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Legal Metrology

Import of Non-Standard Weight or Measure – Section 20 under Legal Metrology Act, 2009

dateApr 15, 2023
timeReading Time: 4 Minutes

The science of weights and measurements is known as metrology. Legal metrology is an Act regulating any applied met...

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Legal Metrology

Section 19 under Legal Metrology Act, 2009 – Non-Registration by the Importer of Weight or Measure

dateApr 15, 2023
timeReading Time: 4 Minutes

The Legal Metrology Act of 2009 regulates the accuracy of weights and measures in India. The Department of Consumer...

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Legal Metrology

LMPC Inspection and Audit: Understanding the Legal Metrology Enforcement Process

dateApr 12, 2023
timeReading Time: 9 Minutes

LMPC inspection and Audit is a method to monitor, review and check whether the organization or any firm that conduc...

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Legal Metrology

Key Components of LMPC License Application and Documentation

dateApr 10, 2023
timeReading Time: 4 Minutes

Getting an LMPC certificate provides the right to the importers or manufacturers dealing in pre-packaged commoditie...

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Music License
Legal Metrology

Types of Commodities Covered under Legal Metrology and LMPC Importer License

dateApr 10, 2023
timeReading Time: 4 Minutes

The Legal metrology act describes a specific types of commodities covered under Legal Metrology Packaged commodity,...

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Legal Metrology

Common Challenges Faced by LMPC Importers and How to Overcome Them?

dateApr 07, 2023
timeReading Time: 4 Minutes

Legal Metrology Packaged Commodities (LMPC) is a mandatory requirement for all manufacturers or importers of packag...

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Legal Metrology

Understanding the Legal Metrology Act and Rules for LMPC Importer License

dateApr 07, 2023
timeReading Time: 4 Minutes

The Legal Metrology Act and Rules of LMPC mandate every importer or manufacturer to perform specific labelling stan...

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Legal Metrology

How to Apply for LMPC Importer License? Step-by-Step Guide

dateApr 07, 2023
timeReading Time: 4 Minutes

Legal Meteorology Packaged Commodities (LMPC) registration is mandatory for businesses that manufacture, sell, dist...

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Legal Metrology

Role of Legal Metrology in Regulating Weights and Measures for Packaged Commodities

dateApr 06, 2023
timeReading Time: 4 Minutes

Legal metrology provides rules and regulations for controlling weights and measuring instruments. Legal m...

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Legal Metrology

Eligibility and Offerings in Support of LMPC Registration

dateDec 16, 2022
timeReading Time: 4 Minutes

The term metrology is outlined as the science and process of ensuring that measurement meets specified degrees of b...

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Legal Metrology

Goa Legal Metrology (Amendment) Rules, 2022

dateNov 01, 2022
timeReading Time: 3 Minutes

The Department of Legal Metrology, Under the Government of Goa, issued a notification on 28th July 2022 notifying a...

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Legal Metrology

New Amendment under Section 49 of the Legal Metrology Act, 2009

dateOct 07, 2022
timeReading Time: 3 Minutes

As per a Government Press Release on o4 October, 2022, the Consumer Affairs Department, Indian Government has amend...

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Legal Metrology

Packing and Labeling Compliance For Cosmetics Products In India

dateSep 02, 2022
timeReading Time: 7 Minutes

The Packing and Labeling of Cosmetic products in the Indian Cosmetic Industry is governed by several Laws and rules...

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Legal Metrology

Meaning of Weights and Measures under Legal Metrology

dateAug 30, 2022
timeReading Time: 3 Minutes

The legal Metrology Act, 2009 was implemented with effect from 1st April 2011, and the preamble of the Act says the...

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