
Trademark Search in India

Start your Online Trademark Search Now! If your brand is available for Trademark Registration. We have an online search algorithm to check your Brand Name availability. With our highly experienced Trademark experts, get a Trademark Registration Certificate in minimal time.

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An Overview of Online Trademark Search

Before filing an application for Online Trademark Registration, Trademark Search is very important and this can be done by providing the word mark and the class under which the investigation is conducted.

A Trademark Search can aid you identify Trademarks that are already being used on the market & find out more about them. Trademark Search can also help you find out if someone else is trying to register a Trademark that could potentially violate on your brand name search or other brand-related identifiers.


Benefits of Online Trademark Search in India

Trademark is a vital asset of any company, any business is known by its name & protecting the name is equal to protecting the business. Following are some benefits of online Trademark Search in India:

  • Once your Trademark is registered nobody can copy your Trademark or Brand Name
  • Registered Trademark helps in expansion of business & growth.
  • Helps in image building & credibility in Market.
  • The knowledge developed from the Online Trademark Search report & analysis may assist counsel in drafting Trademark applications that minimise the likelihood of Trademark Office refusals or oppositions by 3rd Party
  • The Trademark Search results may help you in creating marketing materials that minimise the risk of challenges by the owners of identical Trademark uncovered in the search.

FAQ's on Trademark Search

A trademark search helps you know if there are similar trademarks available, and it delivers you a fair picture of where your trademark stands.

An appropriate trademark searching strategy will consider the nature of the goods/services that the mark covers, nature of the mark, applicant's allocation of resources, and the timeline for bringing the mark to commerce.

Knock-out Trademark searches provide the applicant with information about determining the subjected Trademark, if fails in an application that does not qualify for further searching. It specifies that a proposed mark is likely to conflict with the rest of the registered Trademark or not.

A full search refers to searches in the trademark system that is the subject of the search that covers all avenues for trademark protection.

Corpbiz Trademark search is not restricted to identical/similar word matches alone. We identify similarities in word meanings, as well. We also design a customized trademark watch parameter to uniform your unique needs. Moreover, you can store and review your watch reports in our user-friendly portal.

Why is it Necessary to conduct an Online Trademark Search in India?

Conducting an Online Trademark Search in India is not an easy task, it requires a lot of time & effort, which is why many people choose to outsource the process. However, if you have taken decision to do your own search, remember one thing that it can be more expensive than going through an agency. Following are some reasons to know why it is necessary to conduct a Trademark Search:

  •   Conducting an Online Trademark Search will provide the name information of a registered brand name or Trademark, which can be identical to your Trademark.
  •   A list of prohibited marks is given so that a person or an individual can check whether the brand name/Trademark falls under such banned characters.
  •   If any identical or similar Trademark exists, then the newly applied Trademark should be changed, or a new name can be selected.
  •   If the brand name or Trademark is unique, then one can go ahead to register the name of the brand. It’s always advisable to conduct a thorough Trademark Search before filing aan application for Trademark Registration.

Process to do An Online Trademark Search in India

You can conduct an Online Trademark Search on our Trademark Search tool. Contact our experts right away for more guidance on the same. An Online Trademark name search on the Trademark Registry can also be done on the Indian Trademark database link. The Trademark Registry will perform the thorough search & send a report of any Trademarks that are identical with your Trademark. For Online Trademark Search, a company should following the steps as mentioned below:

  • Determine whether or not they should file for a Trademark;
  • Know the type of Trademark they require;
  • File an application with the Trademark Registry;
  • Protect their IP (Intellectual Property).

Latest Trademarks (IPIndia)

(Companies Who Registered Their Trademarks with us)

Surjit Finance




Registered10 Days

Unfaced OPC Pvt Ltd




trademark-card13 Days

Empirion Enterprises Pvt Ltd




trademark-card13 Days

Important Points to Know Before Conducting an Online Trademark Search

  • Before conducting an Online Trademark Search, it is necessary to ensure that you are searching with the right legal jurisdiction.
  • In India, the Indian Trademark Registry tasked with registering Trademarks & Copyrights in India.
  • In case, your company has filed an application for Trademark in another country, it is the best to search through the country’s Trademark Office as well.
  • It is vital to know what type of Trademark you are trying to look up. Is your brand name search a word or a symbol or a design.

Why Corpbiz?

    •   CorpBiz Trademark search is not restricted to identical/ similar word matches alone. We identify similarities in word meanings, as well.
    •   We also design a customized trademark watch parameter to uniform your unique needs. Moreover, you can store and review your watch reports in our user-friendly portal.
    •   Furthermore, CorpBiz offers extremely affordable services with attractive discounts.
    •   To enable you to act fast to protect your intellectual property, CorpBiz always provides timely reports and alerts to their clients.

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