificate for the import of mobile handsets in India for a variety of b factors. Our years of expertise and in-depth knowledge of various compliances enable us to simplify the challenging IMEI certification process.

Our skilled experts will help you with name regulation, paper works and filing required for the import of mobile handsets. Our commitment to accuracy and compliance ensures that your IMEI registration will be in line with all legal requirements, and our committed support team is here to address your concerns and answer the questions that you have.

For services pertaining to the IMEI registration for import of mobile handsets in India, we offer comprehensive assistance and the following services:

  • Filing of application.
  • Compilation of all the Documents.
  • Timely follow-up with the authorities.
  • Ensuring that your IMEI certification is on time.

It is required to get an IMEI registration if you are an importer of mobile handsets in India. If you want to import or sell mobile handsets without facing any regulatory compliance issues, get in touch with us right now.

Reasons to Choose Corpbiz for Import of Mobile Handsets

Corpbiz offers a wide range of services to organizations in order to assist them in achieving effective IMEI registration for the import of mobile handsets in India. We provide a range of solutions, including customized solutions for IMEI certificate needs, collaborative communication, information about regulatory changes, transparent pricing structures, customized packages and competitive rates.

  • Our In-House Expertise is something that makes us different from others. We have a large number of industry experts working with us to provide smooth registration or compliance experience to the clients.
  • The experts at Corpbiz hold extensive experience in their respective fields, we make sure that the clients are served by the best experts for flawless experience with the import of mobile handsets in India.
  • We have a proven track record in IMEI certificate services and many satisfied customers. Our team is inclined to use the client-centric approach that suits all the clients while emphasizing regulatory compliance.

What does Data Say About Us?

Corpbiz has been serving its clients since last many years and here is the genuine data of the satisfied customers, ratings, along with the number of industry experts working with us in order to provide the best possible results to our clients for IMEI Certificate for Import of Mobile Handsets in India:

  • Corpbiz has 100,000+ clients worldwide who have already availed the Company Registration from us.
  • Customer rating works as an incentive for every company and as a tool to let new customers know about the love and trust that our previous clients have shown us. Therefore, we have received a customer rating of 4.9+.
  • What makes us different is our dedicated team of experts who work hard to satisfy their clients, we have a team of 1000+ CA/CS/Lawyers & Engineers who are always to cater for the needs of our customers.
  • Moreover, Corpbiz and our experts are among the top 1% of the industry professionals.

Frequently Asked Questions

International Mobile Equipment Identity is what an IMEI is. Consider the fingerprint of your phone: a 15-digit number that is exclusive to each device. In order to facilitate tracing potentially stolen or hacked cell phones, phone operators and manufacturers exchange IMEI numbers.

In order to obtain the IMEI certificate for the mobile device IMEI lot that is to be imported into the Indian market, the Type Allocation Holder must first log in to the web panel using their User-ID and password.

Manufacturer: To obtain their IMEI registration certificate, all mobile equipment manufacturers and brand owners need to register on Importer: Using their user ID and password, importers of any kind of mobile equipment are required to access the online portal.

IMEISV is not the same as a standard IMEI since it is a 16-digit code, with the final two digits indicating the software/firmware version (SV). When a newer update becomes available, this option sends the device the relevant software version straight from the manufacturer.

Without needing to physically hold the phone, the IMEI number provides information about the model, release year, and other specs.

To create IMEI certificates, users can access and register on the ICDR site at The target audience may include importers, manufacturers, brand owners, and gadget assemblers.

According to the IMEI Rules of 2017, it is forbidden for anybody who isn't the manufacturer to purposefully take away, destroy, modify, or alter the unique IMEI Number. It's also illegal to use, produce, traffic, possess, have control over, or have custody of hardware or software knowing that it has been configured.

The final two digits of IMEISV's 16-digit code, which distinguishes it from a standard IMEI, indicate the software/firmware version (SV). When a newer update becomes available, this option sends the device the relevant software version straight from the manufacturer.

The "Type Allocation Code" (TAC) is the combination of the seventh and eighth digits of an IMEI number. This number serves as a means of identifying the device's model, brand, and nation of production.

It is quite risky for the vendor to provide an IMEI number. Some vendors have given their phones' IMEI to thieves posing as prospective buyers, and as a result, hackers have rendered their phones unusable. Giving the IMEI number to someone who has previously paid for the phone is your best chance in terms of safety.

Sending your IMEI number to 8484 will notify you in a short amount of time. The notice will let you know whether or not your cell phone is validated.

Attempting to manually reload the software on your phone may lead to a more dangerous issue, like bricking your phone entirely. Consequently, taking your phone to a repair facility to have a technician look at it is the only option to recover the lost IMEI number.

A phone with an invalid IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity) number may indicate a variety of issues, such as a hardware issue, being blocked by the carrier, or having been reported lost or stolen.

If a customer's phone is lost or stolen, they can request the service provider to block the IMEI by reporting the incident.

No, an IMEI is unique to a device and differs from a SIM card. Every gadget has an IMEI and a SIM. While the IMEI is linked to the device, the SIM is connected to the network.

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