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MCA: Extensions for Resubmission of Forms and for Reserved Names

calendar06 Jun, 2020
timeReading Time: 3 Minutes
Extensions for Resubmission

The MCA (Ministry of Corporate Affairs) has notified concerning the extension for resubmission of forms and filing of names for companies. Moreover in general, every company in India must abide legal compliances considering prescribed deadlines mandatorily . This blog will serve you the latest extended dates prescribed by MCA for the Extension for Resubmission of Forms and Names Reserved of newly established Company.

Reserving Name- ‘SPICe+ Part B’

INC-24 [1] required to be filed within 60 days of name reservation concerning change of name of the company. Names expiring any day from March 15, 2020, to May 31; according to MCA, would be extended by 20 days, which means further than May 31, 2020. For reserving the name for 20 days regarding a newly established company, as per the company rules, a form ‘SPICe+ Part B’ is required to be filed within 20 days of name reservation.

SRN- Extensions for Resubmission

According to the MCA rules of Extensions for Resubmission concerning theSRNs (Service Request Number),the last date of Extensions for Resubmission (RSUB) falls from March 15, 2020, to May 31 2020, for validity for companies; where an additional 15 days beyond May 31, 2020, would be permissible.

On the other hand, the Extensions for Resubmission would be provided on a case to case basis for those who’s SRNs already got marked under NTBR (Not to be taken on Record). However, the forms will not get marked to ‘NTBR’ due to non-resubmission during this extended phase.

LLP Incorporations

For new LLP incorporation/change of name, got additional extended for names reserved for 90 days. According to MCA, names expiring any day from March 15, 2020, to May 3, 2020, would be extended by 20 days, which goes beyond May 31, 2020. Moreover, the FiLLiP/Form 5 needs to be filed within 90 days of the name reservation.

Detailed Table of Extended Dates

Extended days Explanation of Concerned Issue
Names expiring any day from 15th March 2020 to 31st Maywill be extended by 20 days beyond Dated -31st May 2020. SPICe+ Part B required to be filed within 20 days of name reservation 20 days for Names reserved for new company incorporation.
Names expiring any day from 15th March 2020 to 31st Maywill be extended by 60 days beyond dated-31st May 2020.     For change of name of company, names reserved for 60 days. INC-24 within 60 days required to be filed of name reservation.
SRNs (Service Request Number) where last date of Extensions for Resubmission (RSUB) falls from 15th March 2020 to 31st  May 2020, required additional 15 days extension beyond dated- 31st  May 2020-would be permitted.    For the companies which SRNs already marked under NTBR, extension will be provided on case to case basis only.   Forms will not get marked to NTBR (Not to be taken on Record)owing to non-resubmission during this extended phase. [Includes-IEPF Non-STP eForms ( IEPF3, IEPF-5 and IEPF-7)]   Postponement of RSUB validity and Legitimacy for companies.
Names expiring any day from 15th March 2020 to 31st  May now will be extended by 20 days beyond dated-31st  May 2020 FiLLiP/Form 5 needs to be filed within 90 days of name reservation for new LLP incorporation/change of name.
SRNs (Service Request Number) where last date of Extensions for resubmission falls from15th March 2020 to 31st  May 2020, additional 15 days will be permitted from 31st May 2020 for resubmission(RSUB). RSUB validity and Legitimacyextension forLLPs Incorporations.
SRNs where last date of filing e-Verification Report (for both Normal as well as Extensions for Resubmission filing) falls from 15th March 2020 to 31st  May 2020, will be permitted to file the form till dated-30th Sep 2020.  For the companies SRNs already marked under ‘Pending for Rejection u/r 7(7)’ and ‘Pending for Rejection u/r 7(3)’, extension will be given on case to case basis only.
Note: Status of IEPF-5 SRN will not change to ‘Pending for rejection u/r 7(7)’ and ‘Pending for Rejection u/r 7(3)’ till dated-30th Sep’20.
Extension for marking Pending for Rejection u/r 7(7)’and ‘IEPF-5 SRNs to ‘Pending for Rejection u/r 7(3)’


At this moment, you must know that harvesting with the right company structure for your business is as important as any other commercial-related action. The correct business structure will allow your inventiveness to operate efficiently and meet your required business objectives. Every company in India must abide legal compliances mandatorily concerning Extensions for Resubmission of Forms and for Reserved Names as well.

Our team of experts is familiar with the guidelines of regarding all MCA rules and regulations. The experts would make you aware of the recent updates related to your company and Business Targets. If you feel that your plans are not working out, you can approach us at Corpbiz for guidelines Ministry of Corporate Affairs and Compliances as per your goals and desires.

Read our article:Launch of Spice Plus Form by Ministry of Corporate Affairs

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