Legal Meteorology Packaged Commodities (LMPC) registration is mandatory for businesses that manufacture, sell, distribute, and pre-package import commodities. LMPC also called an importer license, ensures that the pre-packaged commodities are imported. If the importers found non-compliance with the legal metrology may lead to huge penalties and may result in the stoppage of shipments by customs.
The primary responsibilities of LMPC include supervising and regulating the production, importing, and commercialising of weighing and measuring instruments and devices and providing legal Metrology certification.
Importance of the LMPC Importer License
- However, when customer purchases pre-packed items, they need to be sure of the product’s weight, freshness, or safety since it has already been packaged. To assure the credibility of the products, an LMPC importer license is used.
- The Legal Metrology Act[1] ensures that consumers can access all information for their informed purchase choice.
- LMPC laws are intended to protect consumers from fraudulent practices and ensure that they receive accurate and sufficient information about the products they purchase.
What Are The Goods That Come Under The Pre-Packaged Commodities?
Pre-packaged commodities are goods that are packed without the end consumer being present. The following are the pre-packaged commodities that come under the legal metrologies of packed commodities.
- Tea and coffee
- Soaps
- Cooking oils
- Milk powder
- Detergent powder
- Paints, varnish and enamels
- Biscuits, bread
- Baby foods
- Soft drinks and other Non- alcoholic beverages
- Mineral water or drinking water
- Flour like rice flour, wheat flour
- Rawa, suji
Eligibility Requirements for Obtaining a Legal Metrology Registration in India
Both the application and the product need to be in compliance with the Legal Metrology Packaged Commodities regulations to grant LMPC Registration.
In order to register for legal metrology in India, several documents are required.
- Any other permits for doing business that is relevant to your company
- A correctly filled-out application form
- Documentation request for the application fee
The information must be entered by you into the appropriate fields on the display pane of the package.
Documents That Are Needed For the LMPC Importer License
Following is the list of documents required for the LMPC Importer License:
- Residential proof of the applicant (Aadhar, voter id)
- GST registration certificate
- Label/ packaging material pasted on the packaged commodity
- MOA of the company
- Partnership deed of the partnership firm
- Import – Export code
- Passport size photograph of all directors
- Proof of commercial Area
- PAN card details
How to Apply For an LMPC Importer License?
The following is the step–by–step procedure to obtain the LMPC license in India.
Step 1: Submission of Application to the Metrology Department
The first step to obtaining the LMPC Importer license is to submit the application form to the director of the metrology department of your area or local limit.
Step 2: Submission of Documents
Before applying for the LMPC importer license, all the relevant documents should be verified, such as a copy of the business permit, a copy of the current license to operate as owner or merchant and also documents that prove the payment of city and provincial taxes in past two years, along with other documents that the director of the metrology request. The application has to be filed 90 days from the start of import activity.
Step 3: Registration Fees for LMPC Importer License
After submitting all the relevant documents, the applicant will pay the application fee of Rs. 5oo. Later the application will be moved forward to the director of the metrology department for review. The director conducts the review by visiting the applicant’s commercial premises. Once the authority finds everything satisfied, they proceed with the registration and furnish the LMPC importer license within 2o days from the date of applying.
What Is The Information That Needs To Include Within The Package?
The Department of Consumer Affairs mandates every manufacturer, seller, importer and distributor certain conditions that every pre-packaged item should consider the following details in the outer package of the pre-packed commodities.
- Maximum retail price (inclusive of GST)
- Date of Manufacturing
- Date of Package or Import
- Generic name of the product
- If it is a perishable good, then there should be a Date of Expiry
- Net contents in terms of weight, volume and length
- Details of consumer use
- Consumer care details/Toll-free numbers
- Country of origin is a must for imported goods
What Are All The Declarations To Be Made In The LMPC Certificate?
While registering for the Legal metrology certificate, the importers should provide the following declarations. If any importer fails to declare the following declarations, he is ineligible to apply for the LMPC license.
- The package should be made in the standard quantities as per rule 5 in the LMPC.
- Should declare whether the package is a combination package or group package, or a multi-piece package
- Should declare whether the package is a retail package or wholesale package
- Whether the package contains perishable commodities like food items.
- Should declare will the packaged goods would also be exported to other countries
- Whether the packaged item is going to serve as only raw material for a specific industries
- The declaration is necessary when the package has a fast food item
- If the package contains an agricultural product of 5o kg and above
- Whether the package contains any scheduled or non- schedule formations covered under drugs
- Whether the premises/ shop is owned or rented
- Should declare that the firm has not been challenged for the last three years for the violation of Weights and Measures law
- Should declare that the shop or premises have been visited and verified by the Weights and Measures department.
- Declaration of any offences has been made.
Legal Metrology Packaged Commodities, The LMPC importer license to importers ensures that the importers comply with the standard rules and laws of the W & M. every importer is expected to get the LMPC license to avoid penalization and detention from the customs. This LMPC certificate is legally binding on all importers of pre-packaged goods.
Also Read:
How To Secure LMPC Certificate To Import Pre-Packaged Goods In India?