Shedding Light on Subjects and Benefits of Educational NGO

calendar20 Oct, 2020
timeReading Time: 5 Minutes
Shedding Light on Subjects and Benefits of Educational NGO

NGO registration authorises you to be evident in front of legal fraternity enabling you to have the obligation to start your charitable or non-profit making institution. Thus, you can fulfil your aspiration of helping the deprived people by feeding them with all the requirements of life. The Government of India by its Right to Education Act is trying to put up Educational NGO to sign up and preserve children in school mainly from the depreciated sector of India.

What is the Subject Matter of Educational NGO, and how does it works?

We know that the expenses spent on education are a significant burden on any family. As a result, providing a child with the means to avoid educational costs is unquestionably an outstanding opportunity for all. The person who helps in children education gets blessings & respect but to provide an education for all the deprived and eligible children of the society.

Read our article:What are the Exemptions given to Educational Institution as NGO?

Things to Consider While Making an Educational NGO

Before intending to create an Educational NGO, it is to decide the terms and conditions of the trust, which may cover the following agendas:

Commencing Period of the Trust to get the things into Effect

It will entirely depend upon the requirements of the Granter of the Trust whether it requires to get prepared during the Grantor’s life or at death.

In cases when the recipient is not aiming to get the trust funds until after the Granter’s death, then it reasonably gives the sense to assure that the trust may go into effect after death.

Consequently, by this strategy, the Granter should not worry about the funding of the trust. However, the issues correlated to the Gift Tax obligations might be analysed.

Trustee of the Educational NGO

It is an absolute requirement that when you create an Educational NGO, you need to determine who is capable of being the trustee. The trustee is the person who has real control over funds and property of the trust. He can select the usage of the funds by the applied terms and conditions. During the entire operational period of the trust, the trustee is the one who manages the trust. Particularly at an Educational NGO, the trustee will observe and follow the terms of the trust and pay for the beneficiaries’ education and tutoring.

Naming of a Beneficiary

It will only depend upon whether you intend to fund the educations of more than one beneficiary or another way round. In such an instance, you also require to resolve whether you want to build a separate trust or a certain trust for it. Whereas it is about only one trust, you need to comply with the terms which can control how you want the trustee to distribute the part of Trust fund.

Category of trust to support Educational NGOs

It would help if you decided in your mind with a precise reason for what category of education the trust should support Educational NGO. You need to be delimited with the choice whether the beneficiary uses funds from the trust or the other commercial school or medical school? Moreover, he/she need to ascertain about the trust funds be applied to go to school based on part-time – or online. You can utilise the trust to govern for what type of education the trustee can train with the trust funds. Regardless, it is essential to understand that it will be stress-free for the trustee as well as for the beneficiary. Although you should remember, the most notable thing is that the trust should furnish the trustee with clear direction as to what can and cannot be done by trust funds.

Elements satisfying Funds of the Trust

If everything goes as planned, the trust can end if the trust funds are used in the education of the beneficiary. Things that can be done to consider the funds of the trust in the following conditions-

  • In case the beneficiary never went to school as per condition?
  • If there is money left over later to the beneficiary ends up the education?
  • If the beneficiary dies before the end?

As an outcome of it, in the relations of the trust, you’ll be obliged to consider these conditions and make approaches for them.

Responsibilities & Obligations of Trustees

In general, the responsibilities, obligations, and powers of a trustee, are established by the Indian Trust Act, 1882[1]. Specifically, the duties and liabilities are directed in Section 11 to section 30 of the said Act.

Restrictions set by various Board under the formation of Educational NGO

There is no particular limitation has been set by the Educational Board of India. The only purpose is to Endeavour any Educational NGO or Society to set-up Institutions for “school/Training/pharmaceutical/engineering” education for support to society. It should get equipped with objects which have to consider in the Trust Deed or bye-laws. The Educational NGO should be of a ‘Non- proprietary’ so that it does not confer power in a single person or members of a species.

Advantages of Structuring Educational NGO as a Non-Profit Organisation

There are two varied kinds of benefits you can reflect upon on structuring Educational Institutions as a Non-Profit Organisation which is as follows:-

Structuring Educational NGO as a Non-Profit Organisation

Subjective Benefits

  • The Educational NGO is no distinct than the other trust. Similarly, The Income Tax Act of 1961 confers an exemption to trust, which is made for any philanthropic and beneficial objects. As the educational institution falls under the classification of charitable objectives, the Educational NGO will get exempted from income taxes.
  • Notwithstanding the above statement, the Educational NGO can grow under the purview of Income Tax act if they exceed a few significant deadlocks. It can be done if the income of the trust gets applied for any charitable goals established outside the territorial limits of India. It will invalidate the picture from paying taxes only when the scenario comes under the customary or definite rules of the CBDT (Central Board of Direct Taxes).
  • The educational institutions are also authorised to maintain the income which gets generated by the trust, only if they satisfy the provisions offered under Section 11(2) – Rule 17 of the Income Tax Rules with the Form 10 as well. Consequently, the income received from the trust can be maintained only under the rules specified in Section 11.
  • As asserted, eventually, the donors of Educational NGOs are released from paying taxes for the donations made to the trust/Charitable institution. This understanding is expressly affirmed under Section 80G of the Income Tax Act of 1961.

Administration Benefits

  • The managerial advantages are something you need to be very selective while exhibiting the same. It is because the profits are dispensed to three types of trust, which are almost alike. The selection of business formation for the educational institution will originally depend on the limit of control and management only.
  • Indeed, trust mainly deemed to be the most representative by nature among the three business structures available in the market. To confirm it, founders can carry out control only if they have permanent posts in the managing department and if they also invest themselves in some limited powers throughout enacting the preamble of the trust.
  • Moreover, trusts can also be managed by an individual even though a board of trustees might be present and actively operating. It is because of the bearing of trust deeds which enables all important as well as good decision giving control to only a single person. Accordingly, in the case where the founder of the educational institution requires maintaining a major level of power and administrative control on all sorts of the matter of the trust, in that case, we suggest that trust is favorable.


The only purpose is to Endeavour any Educational NGO or Society to set-up Institutions for school & education for support to society. It should get equipped with objects which have to consider in the Trust Deed or bye-laws. If you want any help related to NGO registration, feel free to contact Corpbiz.

Read our article:An Insight into New Era for Religious NGOs under Taxation

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