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What is the Need to Get FCC Certification in India?

If you are wondering whether to trade in electronic equipment or are already a trader of electronic devices, you must get the FCC Certification. The FCC logo or FCC mark is a mark put on electrical products to indicate that the electromagnetic radiation from the electronic device is below the prescribed limits of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and, therefore, it indicates that the manufacturer has followed the prescribed standards and guidelines of the authorization procedures. This makes the FCC mark recognizable across the world, even to those who are not familiar with the concerned agency.

In order to get your electrical products to confirm that they are compliant with all the relevant rules and satisfy regulations regarding EMI (Electromagnetic Interference from a device) and RF (Radiofrequency Radiation), get in touch with Corpbiz today. Corpbiz assists enterprises and businesses in ensuring all kinds of compliance associated with their industry and also helps in discharging all obligations by providing them with valuable insights and practical business solutions.

What is FCC Certification?

When you go to a store to buy electronics, you will see that most or all of the electronic products and equipment carry a familiar Federal Communications Commission logo, i.e., the FCC logo, but you may wonder why devices carry this mark or logo. Well, the law requires that electronic devices sold in the United States comply with FCC Regulations regarding EMI (electromagnetic interference) and RF (radiofrequency radiation). In the United States of America, FCC Certification, also known as United States Federal Communications Certification, is required for electronic products and equipment to indicate that a product complies with the prescribed standards and regulations regarding its use.

Therefore, any product that is intended for the USA market must pass FCC compliance inspections and receive FCC mark certification through FCC approval. This requirement applies especially to electronic communication equipment. In other words, the FCC mark Certification confirms that these items have been tested and approved by laboratories that have been directly or indirectly approved by the FCC in accordance with its technical criteria. It is a type of approval that is granted by the FCC, which confirms that an electronic device is safe to use.

Types of FCC Certifications

Almost all kinds of electronic goods must be FCC Certified. The FCC's rules are primarily concerned with equipment that emits radiofrequency radiation. Electronic gadgets won't disrupt radio communications or represent a safety issue thanks to this emphasis on RF radiation.

Classification of Products

The FCC typically classifies devices as intentional or unintentional radiators

Intentional Radiators

Products that are intended to generate RF radiation for a primary purpose are known as intentional radiators.

Unintentional Radiators

Any product that produces RF radiation as a result of its regular operation but wasn't intended to do so is considered an accidental radiator.

The following computer system ratings are given by the FCC

FCC Class A rating

Computers intended for usage in offices are given this FCC grade. Most systems fall within this category.

FCC Class B Rating

Electronics intended for domestic usage are eligible for this FCC classification. In this instance, the ranking system is far stricter.

Therefore, electronic equipment manufacturers have to certify that they meet all the rules and answer all the concerns, such as how much power they put out, how their devices will interact with other devices, etc. While planning to design printed circuit boards, a lot of effort must be put into abating undesirable signals, which can break the signal integrity, lessen functionality, cause inconsistent performance, and adversely affect nearby systems as well as human health conditions.

Which Products Require an FCC Certificate in India?

FCC regulations for products to be certified differentiate between modules and end products. The intended use of a product can make a difference in whether an FCC mark certification is needed or not. Factors affecting decisions include whether a product is intended for commercial sale, whether it is being imported in small quantities for the purpose of certification or exhibition, or whether it is for evaluation, i.e. it is not a finished product. Here is a list of common electronic items that generally need FCC certification

  • Electronic Products
  • Mobile Phones
  • Remote Control Transmitters
  • Land Mobile Radio Transmitters
  • Wireless Medical Telemetry Transmitters
  • Equipment and Protective Systems intended for use in potentially explosive
  • Cordless Telephones
  • Walkie-Talkies
  • Electronic Products
  • Power Adapters
  • Telecommunication Equipment 
  • IT Equipment
  • Electromagnetic Compatibility Products
  • Wireless Local Area Networking Equipment
  • Bluetooth Devices
  • Radio and Telecommunications Terminal Equipment

However, it must be noted that if the product falls under an exemption, i.e., where no certification is needed, then strict rules still apply, which regulate topics such as handling, paper works or labelling of the product.

Objectives of FCC Registration

The FCC certification serves as the equivalent of a passport for goods sold in the American market. Only goods that adhere to FCC rules and bear the appropriate FCC mark are allowed to be traded in the American market. A product with an FCC logo is more trustworthy and safer for customers to buy. It's crucial to have the Federal Communications Commission's (FCC) formal clearance before selling or manufacturing an electronic device in the US.

As we all know, electronic equipment emits EM radiations; therefore, in order to ensure the safety of the people from their usage, the FCC directs testing of these products. After their successful testing, the concerned authority issues the FCC certification mark. This mark is meant to ensure the consumer that the electromagnetic interference emitted from an electronic device is under the permitted limit as set by the Federal Communications Commission.

For electrical and digital equipment marketed in the US, the FCC has special restrictions. These rules are intended to avoid radio frequency disturbance between digital equipment and guarantee customer safety while using items that have been approved. For digital devices that can emit radio frequency emissions, the FCC has outlined specific regulations. The FCC restrictions, however, do not apply to every electronic equipment marketed in the US, and each product may have different requirements. Overall, the certification mark ensures that

  • Various devices can work together without disturbing each other.
  • RF exposure is at safe levels for people close to the products.

Therefore, all electrical devices must go through FCC certification and testing, for which they must fulfil the prescribed emission requirements. If manufacturers are found selling their products without the appropriate certification and approval, a pecuniary penalty could be imposed on them, and their products could be recalled.

Benefits of FCC Certification & Consultation in India

FCC certification and testing are essential to protect both device users and manufacturers. Some of the benefits of procuring FCC mark Certification in India are

Ensure Product Safety

One of the significant benefits of the FCC mark certification is that the products that have FCC mark certification are fully safe to use. The main aim of FCC certification and testing is to make sure the radiation emitted from the electronic products is not harmful and thereby ensure product safety.

Increased Market Access

Another benefit of ensuring FCC Certification and testing is to have increased market access. In the United States, you can sell electronic devices only after they have received the required FCC mark certification. Therefore, FCC mark certification will help you in establishing a totally new market in a new country as well as across the world. FCC certification and testing will grant businesses increased market access at an international level. In simple terms, the FCC mark certification increases the number of individuals who can trust the security of your electronic devices.

Quality Assurance

The FCC certification and testing assures the quality of the electronic device product. The certification is only granted after the safety and performance of the device are found to be reliable and in compliance with all the standards established, and this makes your products more dependable in the market.

Increased Efficiency

The FCC mark certification ensures increased efficiency as the mark informs the third party that the electronic devices have undergone FCC certification and testing & ultimately, through the verification process. Consumers will favour authenticated and certified products more in the market. Therefore, the FCC mark certification and testing will give the manufacturers a competitive edge in the market.

Ensure Legal Compliance

Getting an FCC mark Certification ensures legal compliance as you cannot launch electrical devices into the American market or many other markets in the world without an FCC mark certification. Devices without FCC authorization are regarded as a danger to the public's health and may be the subject of legal action that might result in imprisonment and other fines for distributors and manufacturers. However, you will be able to legally sell your electronic goods in the US market, provided that you get an FCC mark certification.

Enhancement of Performance

Electronic devices with the FCC certification mark are guaranteed to be risk-free since the FCC and the concerned organisations have tested and certified them. Customers choose to purchase FCC-certified items because they feel comfortable using them, as they are a testament to the enhanced performance of the products.

Our Assistance in Getting the FCC Certification

The process of obtaining product certification by the FCC can seem complex, especially for those approaching this compliance for the first time. Missing out any of the important aspects can have a significant impact on the timeline for a product launch in the electronic devices market. However, the FCC regulations also offer opportunities to benefit from prior testing by the module manufacturer and hence can reduce the burden on the host product manufacturer. For a time and cost-efficient product launch, it is therefore important to understand the various requirements and options.

Corpbiz provides comprehensive expertise and assistance in getting an FCC Certification. Corpbiz will streamline all the processes and make it hassle-free for you to follow the procedures and will ensure that you meet all the regulatory requirements. Hiring our FCC Consultants can allow you to enjoy the following

Expert Guidance

Corpbiz's team of experienced experts and FCC Consultants is very well-versed in the FCC rules and regulations. You can have access to expert guidance throughout the process of FCC certification and testing, which will help you understand the necessary requirements, eligibility requirements, processes, and other important steps involved.

Assistance in Documentation for FCC Authorization

Our team of FCC Consultants will also provide assistance in paper works for FCC Authorization and in compiling all the important papers and reports that will be needed for the FCC certification process. We will also assist you in ensuring that the application form for the FCC certification is complete and accurate as well.

Coordination For Testing

Corpbiz can help you coordinate testing to ensure that your product meets compliance criteria. Before submitting your application for formal certification, it is prudent to conduct pre-compliance testing, and our team of experts can help you coordinate that. This step helps identify and address potential issues early in the process, thereby reducing the likelihood of delays and rejections.

Assistance with Application Form

Our team of professionals will provide assistance and guidance in filling out the application form for the FCC certification. Our experts also ensure that all other forms relating to the FCC certification are duly filled and within the stipulated time.

Regulatory Compliance

Corpbiz will keep up with all the updates and amendments in the FCC Certification and will make sure that your products remain in FCC certificate compliance to avoid even any inadvertent violations, thereby reducing the risk of imposition of any fine or pecuniary penalty.

Authorization and Testing for FCC Certification in India

The Federal Communications Commission is referred to as FCC. It is the United States of America's certifying body. Electronic devices made, marketed, and/or distributed in the USA will have the FCC certification mark branded on them. The Federal Laboratory regularly performs FCC testing to evaluate an electronic product's capability to produce EM radiation.

A producer must adhere to the following procedures in order to register a product on the FCC-authorized list once the goods have been mass-manufactured and are prepared for sale. FCC offers the following three methods of authorization:


Digital devices classed as Part 15 electrical items are covered by this option. These devices might or might not have electromagnetic interference; if they do, such interference must have been preapproved and comply with the conditions for the authorization's granting. The items can be sold with FCC clearance as long as they meet the radio frequency specifications. Examples include Bluetooth radio devices, wireless alarm systems, and microphones.

Declaration of conformity

The standards are more stringent for Part 18 equipment, which includes RF-emitting industrial, scientific, and medical devices. Accredited laboratories must measure the frequency and make sure it complies with the specifications. The FCC logo is permanently affixed to the items' labels, for instance, on a computer.

FCC Certification

The most rigorous permission is the FCC certification. This is necessary for items that are most likely to obstruct the transmission of emergency alerts, signals, and other devices.

Who Authorizes the FCC Certification?

The Communications Act of 1934 gave rise to the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), a regulatory organization that is independent. The FCC controls the usage and sale of equipment that emits RF energy, which means non-ionizing radiation. To acquire regulatory permission for the wireless device in the US, each producer must obtain an FCC certification. The Federal Communications Commission's (FCC) need for market clearance largely refers to the acceptance of wireless technology products in the US.

The designated Telecommunication Body (TCB) is in charge of handling certification for the US market, and the approval is regarded as permanent and will not expire. This implies that a product that has not been transformed in any way does not require recertification. Approval to be renewed based on the initial FCC certification may be required in the case of minor modifications to the device or its setup. The company that produces the item gets authorization and, at the same time, is obligated to mark the product with an FCC label that includes the ID Identifier upon the completion of validation by the TCB and approval by the FCC.

Documents Required for FCC Certification

The following Documents are required in order to get FCC Certification in India

  • Copy of PAN Card
  • Passport photograph
  • Copy of Address Proof (Voter's ID can be used for the address proof)
  • Sales or Purchase Bill - 2 copies
  • A Comprehensive List of all the materials that are used in the production
  • Documents which consist of all the details about the manufacturing process
  • Radiation Readings at the time of testing of the electronic product
  • Documents Relating to System Manual and Procedures
  • Plant Master File
  • Document that contains all the technical details about the product
  • Additional Documents

Note: Additional Documents will vary from product to product as per the requirements.

Steps to Follow to Get the FCC Certification

In order to get FCC Certification, the following steps must be followed

Step 1: Selection and Design

The initial phase is the selection and design of radio frequencies. Find out which frequencies are made accessible to you lawfully. Develop the product or equipment following the most recent FCC regulations while keeping in mind various factors such as the radio range, size, propagation, power use, optimization, etc.

Step 2: Testing the Development Period

In order to be absolutely certain that everything is proceeding according to plan, you must conduct as many pre-compliance internal tests as you can while you are producing the product. Another option is to use a third-party lab like MET.

Step 3: FCC Registration

The third step is FCC registration. FCC registration can be obtained online, which will generate an FCC registration number. Go to the FCC's home page and enter your company's address and contact details. You will be given an FRN and the option to ask for a required grantee code. Nominal fees will be assessed.

Step 4: FCC Certification and Testing

Once you have your FRN and grantee code, get in touch with an FCC-registered testing facility. Always ensure that your lab partner is competent, readily accessible and capable of handling all of your testing needs before choosing one. Depending on lab to lab, quality, testing amenities, and capabilities might differ.

Step 5: Submission of Production Model

Submit a ready-for-production model and its technical requirements to the chosen lab partner for the step five compliance tests depending on the intricacy of the product. Testing times range from a few days to a few weeks.

After passing the testing procedure, the office telecommunication certification body will review the test materials and your FCC test results and, acting on behalf of the FCC will award you a certificate. The FCC then adds your product to its list of approved products when TCB submits your information to its database. You will get equipment from TCB that permits you to legally advertise and sell your product in the US.

Details of FCC Regulations

In order to test devices, the Federal Communications Commission established guidelines depending on what kind of radio frequency is emitted. The commission has developed technical standards to test electronic and electrical equipment on the basis of the type of radiofrequency they emit. To identify and evaluate the items for gaining approved authorization, categories were developed. The testing divisions by product category are

  • FCC Part 11
  • FCC Part 15
  • FCC Part 18
  • FCC Part 22
  • FCC Part 24
  • FCC Part 90
  • FCC Part 95

Depending on the kind of gadget you are manufacturing, the FCC will decide what kind of screening process your product has to go through. In general, the FCC mark certification is essential for any electronic product that can oscillate over and above 9 kHz. Therefore, manufacturers of electronic devices must ensure that their products neither interfere with other electronic products nor cause risk or any harm to the public.

Market for FCC Compliance

The FCC compliance is mandatory for various electronic products designed particularly for US or EU Markets. The US market has been characterized as one of the most lucrative and secure for producers in the electronic industry, with around 332 million customers and the usage of electronic equipment, electrics and radios is still continuously growing. Products sold in the United States must adhere to local rules' technical specifications. The Federal Communications Commission's logo or mark, which is used on electronic goods that are produced or distributed in the United States, certifies that the electromagnetic energy emitted from the device is less than the limits set by the Federal Communications Commission. All electronic items generate radiation; thus, the FCC certification mark and testing ensure that electromagnetic interference that emanates from a device is within the Federal Communications Commission's permitted level.

Regular sales require product certificates, and certain sales channels, like Amazon, have significant guidelines on product certification. However, the certification criteria for each sort of goods vary between nations and marketplaces. An FCC certificate on an electronic device indicates that the product has passed FCC compliance testing and has been given permission to proceed. However, a product's FCC certification does not guarantee that it is trustworthy or safe. It merely implies that it complies with ionizing radiation regulations.

Why Choose Our FCC Consultant Services in India?

Corpbiz is known to offer an extensive range of services, ranging from procuring licenses, regulatory compliance services, business registration, and much more, with a key focus on helping our clients experience unprecedented growth by offering these services at throwaway prices. Our team of FCC Consultants work hard to provide our clients with the best services possible. At Corpbiz, we always ensure that every concern is resolved promptly, and for that, we have excellent automation and customer empowerment, so contacting us is a cakewalk.

So, if you are concerned about your FCC compliance requirements, then you have landed on the right page because we offer an inclusive range of services. Corpbiz is a technology-driven platform where our well-conversed staff will answer all your concerns and will accordingly recommend premium solutions and relevant strategies after a thorough investigation of your needs. Our team of experts will help you discharge all your regulatory and legal obligations by providing hands-on business solutions. We have been successful in establishing our presence as a prominent FCC consultant in India by providing unique consultancy solutions to our clients.

So, if you wish to deliberate more about FCC Certification in India, please don't hesitate to reach out to us.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Yes, the FCC certification is widely accepted in India in relation to the certification of electronic products.

The FCC certification is compulsory for Indian manufacturing if they want to sell their products in the US markets, EU or many other markets abroad. Therefore, traders in electronic products in India are advised to obtain the FCC Certification.

The FCC logo or FCC mark is a mark put on electrical products to indicate that the electromagnetic radiation from the electronic device is below the prescribed limits of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and, therefore, it indicates that the manufacturer has followed the prescribed standards and guidelines of the authorization procedures.

FCC is equivalent to the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) in India.

Yes, FCC is a good certification as it indicates that a product complies with the prescribed standards and regulations regarding its use.

FCC certification means that goods are tested and approved by the FCC and further confirms that they are compliant with all the relevant rules and regulations regarding EMI (Electromagnetic Interference) and RF (Radiofrequency Radiation.

The FCC certification and testing is required for the goods that are likely going to obstruct the transmission of emergency information, signals or other devices. It is to ensure the consumer that the electromagnetic interference emitted from an electronic device is under the permitted limit as set by the Federal Communications Commission.

The Documents required for FCC Certification include a comprehensive list of all the materials that are used in the production, Documents which consist of all the details about the manufacturing process, radiation readings at the time of testing of the electronic product, Documents relating to system manual and procedures, Plant Master File, a Document that contains all the technical details about the product, etc.

Some of the types of devices or products that require FCC certification are Electronic Products, Mobile Phones, Remote Control Transmitters, Land Mobile Radio Transmitters, Wireless Medical Telemetry Transmitters, Equipment and Protective Systems intended for use in potentially explosive, Cordless Telephones, Walkie-Talkies, Electronic Products, Power Adapters, Telecommunication Equipment, IT Equipment, Electromagnetic Compatibility Products, Wireless Local Area Networking Equipment, Bluetooth Devices, Radio and Telecommunications Terminal Equipment, etc.

The FCC certification holds a permanent position; it does not require any kind of recertification. Re-approval is required only in circumstances where there has been a slight change in the product.

The typical time taken to receive the FCC certification is about two to three months.

The FCC typically classifies devices as Intentional Radiators, which are the products that are intended to generate RF radiation for a primary purpose and Accidental Radiators, i.e. Any product that produces RF radiation as a result of its regular operation but wasn't intended to do so.

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