
What Are The Benefits And Challenges Of International Copyright Protection?

calendar10 Apr, 2023
timeReading Time: 5 Minutes
What Are The Benefits And Challenges Of International Copyright Protection?

Each nation has its copyright laws that govern both the use of international work inside its borders and the use of the work by its citizens. It provides copyright protection to creators and content owners worldwide and citizens of its own countries. By upholding a uniform standard of protection, international conventions like Berne Convention, TRIPS Agreement, Universal Copyright Convention, etc., have made copyright registration simpler on a global scale. Unlike patents, copyright is simple to obtain and, regrettably, simple to violate. One of the distinguishing characteristics of copyright is that, unlike other intellectual properties, it is not required to be officially registered with any government agency. In this article, we are going to discuss the benefits and challenges of International Copyright Protection.

What is International Copyright?

Before we discuss the benefits and challenges of International Copyright Protection, let’s discuss the meaning of International Copyright. The term “international copyright” describes the protection provided to authors of original works, including music, films, and software, spanning numerous nations. It is a legal idea that gives authors exclusive control over their creations, including the right to copy, share, and exhibit them. By preventing the use of creators’ works without their consent or payment, international copyright law seeks to both protect them legally and foster creativity and innovation. Creators may increase their audience and connect to a worldwide market while still maintaining their intellectual property rights with this kind of copyright protection.

The International Copyright Order 1999, the Copyright Act of 1957[1], and the Copyright Regulations of 2013 all govern copyright in India. The International Copyright Order of 1999 and the Copyright Regulations of 2013 are supplemental laws to the Copyright Act, which is the primary legislation governing copyright.

International Copyright Treaties and Agreements

The regulation of the protection of creative works, such as literary, artistic, musical, and other intellectual works, falls under the key category of international copyright law. Many international treaties and agreements have been formed to guarantee that copyright protection is awarded and upheld in various nations. The minimal requirements for copyright protection are outlined in these treaties and agreements, which also offer a framework for copyright enforcement on an international scale.

The Berne Convention is one of the most significant international copyright conventions. This agreement was first created in 1886 and has undergone numerous revisions. The Berne Convention specifies the rights that owners of copyrights are entitled to, including the right to reproduce their works and the right to prevent others from copying them without their permission. It also sets forth basic requirements for copyright protection. The three basic principles under the Berne Convention are:

  • National Treatment

The Berne Convention’s national treatment concept assures that foreign authors and inventors have the same rights and protection as citizens of the nation where they seek protection, fostering fairness and equality in the international enforcement of intellectual property rights.

  • Automatic Protection

The second principle of the Berne Convention supports the automatic protection of all works, irrespective of any required legal procedures. This means that authors and publishers can use the symbol without meeting requirements or qualifications.

  • Independence of Protection

The protection is seen as existing regardless of whether there is protection in the nation where the work was created.

The Universal Copyright Convention (UCC), which was formed in 1952, is another significant international convention pertaining to copyright. The UCC was established to deal with some of the difficulties that the Berne Convention did not touch, including protecting state-owned works and using works for research and educational purposes.

There are additional significant international copyright agreements, such as the WIPO Copyright Treaty (WCT) and the WIPO Performances and Phonograms Treaty, in addition to the Berne Convention and the UCC (WPPT). These agreements were made in 1996, and the World Intellectual Property Organization is in charge of managing them (WIPO). The WCT and the WPPT address digital rights management, performers’ rights protection, and sound recording protection.

As part of the World Trade Organization (WTO) accords, the Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) agreement establishes minimum requirements for copyright protection. All WTO members are required to offer specific levels of copyright protection, including the protection of databases and computer software, under the TRIPS agreement. Now, let’s discuss the benefits and Challenges of International Copyright Protection.

Benefits and Challenges of International Copyright Protection 

Following are the benefits and challenges of International Copyright Protection:

Benefits of International Copyright Protection

For authors, copyright holders and the general public, international copyright protection offers numerous advantages. Here are a few of the benefits of international copyright:

  • Protection against Infringement in Other Countries:

One of the key advantages of having international copyright protection is that it enables owners of the rights to protect their creations against infringement in other countries. So, a creator’s creation is protected not only in their own nation but also in other nations that have ratified international copyright treaties.

  • Ability to Take a Legal Action in Other Countries:

International copyright protection also enables copyright owners to file a lawsuit abroad against the infringer. This can be crucial for artists whose works are being used or distributed illegally in countries where they don’t have a physical presence.

  • Increased Opportunities for Monetization of Creative Works:

International copyright protection can open up new possibilities for the commercialization of artistic works. This is so that creators can widen their potential market and increase their monetization by licensing their works to people in various countries.  

  • Promotion of Creativity:

By giving creators the peace of mind that their works will be protected and that they will be able to profit from their hard work, international copyright protection can also promote creativity. 

  • Preservation of Cultural Heritage: 

By preventing traditional works like folk tales, music, and dance from being commercially exploited without the permission of the communities who developed them, international copyright can help preserve cultural heritage.  

  • Facilitation of International Trade:

International copyright protection can also offer a framework for the protection of intellectual property rights in cross-border transactions; international copyright protection can also facilitate international trade. 

Challenges of International Copyright Protection

Following are some challenges of International Copyright:

  • Difficulties In Enforcing Copyright In Several Jurisdictions:

The difficulty of enforcing copyright in many jurisdictions is one of the significant obstacles to international copyright protection. This is due to the fact that copyright laws can change significantly between nations, and there may also be variations in the processes and possible redresses for copyright enforcement.

  • Different Registration Requirements In Different Countries:

Another issue is the possibility of various registration requirements for copyright protection in other nations. For instance, while registration may be necessary in some nations to acquire copyright protection, it is only sometimes the case. Creators may find it more expensive and more complex as a result to protect their creations internationally.

  • Differences in Copyright Terms across Jurisdictions:

When trying to understand international copyright, innovators and copyright owners may encounter challenges due to the significant regional variation in copyright terms. For instance, certain countries’ copyright laws may be more stringent than others, which can impact which works are available for usage and licensing.

  • Lack Of Uniformity In Copyright Laws:

Despite the presence of international copyright treaties and accords, copyright rules in various jurisdictions are nevertheless inconsistent. While trying to comprehend and abide by various copyright laws, this may cause confusion and ambiguity for authors and owners of the copyright.

  • Different Approaches In Fair Use And Other Expenses:

It can be challenging for creators and copyright owners to understand when and how their works might be used without permission because different countries have varied approaches to fair use and other exceptions to copyright protection. Also, this may make it difficult to license and use works internationally.


After discussing the benefits and challenges of International Copyright protection, it is clear that international copyright protection is essential for safeguarding the rights of authors and copyright holders. It offers a framework for preventing infringement on creative works, fostering creativity, preserving cultural heritage, and promoting global trade. Effectively protecting intellectual property internationally is hampered by disparities in copyright laws, registration requirements, and enforcement practices across different nations. Harmonizing and streamlining copyright laws and procedures internationally will be necessary to address these difficulties. Notwithstanding these obstacles, it is evident that international copyright protection is crucial for promoting and defending artistic creations in the marketplace.

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Relevancy Of International Copyright In India

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