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Highlights on Homeopathy Central Council (Amendment) Bill, 2020

calendar11 Oct, 2020
timeReading Time: 3 Minutes
Homeopathy Central Council (Amendment) Bill, 2020

The Homeopathy Central Council (Amendment) Bill, 2020 finally get the approval (passed) of the lower house of the parliament on Sep 21, 2020. The Bill was prepared on the ground of amendment made to the Homeopathy Central Council Act, 1973. The Act establishes the Central Council of Homeopathy which primary role is to regulate homeopathic practice and education. The bill supersedes the Homeopathy Central Council (Amendment) Ordinance, 2020 which was being introduced publically on April 24, 2020. 

Period for Supersession of Central Council

The Homeopathy Central Council Act, 1973 was amended in 2018 to render the replacement of the Central Council of Homeopathy. The Central Council, in the purview of this amendment, is required to opt for the reconstitution within 1 year from the date of supersession. In 2019, the aforesaid period was amended to require the reformation of the Central Council in 2 years.

Meanwhile, during this course of time, the central government[1] formed a Board of Governors, to utilize the rights of the Central Council. The Act was amended on the ground of extension for the period for the supersession related to the Central Council from 2 years to 3 years. 

Period for Supersession of Central Council

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Historical Context of the Act

Section 59 of the Homeopathy Central Council Act, 1973 mainly focuses on the constitution of the Central Council of Homeopathy for the regulation of the maintenance of the Central Register of practitioners of Homeopathy, the educational standard of Homeopathy, and other related matters. 

Failed To Serve the Purpose

As the Central Council of Homeopathy had failed to serve the purpose and showed non-compliance with the guidelines that were enacted to protect the practice of Homeopathy and education standards, the aforesaid Act was amended by the legislators vide the Homeopathy Central Council (Amendment) Act, 2018 to confer the right to the government  to replace the council and to formed the Board of Directors to execute the rights and carry out functions of the council under the said Act, till the reformation of the council within a year time period. 

Failed To Get Reformed

The Central Council of Homeopathy failed to get reformed within the aforesaid timeline as the State Registers of Homeopathy were failed to conduct elections for electing members to the Central Council. Henceforth, the authority decided to push forward the period of reconstitution of the Central Council for an additional one year vide Section 11 of the Homeopathy Central Council Act, 2019. 

During this course of time, Central Government decided to replace the Homeopathy Central Council Act, 1973 to ensure the better functioning of the central council on membership issues and imparting transparency in the method of conferring approval to colleges and practice of Homeopathy.

Proposed Decisions: 2020

In the purview of these proposed decisions, the Central government finally comes up with the National Commission for Homeopathy Bill, 2019. The same bill was approved by the higher house of parliament on 18/03/2020. As the Central council of Homeopathy could not be formed within the aforesaid timeline i: e two years and the central government were engaged with their inspection protocols for the academic year 2020-21, the Homeopathy Central Council Act, 1973 seek the relevant amendment for the extension of the period of reformation of the council from 2 years and 3 years.

As Parliament was in the ideal state during that course of time, the Homeopathy Central Council (Amendment) Ordinance, 2020 (Ord. 6 of 2020) was made publically available on the 24/04/2020 under the guidance of the honorable President. The aforesaid Ordinance provides the extended timeline for reformation of the council from 2 years to 3 years. 


The main aim of the said act is to improve the practice & education of the Indian medicine system. It also empowers the central government to take control of the council and make the necessary alterations wherever required.

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