Fire Department NOC

How to File a Fire NOC Application?

calendar06 Jun, 2022
timeReading Time: 3 Minutes
Fire NOC Application

A fire NOC Application is required for the purpose of protection against damages caused due to fire hazards or any fire-based accidents. Fire hazards can cause significant damage to the affected property.

Fire-based accidents are also unpredictable in nature, making it essential to obtain a NOC from the fire department. Fire hazards or fire-based accidents can be caused due to any human error or negligence, negligence while utilisation of flammable products, faults or break down in electrical wiring, etc. For commercial buildings, it is mandatory to file a Fire NOC Application.

The Fire NOC Application is issued by the Department of Fire of the applicable State. The laws also may differ from state to state under the State Regulations and the Municipal By-Laws but have to mandatorily be in accordance with the 12th Schedule of the Constitution of India.

Documents for filing a Fire NOC Application

The below mentioned are the required documents needed for filing a Fire NOC Application –

  • A Copy of the Site Plan
  • A Copy of the Basement Floor Plan 
  • A Copy of the Ground Floor Plan
  • A Copy of the Floor Wise Plan
  • A Copy of the Terrace Plan
  • A Copy of the Section Plan
  • A Copy of the Elevation Plan
  • Signature of the building owner and authorised technical personnel on all the document copies mentioned above
  • Certification of the Building Stability
  • The Identification Details and Residential Details of the Applicant
  • A Building Photograph
  • Approved Certification of the Electrical Wiring done in the building
  • Any applicable Deviations or any Contraventions that have been approved by the Architect or Site Engineer that falls under Section 31 and Section 32 of the Fire Service Act, 1999.

Procedure for Filing a Fire NOC Application

The below mentioned is the required procedure needed to be followed for filing a Fire NOC Application –

  • The Fire NOC Application can be filed online as well as offline.
  • The Applicant is needed to pay the entire applicable fees and submit the drafted Fire NOC Application with the attested documents to the appropriate District Fire Officer.
  • The District Fire Officer, upon approval, then will assign the Application File to the Zonal Station Fire Officer.
  • An inspection will be conducted by the Station Fire Officer of the Applicant’s mentioned building to investigate whether all the established rules set by the State are maintained.
  • The Investigation Report Drafted by the Station Fire Officer is then submitted to the Fire District Officer for scrutiny of the report.
  • Upon the satisfactory result of the Investigation Report, it is then forwarded to the Additional Director of Fire Services.
  • The Additional Director of Fire Services then adds their remarks on the Report and sends the application to the Chief City Planner.
  • The Chief City Planner then adds their remarks on the Report and sends the application to the Commissioner of the Fire Department.
  • The Final Approval or Rejection is authorised by the Commissioner of the Fire Department, and the applicant is to be notified accordingly.
  • The Final Fire NOC Certificate or Letter is then granted to the applicant upon final approval by the Commissioner of the Fire Department.
  • The Applicant is to be notified via SMS upon the status of each stage of approval.


Fire mishaps are something not in anybody’s grasp. Fire hazards in buildings, emergency clinics, private structures, etc., are very rapid due to which the Fire Departments are under mandated by the government to conduct thorough examination and review of all structures and seal them from additional utilisation till the standards are maintained in accordance with the applicable laws.

Read our Article:What is a Fire NOC certificate? How to obtain it?

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