FSSAI License

Enforcement of the FSS ACT – An Overview

calendar28 Feb, 2020
timeReading Time: 5 Minutes

For starting any type of food business, the most important thing is to obtain a food license through FSSAI Registration. FSSAI stands for Food Standards and Safety Authority of India (FSSAI). FSSAI regulates and governs the food safety in India. With the view to accelerate the notification of regulation and enhance the food standards of, the enforcement of the FSS Act is undertaken by the Food Safety Commissioners of the state along with food safety officers. In this topic, we will discuss the Enactment of the FSS Act, What FSS Act is all about? What is the objective of enforcement of the FSS act?

Enactment of FSS Act

Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006[1] was enacted by the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India and State Food Authorities with the objective of –

  • Integrating multiple laws in the country relating to food safety,
  • Initiating a single point reference system,
  • Set up the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI). 

The enactment was undertaken based on quality inspection, surveillance of Food Business operators, proper monitoring and sampling of food products for quality check by the Food Safety officers.

What is the FSS Act?

FSS Act is enforced jointly by the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India and State Food Authorities who are responsible for the implementation and enactment of FSS Act, 2006.

Under the FSS Act, 2006 a compliance system was prepared for both domestic and imported food products which include surveillance and inspection of the food quality. All Food Business Operators are required to be licensed under the FSS Act 2006. An online platform has been created by FSSAI to obtain the food license termed as FSSAI Registration.

What is FSSAI?

FSSAI is a government body charged with a responsibility to ensure the safety of food in India. The government to ensure that the food products being used in the marketplace are complying with the set of guidelines and regulations, has created FSSAI registration at the Central level. The main motive of FSSAI is to safeguard the public by implementing the guidelines and with proper supervision of the Authority.

The objective behind the enforcement of the FSS Act

FSS Act received the consent of the President of India in the year 2006, which came into force with several notifications on various dates in the year 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010. Further, some principal notifications came into force on 01.08.2011.

The motive was to enhance the quality standard and to ensure safe food. The enforcement of the FSS Act emphasized the regulation without hampering the business.

FSS Act accelerated the process of uplifting the standards for articles of food and to ensure the availability of quality food for Human consumption.

The focus was more on regulatory compliance, Licensing and registration of food, Packaging, and Labelling, Prohibition and restricted sales, and Laboratory and Sample Analysis.

The objective of the enforcement of the FSS Act is-

  • FSSAI legally certifies the quality of the food processing business.
  • Proper licensing and review of the license issued under the earliersystem.
  • To ensure that proper food analytics are appointed in the food laboratories to analyze the food samples.
  • Recruitment of skilled and trained employees.
  • The standards laid down by the FSSAI for the food safety of the individuals ensure the safety of the public related to the food.
  • Through FSSAI Registration, awareness was created across the nation about the safety of food and food-related matters.

Why is FSSAI Registration important under the FSS Act?

In the present era, people are very much aware and concerned about the hygiene, quality of food and they are very much aware of the food safety standards. Earlier the laboratories used by the FSSAI observed as of low quality, and there was also an absence of data whether the notified Laboratories have qualified food analytics or not. To ensure public that the food which is being served is up to the mark and guarantees the quality of the product, it was important for every person dealing in the food business to get the food license through FSSAI Registration.

How the FSS Act impart training to the person dealing in the food business?

Under FSS Act, a manual for food safety officers has been prepared for the Food safety officers which acts as guidance notes while performing their duties and ensuring that the regulatory compliances of the FSS Act 2006 are being complied with.

FSSAI Registration helps the business owner in funding, which helps in Business Expansion. For the same, it is required to have proper knowledge and experience in the food business.

FSS Act imparts training to the person dealing in the food business and also to the Food safety officers. The Food safety officer assimilate and epitomize the intent of the FSS Act and also acts as the guide to the Food Business Operators.

Note:All the details related to information on the enforcement activities of FSSAI are available on the official website.

Food Licensing and Registration system under the FSS Act

A person, before starting a food business, must get a food license through FSSAI registration. In case of the absence of such a license, a person will have to face the penal provisions. The very first confusion that comes up in the mind of food operators is about the license they are eligible for. Below mentioned are the types of Food license issued under the Food license Registration/FSSAI Registration.

Before starting the food business, it is one of the major requisites to have a food license. There are 3 types of FSSAI. The Basis of FSSAI registration depends upon the annual turnover of the food business.

Types of Food License
  • Basic Registration – It is issued to the food business owner if the annual turnover of the business is below 12 lakhs. It shall get registered with Basic License Form A.

Example – Small Manufacturers, hawkers and small food businesses with an annual turnoverless than 12 lakhs and production capacity not exceeding 100 kgs/liters per day.

  • State License – State License is issued to the food business owner if the annual turnover of the business is between 12 lakhs to 20 crores. It shall get registered with State License Form B. The license is issued by the State Authorities of a Respective State. State License is generally issued to the medium-size businesses (Hotels and Restaurant).
  • Central License – Central License is issued to the food business owner if the annual turnover of the business is above 20 crores. It shall get registered with Central License Form B. Central License is issued to the Large Size Business operators.

Example – 5-star hotels,100% Export Oriented Unit.

In case the owner has food businesses in multiple locations, he has to apply for numerous food licenses. Separate Food License is issued for every place where the food business is getting handled; the owner is required to obtain a central license for the registered office address and also need a separate license for every location depending on the turnover.

Read our article:How To Obtain FSSAI License Renewal Online in India?

Under what circumstance the designated officer can suspend the license of the Food Business Operator?

In case, if the Food business operator fails to comply with the regulations as mentioned under the FSS Act, 2006, an improvement notice is issued by the Designated Authority, which can result in various penalties. The Designated Authority can also suspend the license of the Food Business Operator.


With the view to accelerate the notification of regulation and enhance the standard of food, the enforcement of the FSS Act is undertaken by the Food Safety Commissioners of the state along with food safety officers. Food Registration ensures high quality of the food, which results in a high and repetitive customer base. In the world of technology, people are very much aware that the foodstuff they are ordering is up to the quality standard or not. 

Read our article:What is The Difference Between The FSSAI License and FSSAI Registration?

FSSAI License

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