Accounting & Book Keeping

How to Select the Best Accounting Firm for your Business?

calendar07 Dec, 2020
timeReading Time: 4 Minutes
Accounting Firm

Finding the best accounting firm could be a cumbersome process for a new business. The growth of the business also depends on how well it manages the accounting framework. Oftentimes, most of the businesses, smaller ones particular find it tough to manage their accounting and bookkeeping prerequisite. This is where accounting firms come into the picture.

Criteria to Identify the Best Accounting Firm for Your Business

These firms are familiarized with the ever-evolving nature of our taxation system and know how to cater to anomalies while updating the account books. If you are struggling to identify the best accounting firm for your business then this write-up can help you in that regard. Since there are already plenty of accounting firms out there, it would be hard for anyone to pick up the right one straight away. So to narrow down your options, we have outlined some criteria for identifying the right firm. 

Accounting Fees

Accounting fees differ from one company to another. Some accountants demand a set rate for undertaking accounting-related tasks, meanwhile, others charge by the minutes.

Area of Specialization 

In general, accountants serve a few business areas to render maximum client satisfaction. A tax accountant might not prove to be helpful for a farmer compared to an accountant having diverse experience in handling rural and agricultural clients.

Certified Professionals

Tax preparation firms specialize in assisting clients who seek advice for filing income taxes, but these firms have limited penetration, especially in the business domain. These firms hire professionals from outside to serve such a purpose. If the firm has an ample number of professionals then you expect them to deliver great services without inconsistencies.

Financial Counseling

Some accounting firms are prompt to render advice on when to buy out equipment and how to maintain the finances in the account book; meanwhile, other firms compile the accounting reports and provide negligible feedback. The amount of advice you seek is based on your experience and financial knowledge. If you require in-depth assistance then opt for a firm that offers top-notch financial counseling.

Level of Service

If you wish to avail of comprehensive bookkeeping services, track down a full-service accounting company that hires bookkeepers accountable for handling daily client transactions. An accounting firm without a bookkeeping staff is likely to charge more if a CPA undertakes the routine bookkeeping tasks.

Availability of Prompt Resolution

Some clients avail of accounting service for tax-filing purposes on annual basis. Other clients may have business queries that seek prompt resolution. Try to identify a firm that can offer on spot availability of the accountant in a state of urgency. 

Compatibility with Clients 

The accountant[1] firm is the best as long as it keeps you abreast of accounting obstacles through the best guidance and intuitive discussion. If you understand the way your accountant handles the finances then the accounting management of your company becomes more transparent and less intricate. It’s good to identify the level of compatibility with accountancy firms before entering into the contract. 

Goal Setting

Some accountants assist their clients in setting up goals and track fiscal progress. This could help new business entities to sustain growth for a prolonged period. If possible, identify the firm’s policy regarding the goal settings and also look out for hidden charges for the service.

Audit Supports

New companies are more exposed to periodic tax audits, and that’s where you need full-fledged assistance from your accountant. It could be challenging for new entities to fulfill such a requirement. Some accounting firms offer in-house audit facilities to the client.


Taking references from friends and associates might sound like an ineffective approach; it still works like a charm, particularly for those who are inexperienced or not familiar with accounting management techniques.  

Emphasizes Money-Saving

While the majority of accounting firms in our country take care of your finances, you need an accountant who can prevent you from spending irrelevant expenses.

Tech-savvy Companies 

You may come across plenty of companies that still use outdated accounting software. This might let you rejoice low service price, but it cannot promise to render the desired output. If you have ample money at your disposal, then do not hesitate to hire someone who is technologically updated and uses the most advanced software. Keep in mind that the modern generation of accounting software is capable of identifying the loopholes in your finances and keep firms abreast of complicated errors. They may also provide the roadmap for future finances. 


Transparency is an absolute necessity when it comes to rendering accounting services. While planning the finances for future expenses, make sure your accountant provide proper feedback for the same. This way, you would know what strategies are being utilized to prepare the account books. 

What are the Benefits of Hiring Accounting Professional? 

The section below will explain the viable benefits of hiring an accounting professional.

Benefits of Hiring Accounting Professional

Reduce Financial Risk

The accounting professional monitors the payment transaction of all kind and keeps track of financial development, thereby reducing any risk of errors occurring. 

Manages Taxation Related Documents with Ease 

The accounting professional always makes sure that all the accounting and tax-related documents are synchronized to maximize the efficacy of the firm. 

Focus on Core Competencies 

With proper accounting management in place, the business can take care of other essential areas that need their attention. 


Every small business requires adopting a cautious approach in its initial stage while handling their finances. Failure to accounting can dent their dream of being a prominent contender in a given marketplace. That’s why a firm’s accounting needs to be handled with professionalism. With that being said, the accounting firm can prove to be decisive in this regard as they are specialized in managing the finances and bookkeeping for the company. 

Read our article: Income Tax Department has Released New Tax Audit utility Schema Version under Form 3CD

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