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Overview of Uttar Pradesh Pollution Control Board (UPPCB)

Uttar Pradesh Pollution Control Board is a legal organization which was formed to implement environmental laws and rules within the administration of the state of Uttar Pradesh, India. The board was first formed on 3rd February 1975 under the Water Prevention and Control of Pollution Act but it was later named as UP Pollution Control Board.

UPPCB manages, control, and implement other acts as well that are correlated with the environment. UPPCB includes working as per the following ACT, which are as follows:-

  • Air Prevention and Control of Pollution Act,1981
  • Water Prevention and Control of Pollution Cess Act, 1977
  • Environment Protection Act, 1986

What is the Purpose of UPPCB?

The purpose of UPPCB is to manage and reduce the air and water pollution in the state. It consists of certain rules and regulations which work as an enlightening tool for the factories and industries. UPPCB guides them with regard to pollution these factories and industries release and how they can reduce its quantity in the air and water. To monitor and keep check on industries UPPCB carry inspection and raids often in the state and take actions against those which do not adhere to environment laws.

It is the duty of Uttar Pradesh Pollution Control Board to keep a check on the level of air and water pollution in the state. It collects data from various sources and provides the list of data to industrial sitting and town planning board. All this activity helps the town planning board with planning and setting of industrial units specifically in those areas which are aside from residential areas.

Uttar Pradesh Pollution Control Board operates its activities through twenty-five (25) regional offices located all over the state. Head office of the UPPCB is in PICUP Bhavan, Gomti Nagar, Lucknow. The board has set up research centers for testing air and water toxins. The board is additionally associated with controlling pollution in the stream Ganga under the Ganga activity plan.

What are the Objective and Functions of UPPCB?

  • Give proposal to the Uttar Pardesh Government on any issue concerning prevention and control of water and air contamination and improvement of the nature of air.
  • Conduct consumer awareness programs on the avoidance and control of air and water pollution and waste administration through broad communications.
  • Gather, compile and prepare a list of technical and statistical data pertaining to air and water contamination.
  • Set out the standard of sewage and exchange effluents and for release from modern plant, vehicles and Health Care Establishment.
  • To help on the development of new innovation for treatment of sewage, exchange effluents and control hardware.
  • Issuance of consent certificate to ventures falling in various classifications, for example, Orange, Green and White.

Who Needs UPPCB Consent Certificate?

  • Manufacturing Entities
  • Health Care Establishment
  • Traders
  • E-Waste Management Entities
  • Solid Waste Management Entities
  • Hazardous Waste Management Entities
  • Battery Waste Management Entities Battery
  • Plastic Waste Management Entities
  • Bio-Medical Waste Management Entities

What are the Pollution Categories under UPPCB?

The categorization is based on the relative pollution potential of the industrial sectors and pollutants likely to be generated based on raw material consumption and manufacturing processes adopted. The categorization of Industrial Sectors will be based on their Pollution Index Scores follows:

  • Red category- Score of 60/more (60+ existing industries)
  • Orange category- Score of 41 - 59 (83+ existing industries)
  • Green category- Score of 21 - 40 (91+ existing industries)
  • White category- Score of 20 or less (192+ existing industries)

White Category

The government has come with the concept of White Category which is launched with an attempt to segregate the least polluting industry. Though, these industries do not require any consent certificate because of their non-polluting nature. The industries falling under this category operates in accordance to UPPCB categories, the white category industry type has a pollution index from 0-20. This is considered the least pollution industry type.

Green Category

Industries with a pollution index of 21 to 40 falls under the Green category. It is essential for these industries to submit consent before forming the industry. As these are considered polluting industries, so these industries have to get consent to operate and consent to establish.

Orange Category

These industries cover the pollution index of 41 to 59. Orange category industries cannot commence their business without submitting consent certificate. And just like in the green category, orange category industries also have to submit the consent certificates before establishing and operating the industry.

Red Category

Ministry of Environment and Forests has put excessively polluting industries under red category. Additionally, these are not allowed to work in an environmentally delicate or under ensured territory. Every industry that deposit hazardous and noxious materials comes under Red category industries.

Industries coming under this category are not permitted to function in UP jurisdiction. There are some red category industries which deal with perilous chemicals, automobiles, mining, Bio-medical waste, etc. Red category covers business sectors whose pollution index is above 60.

What are the Benefits of UPPCB Authorization/NOC?

Promotes Sustainable Development

It means that there should be financial growth along with ecological protection and social equity.

Prevention of Natural Resources

The UPPCB also prevents environmental/natural resources from its depletion. It helps in prevention of quality of water and air.

Waste Management

Efficient waste management technique can act as a great source to protect the environment. It permits and makes sure proficient waste management measures and practices with the goal that all kind of waste are reused and diminished.

Consumer Awareness

UPPCB also spreads awareness in the society by compelling the people to Paper Bags, CFL, public transport and not burning firecrackers. It enhances the environmental condition; accordingly create a better life for the people of UP.


UPPCB has certain guidelines for industries and Health care Establishment following which these industries can reduce the amount of pollutants from the environment.

Introduces Low Energy Equipments

Making the work environment eco-friendly for environment by changing, productive practices like sun based lights, CNG, changing the cylinder lights to less consuming force and introducing low energy equipment, etc.

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What are the Documents Required to Obtain Consent to Establish?

The application forms are accessible on the site of the UP pollution control board. The forms can be downloaded from the official site. A large portion of the structures are in English, yet there are a few structures which are in Hindi also. Following Documents must be joined alongside the structures to acquire consent to build up -

  • Pan Card
  • Aadhaar Card with Registered mobile number
  • A covering letter expressing the sort of industry and activities that business expects to perform. The letter needs to depict the total data about the item or items which the business will produce.
  • Copy of sale deed or rent deed which the organization has received.
  • MOA & AOA if it is an organization or copy of Partnership deed if it is a Partnership firm.
  • Site plan and design plan of the business.
  • Schematic chart of streets, forest area, rural fields, neighborhood, and other significant zones within two kilometers of the business.
  • Complete subtleties of the manufacturing procedure of each item to be created by the business.
  • A copy of land use certificate along with land use change certificate, if any.
  • Auditor certification verified by Chartered Accountant.
  • Complete information regarding wastewater balance and underground water balance.
  • A copy of Consent fee.
  • Copy of groundwater report, Municipality/Local Body Water Connection Certificate.
  • Proposition of sewage treatment plant (STP) with complete subtleties of the treatment approach to be utilized and method of removal of waste by different units of the units.
  • Steps to be taken to monitor air pollution.
  • FSSAI Certificate for food businesses, if any.
  • Steps to be taken in case of usage of hazardous chemicals and data related to material safety.
  • Environment clearance certificate from MOEF.
  • Valid consent from state pollution control board for the purchaser for import and signed undertaking from the purchaser (Only for Import application).
  • Bio medical waste agreement (only for clinics and hospitals).
  • Medical council Certificate (only for clinics and hospitals).

What is the Registration Procedure to Obtain NOC/Authorization from UPPCB?

Consent to Established (CTE) and Consent to Operate (CTO) under Red, Orange and Green category shall be issued for maximum five years. After a given period, it is liable for renewal.

Any business entity undergoing change in business activity, expansion etc is required to file for fresh consent/CTO from Uttar Pradesh Pollution Control Committee. The step by step procedures for obtaining authorization from UPPCB are given bellow, which are as follows:-

Verification of Business Activity

All the industries who are looking for consent certificate first must verify their business activity. Once the verification is done, industries are further classified on the basis of business activity, as given above.

  • For the white category, industries can submit Documents online and later an undertaking is generated. The business entity needs to submit a hardcopy along with a signature to UPPCB.
  • Talking of Green and Orange category, it is necessary to check if the site comes in the list of industrial area, if yes the industry submits the Documents online at UPPCB official website.

SDM Letter

If the site is under re-development region, at that point SDM letter or industry assessment letter must be given, and in the event that the site isn't under redevelopment zone, at that point refusal of UPPCB assent must be given.

Online Submission of Documents

Once the checking is done, the industry needs to submit essential Documents on the web.

Undertaking (White)/CTE Generation (Others)

In case of white category, the UPPCB Undertaking Generation will be generated, and in the case of Orange/Green category, UPPCB CTE Application will be generated.

Submission of Hard Copy

The business needs to present a hard copy of the CTE application/ UPPCB Undertaking alongside the signature. A while later, the board gives a CTE declaration.

Pollution Control Device

Lastly, the industry needs to figure out if there is any need for pollution control device. If the answer is positive then the need arises to install the equipments of pollution control device. The UPPCB Lab will monitor the control of equipments.

Generation & Submission of UPPCB CTE/CTO Application

After this, application of CTO is generated. The industry has to submit the CTO application to UPPCB along with the signatures. Once all the verification is done, CTO certificate is issued.

Who Needs No Objection Certificate?

Not all businesses require No objection certificate, the pollution board has released certain small scale industries which are of nature from getting No objection certificate. List of Industries Who Require Consent to Establish Before Commencing the Process Of Establishing Industries are given bellow:-

  • Bone Mill
  • Dairy Processing
  • Slaughterhouse
  • Vegetable and food Processing
  • Meat Processing Units
  • Stone Crusher

What is any Grievances Arise from the Action of UPPCB?

Any request/ grievances by the UP pollution control board can be tested in the National Green Tribunal. The council has been set up to rapidly and viably discard cases as to ecological laws. In the event that an individual or industry is wronged by the order passed by the pollution control board, at that point, that order can be tested before the National green Tribunal. The time period to file a suit in the Tribunal is five years (5) from the date reason for activity has emerged.

CorpBiz Procedure for UPPCB Authorization

Kindly utilize the steps given above to integrate legally and securely a UPPCB Authorization and get the benefits in the form of better-quality sales and satisfied clients. Our CorpBiz experts will be at your disposal for assisting you with guidance concerning UPPCB Authorization and its compliance for the smooth functioning of your industrial business in India. CorpBiz professionals will assist you in planning seamlessly at the least cost, confirming the successful conclusion of the process.

It is advisable that an attorney with "Government Authorization experience" must be appointed to overwhelm many of the potential pitfalls that creep around within UPPCB Authorization and to understand the requirement in detail. The elementary information would be mandatory from your end to start the process. The Attorney will begin working on your request once all the information is provided, and the payment is received.

Why CorpBiz?

CorpBiz is one of the platforms which coordinate to fulfil all your legal and financial requirements and connect you to consistent professionals. Yes, our clients are pleased with our legal service! Because of our focus on simplifying legal requirements, they have consistently regarded us highly and providing regular updates.

Our clients can also track at all times the progress on our platform. If you have any questions about the UPPCB Authorization process, our experienced representatives are just a phone call away. CorpBiz will ensure that your communication with professionals is charming and seamless.

  • Purchase a Plan for Expert Assistance
  • Add Queries Regarding UPPCB Authorization
  • Provide Documents to Corpbiz Expert
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  • Get your UPPCB Authorization/NOC at your Door Step.

Frequently Asked Questions

The purpose of UPPCB is to regulate and reduce the air and water pollution in the state. It consists of certain rules and regulations which work as an enlightening tool for the factories and industries.

Follow the following steps to complain about the air pollution:

  • Name of the Industry
  • Name of the complainant
  • Address of the Industry / Person against whom the complaint is lodged
  • Nature of complaint (Briefly write about the happenings)
  • Nature of the Pollution: (Air / Water / Sound)
  • Address of the complainant

  • Manufacturing Entities
  • Health Care Establishment
  • Traders
  • E-Waste Management Entities
  • Solid Waste Management Entities
  • Hazardous Waste Management Entities
  • Plastic Waste Management Entities
  • Bio-Medical Waste Management Entities

It collects data from various sources and provides the list of data to industrial sitting and town planning board. All this activity helps the town planning board with planning and setting of industrial units specifically in those areas which are aside from residential areas.

UPPCB includes working as per the following ACT, which are as follows:-

  • Air Prevention and Control of Pollution Act,1981
  • Water Prevention and Control of Pollution Cess Act, 1977
  • Environment Protection Act, 1986

Uttar Pradesh Pollution Control Board operates its activities through twenty-five (25) regional offices located all over the state. Head office of the UPPCB is in PICUP Bhavan, Gomti Nagar, Lucknow.

The categorization of Industrial Sectors will be based on their Pollution Index Scores follows:-

  • Red category- Score of 60/more
  • Orange category- Score of 41 - 59
  • Green category- Score of 21 - 40
  • White category- Score of 20 or less

  • Promotes Sustainable Development
  • Prevention of Natural Resources
  • Waste Management
  • Consumer Awareness
  • Compliance:
  • Introduces Low Energy Equipments

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