Merger & Acquisition

Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A) and Competition Act, 2002

calendar18 May, 2023
timeReading Time: 9 Minutes
Mergers and Acquisitions

India has responded to the push for global integration by adopting measures such as economic liberalization and removing controls. As a result, the Indian market needs to be prepared to face domestic and international competition. The Monopolies and Restrictive Trade Practices Act of 1969 has become outdated in certain aspects due to international economic developments, particularly in relation to competition laws. Therefore, there is a need to shift our focus from controlling monopolies to promoting competition. Here we discuss Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A) and Competition Act, 2002.

In line with this approach, the Government of India enacted the Competition Act in 2002. This legislation aims to ensure fair competition in India by prohibiting trade practices that significantly adversely impact competition within the country. To achieve this objective, the Act establishes a quasi-judicial body known as the Competition Commission of India (CCI), which is also responsible for promoting competition awareness and providing training on competition-related matters.

One significant aspect of the Act is its regulation of Mergers and Acquisitions. This project aims to critically analyze the provisions of the Act concerning the regulation of mergers and acquisitions.

Overview of Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A)

Mergers and acquisitions (M&A) refer to the consolidation of companies through various transactions, such as mergers, acquisitions, joint ventures, or takeovers. These activities involve the combination of two or more entities to create a larger, more powerful organization or to achieve strategic objectives.

M&A transactions are a common strategy for businesses aiming to expand their market presence, achieve economies of scale, diversify their product offerings, enter new markets, gain competitive advantages, or improve profitability. They offer opportunities for companies to proliferate, enhance their capabilities, and increase shareholder value.

Mergers involve blending two or more companies into a single entity, pooling their assets, liabilities, and operations. On the other hand, acquisitions involve one company acquiring another, resulting in the acquired company becoming a part of the acquiring company. Joint ventures entail collaboration between two or more companies for a specific project or venture. At the same time, takeovers involve the acquisition of a controlling stake in another company, often against its will.

M&A transactions can take place within the same industry (horizontal mergers), between companies in different stages of the supply chain (vertical mergers), or between unrelated industries (conglomerate mergers). They can be domestic or international, involving companies from different countries.

Various factors, such as strategic growth opportunities, market consolidation, synergy potential, cost savings, access to new technologies or markets, competitive pressures, financial considerations, and shareholder value maximization drive these transactions.

M&A transactions are subject to regulatory frameworks and legal considerations to ensure fair competition, protect consumer interests, and prevent anti-competitive practices. In many jurisdictions, including India, competition laws play a crucial role in overseeing and regulating M&A activities to maintain a competitive marketplace and safeguard the interests of stakeholders.

The Competition Act, 2002, in India, provides the legal framework for regulating M&A transactions to prevent abuse of dominance, promote fair competition, and protect consumer welfare. The Act empowers the Competition Commission of India (CCI) to scrutinize mergers and acquisitions that may have adverse effects on competition and take appropriate measures to maintain a level playing field.

Merger Control

Merger control refers to the regulatory process by which competition authorities review and assess mergers and acquisitions to ensure they do not result in anti-competitive effects or harm to market competition. The Competition Act, 2002 in India plays a significant role in regulating M&A transactions through its provisions related to merger control.

The critical objective of merger control is to prevent mergers and acquisitions that may substantially lessen competition in the market, resulting in the abuse of a dominant position, or create barriers to entry for new competitors. The Competition Act, 2002 empowers the Competition Commission of India (CCI)[1] to review and approve mergers and acquisitions that meet certain thresholds.

Under the Act, a merger or acquisition qualifies for review by the CCI if it meets the prescribed criteria, including the combined assets or turnover of the merging entities exceeding certain thresholds. These thresholds are specified in the Competition Commission of India (Procedure in regard to the transaction of business relating to combinations) Regulations, 2011.

The CCI’s role in merger control involves the following steps:

1.   Notification:

The parties involved in a merger or acquisition meeting the thresholds must notify the CCI about the transaction before its implementation. The notification should include information about the nature of the transaction, the market affected, and details of the parties involved.

2.   Assessment of Competitive Effects:

The CCI examines the potential impact of the merger on market competition, including the likelihood of creating or strengthening a dominant position, the elimination of effective competition, or the creation of barriers to entry.

3.   Market Definition:

The CCI defines the relevant market affected by the merger to assess its potential effects accurately. This involves identifying the product or service market and the geographic area in which competition may be affected.

4.   Competitive Analysis:

The CCI evaluates the likely competitive effects of the merger based on factors such as market concentration, market shares of the merging entities and their competitors, barriers to entry, and countervailing buyer power.

5.   Remedies and Approval:

If the CCI determines that the merger may have adverse effects on competition, it may impose remedies or conditions to mitigate those effects. These may include divestitures, licensing agreements, or other structural or behavioral remedies. The CCI can prohibit the transaction if the merger is deemed anti-competitive and the parties cannot propose suitable remedies. Alternatively, if the merger is found to be not detrimental to competition, the CCI approves the merger.

Market Dominance and Abuse of Dominance

Market dominance and abuse of dominance are key concepts in competition law, including under the Competition Act, 2002. Understanding these concepts is crucial to ensure compliance with the law and prevent anti-competitive behavior.

1.   Market Dominance:

Market dominance refers to a position of economic strength enjoyed by a firm or a group of firms in a particular market. A firm is considered dominant when it can behave independently of its competitors and customers and ultimately influence the market conditions. Market dominance is typically assessed based on factors such as market share, size, financial resources, brand recognition, access to essential inputs, and barriers to entry.

Under the Competition Act, dominance is evaluated in terms of the ability of a firm to operate independently of market forces, which may enable it to affect competition in the relevant market. The Act does not define specific thresholds for market dominance but provides guidelines for analyzing market power and dominance.

2.   Abuse of Dominance:

Abuse of dominance refers to anti-competitive behavior by a dominant firm or group of firms that exploit their market power to harm competition, exclude competitors, or restrict consumer choice. The Competition Act prohibits firms from abusing their dominant position in relevant markets. Examples of abusive conduct include:

a. Predatory Pricing: Selling goods or services below cost to drive competitors out of the market and raise prices.

b. Exclusionary Practices: Engaging in practices that limit entry or expansion of competitors, such as exclusive dealing, tying and bundling, refusal to deal, or discriminatory pricing.

c. Exploitative Conduct: Charging excessive prices or imposing unfair and discriminatory terms on customers or suppliers due to the lack of competitive alternatives.

d. Vertical Restraints: Imposing restrictions on customers or suppliers that harm competition, such as resale price maintenance or tying arrangements.

e. Unfair Trade Practices: Engaging in unfair or deceptive practices, exploiting the dominance to deceive consumers or other market participants.

The Competition Act empowers the Competition Commission of India (CCI) to investigate and penalize instances of abuse of dominance. The CCI considers factors such as market share, size, entry barriers, countervailing buyer power, and consumer interests when assessing allegations of abuse.

Remedies for abuse of dominance can include imposing fines, issuing cease and desist orders, and directing the dominant firm to modify its conduct or business practices to restore competition in the market.

Competition Law Compliance in M&A Transactions

Competition law compliance is crucial to mergers and acquisitions (M&A) transactions to ensure adherence to the Competition Act, 2002 provisions. Understanding the legal and regulatory considerations is essential for parties involved in M&A transactions to avoid potential violations and legal consequences.

Here’s a detailed explanation of competition law compliance in M&A transactions:

1.   Pre-Transaction Due Diligence:

Parties involved in an M&A transaction should conduct thorough due diligence to assess potential competition law risks. This includes evaluating the market shares, competitive position, and conduct of the merging entities and identifying any ongoing or potential antitrust investigations or litigation.

2.   Notification Obligations:

Parties should determine if their M&A transaction triggers mandatory notification requirements under the Competition Act. If the transaction meets the prescribed thresholds for notification, the parties must submit the necessary filings and information to the Competition Commission of India (CCI) before implementing the transaction.

3.   Prohibited Activities:

Parties must be aware of prohibited activities under the Competition Act, such as anti-competitive agreements and abuse of dominance. They should ensure that the M&A transaction does not involve any coordination of competitive behaviour, price-fixing, bid-rigging, market allocation, or any other anti-competitive conduct that may violate the Act.

4.   Dominance and Market Power:

If one or more parties to the M&A transaction hold a dominant position in a relevant market, they should assess whether the merger would lead to the abuse of that dominance. This includes considering the potential impact on market competition, barriers to entry, foreclosure of competitors, and possible remedies to address any anti-competitive effects.

5.   Market Definition and Competitive Effects:

Parties should analyze the relevant market affected by the merger to assess its potential competitive effects. This involves defining the product or service market and the geographic area and evaluating market concentration, market shares, and the likelihood of creating or strengthening a dominant position.

6.   Remedies and Commitments:

In cases where potential anti-competitive effects are identified, parties may propose suitable remedies or commitments to address these concerns. Remedies could include divestitures, licensing arrangements, or other behavioural or structural changes that mitigate the adverse effects on competition. Parties should consider these remedies during the negotiation and drafting of the transaction documents.

7.   Engagement with Competition Authorities:

Parties should engage with the CCI throughout the merger review process. This includes submitting all required information and responding to any requests or inquiries from the CCI promptly and accurately. Cooperating with the CCI and providing relevant information can help facilitate the review process and demonstrate a commitment to competition law compliance.

8.   Post-Transaction Compliance:

After the completion of the M&A transaction, the parties should continue to comply with competition law obligations. This includes adhering to any commitments to address potential anti-competitive effects and avoiding any post-merger conduct that may be considered anti-competitive.

Abuses of Dominant Position and the Authority of the Competition Commission of India under the Competition Act 2002

The Competition Act of 2002 allows an enterprise to hold a dominant position in a relevant market within and outside India, which grants it the ability to operate independently from competitive forces in that market or influence its competitors, consumers, or relevant markets in its favour. However, Section 4 of the Act prohibits any enterprise from abusing its dominant position. An enterprise is considered to abuse its dominant position if it:

  • Imposes unfair conditions or pricing stipulations, including predatory pricing, in directly or indirectly buying or selling goods or services.
  • Limits or restricts the production of goods or services, their market, or the technical or scientific development related to such goods or services.
  • Denies market access to others.
  • Enters into contracts with irrelevant conditions.
  • Uses its dominant position to enter or protect another relevant market.

Under Section 19 of the Act, the Competition Commission of India (CCI) has the authority to investigate alleged abuses of dominance by an enterprise, either based on its own initiative or upon receiving a complaint or reference. Section 19 (4) outlines the factors the CCI must consider when determining whether an enterprise holds a dominant position. These factors include the enterprise’s market share, size and resources, the importance of its competitors, its economic power and advantages over competitors, its vertical integration or sales network, and consumers’ dependency on the enterprise.

Similar to anti-competitive agreements, the CCI can order the enterprise or person to cease abusing its dominant position, award compensation to affected parties, and impose fines not exceeding ten per cent of the average turnover of the three previous financial years on the entity engaging in the abuse. Additionally, the CCI can recommend to the Central Government that measures be taken to prevent the enterprise from abusing its dominant position, including the possibility of dividing the enterprise itself. The Central Government, based on this recommendation, can issue a written order directing the division of the dominant enterprise, which may involve property transfers, share allotments, compensation payments, or amendments to the enterprise’s memorandum and articles of association.

Competition law remedies refer to the actions taken by competition authorities to address and correct anti-competitive behaviour and restore competition in the market. When competition law violations, such as abuse of dominance or anti-competitive agreements, are identified, remedies are imposed to mitigate the harm caused and promote fair competition. Here are some common competition law remedies:

1.   Fines and Penalties:

Competition authorities have the power to impose financial penalties on companies found to have engaged in anti-competitive practices. Fines are typically calculated based on the violation’s seriousness, the infringement’s duration, and the company’s turnover. The purpose of fines is to deter future anti-competitive behaviour and reflect the offence’s gravity.

2.   Structural Remedies:

In cases where anti-competitive conduct has substantially lessened competition, competition authorities may order structural remedies. These remedies aim to restructure the market and eliminate the anti-competitive effects of the conduct. Structural remedies can include divestitures, where the company is required to sell off certain assets or businesses, or the prohibition of certain types of contractual arrangements.

3.   Behavioural Remedies:

Behavioral remedies are measures imposed on companies to change their conduct and prevent future anti-competitive behaviour. These remedies can include restrictions on specific practices, such as price discrimination, tying arrangements, or exclusivity agreements. Behavioural remedies may also require implementing compliance programs, regular reporting to the competition authority, or appointing independent monitors to ensure compliance.

4.   Market Access Remedies:

In cases where competition authorities identify barriers to entry or expansion that are hampering competition, they may impose market access remedies. These remedies aim to facilitate market entry and increase competition. Market access remedies can include requirements for non-discriminatory access to essential facilities, mandatory licensing of intellectual property rights, or the removal of exclusive dealing arrangements.

5.   Consumer Remedies:

Competition authorities may also seek to provide redress to affected consumers. Consumer remedies can involve restitution or compensation for harm suffered as a result of anti-competitive conduct. This can include reimbursement for overcharged prices or the establishment of funds to compensate affected consumers.


Undoubtedly, the Mergers & Acquisitions Under the Competition Act, 2002

aims to foster a favourable environment for mergers. The Act has made substantial progress in this direction. However, the Act itself does not explicitly communicate this intention. The preceding section highlighted a few discrepancies and shortcomings within the Act. Although these points and the subsequent suggestions may seem minor, their importance lies in their ability to elucidate the legislative intent. The proposed suggestions are not intended to oppose the spirit of the Act but rather to strengthen it and enhance its overall impact, making the outcome more meaningful and potentially more effective.

Read our Article:Merger Or Amalgamation Of Company With Foreign Company: Complete Overview