
WIPO Patent Search: A Comprehensive Resource for Patent Professionals

calendar13 Apr, 2023
timeReading Time: 6 Minutes
WIPO Patent Search: A Comprehensive Resource for Patent Professionals

A patent search involves looking up inventors’ novelty and patentability using different databases. It is an essential phase in the application process for patents. It helps in finding prior art, which is information that has already been published or disclosed and is relevant to the invention. If not addressed immediately, potential patent infringement problems can be expensive and time-consuming. A patent search can assist in identifying these problems. To verify that an idea is original and has not already been patented and to improve the likelihood that a patent application will be approved, a patent search is a crucial step.

Importance of Patent Search

A crucial phase in the patent application process that can assist in the success of an application is a patent search. It is essential because it enables inventors to locate prior art, which enables them to proceed with their work. This data can consist of already-issued patents, works published in the public journal, or other materials that potentially invalidate a patent application.

A Patent search can also help innovators in finding possible infringement problems. This gives innovators the opportunity to make necessary changes to their invention before completing a patent application, which can save them a lot of time and money. Also, by ensuring that their patent application is original and non-obvious, inventors can enhance the quality of their patent application by doing a patent search. Inventors can modify their patent applications to highlight the distinctive features of their invention that distinguish it from existing patents and other prior art by recognizing existing patents and other prior art.

What is WIPO Patent Search?

The World Intellectual Property Organization[1] (WIPO), a branch of the United Nations (UN), offers an online patent database called Patentscope. It provides users with access to millions of patent records from around the world, making it a vital resource for inventors, patent experts, and researchers.

Users can easily search for patents and patent applications using the user-friendly interface provided by WIPO Patent Search. It is a highly adaptable and effective search tool that provides various advanced search options, such as keyword searching and field-specific searching, making it a highly customizable and efficient search.

The comprehensive coverage of patent documents from all over the world provided by WIPO Patent Search is one of its key benefits. It offers access to national and regional patent databases in addition to patents submitted through the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) System, making it a comprehensive tool for patent search.

Benefits of Using WIPO Patent Search

There are several benefits to using WIPO’s patent search tool, Patent scope. Some of the benefits are as follows:

  • Comprehensive coverage
  • Advances search options
  • User-friendly interface
  • Cost-effective
  • Timely updates

How Do A Patent Search On WIPO Patent Search?

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to search for patents using WIPO Patent Search – Patentscope:-

Step 1: Access the WIPO Patent Search Website

Open your web browser and visit the WIPO Patent Search website –

  • Click on the option – Access Patentscope.
Access the WIPO Patent Search Website

Step 2: Patentscope Search Service

Patentscope Search service uses five ways to conduct a search. They are:

  • Simple Search

The simple search option is a default search option which has eight predefined fields for searching like the front page, full-page, any field etc. It is an essential function which is designed to quickly and easily search the patent documents related to the query.

Patentscope Search Service

To use the Simple Search interface: 

  • You can select one of the eight options available in the search fields from the drop-down menu;
  • After which you can add the search terms;
  • Click the button to search;
  • Advanced Search

An advanced search option is a feature which is used for more specific and detailed searches. This search interface is for expert search. This kind of search is complex; with the advanced search, users can enter several search terms and filter their search results using Boolean operators like “AND”, “OR”, and “NOT”. With advanced search, users can use query assistants and query examples to help them when creating search strings, which can improve their understanding and search performance.

Advanced Search
  • Field Combination

Using precise search parameters in any search field (such as the title, abstract, description, etc.), the Field Combination interface can be used to structure a more focused search. To search many concepts together, one should use the Field Combination Search, a collection of pre-set search fields that can be combined based on the demands of the user.

The Field Combination interface is used as follows:

  1. Using the drop-down menu’s arrow, choose the field or fields of interest.
  2. Add or incorporate fields by using the AND/OR boxes.
  3. The user can click on the fields to add more fields or remove some of them.
  4. Decide on the language in which to search (11 languages are available)
  5. Using the button, choose the collection that interests you.
Field Combination
  • Cross-Lingual Expansion

Cross-Lingual Information Retrieval is known as CLIR. By integrating patent documents that were disclosed in other languages in the user’s result list, this tool enables users to broaden their search. The translator starts by locating a synonym for the user’s query before translating everything into 13 different languages. For instance, if a user types in a single English keyword, the list of results will also include the phrase’s synonym as well as translations of both the keyword and the synonym into 13 other languages. Compared to other search options, this technical search field is more challenging. You can search patent documents disclosed in any of these languages by entering terms in one of those languages into the search box. The system will then suggest alternatives and translate the phrases.

Cross-Lingual Expansion
  • Chemical Compounds

Those looking for chemical compounds can use chemical structure searches to identify the molecules that make up the desired fragment. Up until recent years, only whole structures could be searched. Substructure searches, a new feature, allow users or inventors to enter a sketched sub-structure and search across all entries in the Patentscope. This research aids in the development of novel medical treatments and technologies.

The three choices in the Chemical structure search are as follows:

  1. Convert Structure: This feature allows users or inventors to choose the kind of search input they want to use, such as a brand name or a chemical component.
  2. Structure editor: With this function, users or inventors can change a specific search.
  3. Submitting a Structure: Using this feature, individuals or inventors can send pertinent documents that describe chemicals.
Chemical Compounds

Step 3: Enter your search terms according to the method you find suitable.

Step 4: Refine Your Search

Step 5: View the Search Results

Step 6: View the Patent Documents

Patent Search Strategies to Be Used In WIPO Database

  • Patent search using the keywords
  • Patent search based on patent classifications
  • Patent search with the help of number and date ranges
  • Use the applicant/assignee name or by inventor’s name to search 
  • Search with the help of specific data fields
  • Citing sources and other reference information


In conclusion, conducting a patent search is a crucial step for anyone interested in the patent process. It allows you to determine the novelty and patentability of your invention and avoid potential infringement issues. WIPO Patent Search is an excellent tool for conducting patent searches, providing access to a vast database of patents from around the world. By following the step-by-step guide outlined above, you can use WIPO Patent Search effectively to find relevant patents and patent applications. Whether you’re a researcher, inventor, or patent professional, WIPO Patent Search can help you save time and effort in a patent search. WIPO Patent Search and Patentscope offer potent tools for patent searches, and with the right search strategy and techniques, you can uncover valuable insights and information to support your innovation and patent activities.

Read Our Article: Conduct A Patent Search In India To Make Sure Invention Is Original

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