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Company Registration

How do you Name a Private Limited Company?

dateJun 28, 2024
timeReading Time: 4 Minutes

To provide a name to a Private Limited Company in India, it is compulsory to follow some legal guidelines related t...

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Private Limited Company

Differences between OPC and Private Limited Company

dateNov 23, 2019
timeReading Time: 3 Minutes

Are you thinking of starting a venture, but you are not sure about your funding status that whether you will be abl...

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Private Limited Company

Private Limited Company Registration Procedure in India

dateNov 19, 2019
timeReading Time: 5 Minutes

A Private Limited Company is a type of entity in India which holds many advantages over any other form of existence...

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Private Limited Company

Steps for Private Limited Company Incorporation In India

dateJul 23, 2018
timeReading Time: 5 Minutes

A Private Limited Company is an entity registered under The Companies Act, 2013. The name itself suggests that...

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