
Directors Identification Number: Procedure for Alteration

calendar28 Feb, 2020
timeReading Time: 3 Minutes
Alteration of DIN

A person who is Director of a registered Company or Designated Partner of LLP is required to have Directors Identification Number (DIN) or Designated Partner Identification Number (DPIN). DIN came into existence, after the insertion of Sections 266A & 266B in the Act by the Companies (Amendment) Act, 2006. The primary purpose of introducing DIN is to keep database of all Directors of Companies which are incorporated. DIN is kept to maintain a record of all information about Directors so that they cannot cheat and are traceable in case of any fraud committed by them. Hence, directors are required to update all the changes or modifications which occur in the particulars of the DIN because it is not possible that information in DIN remains the same for a lifetime. If there is an Alteration of DIN, then it is mandatory to apply for changes in the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA). This article will discuss the procedure followed for Alteration of DIN details.   

What are the Reasons for Alteration of DIN?

As per the Rule 12 (1) of the Companies (Appointed and Qualification of Directors) Rules, 2014 & Rule 10 of Limited Liability Partnership Rules, 2009, any person can apply for Alteration of DIN due to the following reasons:

  • Change in the name of Director/ Designated Partner
  • Modification of Fathers Name
  • Change in Nationality
  • Modification in Permanent Account Number (PAN)
  • Change in Passport Name
  • Change in Date of Birth
  • Driving License Number Modification
  • Change in Permanent Residential Address
  • Change in Gender
  • Modification in Voters Identity Number
  • Change in E-Mail ID
  • Mobile Number is changed

Therefore, the person applying for Alteration of DIN is required to intimate Central Government for any change in particulars of DIN.

What is the Procedure for Alteration of DIN?

For Alteration of DIN particulars DIR-6 Form is filed with the Registrar of Companies (RoC). The DIR-6 Form[1] is also accompanied with the DIR-7 Form and the particulars proof which are to be changed. The DIR-7 Form should be filed within 30 days of the change in particulars of the DIN. The DIR-6 Form can be submitted electronically in the Ministry of Corporate Affairs. The Applicant should digitally sign the e-form DIR-6. 

The particulars required for form DIR-6 for Alteration of DIN is as follows:

  • Proof of Changed Particulars in DIN
  • Permanent Account Number (PAN) Card
  • Passport-in case of Foreign Nationals

The Procedure followed for Alteration of DIN is as follows:

  • Download the DIR-6 Form from the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) Portal.
  • Fill up the Details as required in the DIR-6 Form.
  • Attach the required particulars of DIR-6 Form mentioned above with the Alteration of DIN Application.
  • DIR-6 Form must be certified by a practicing Chartered Accountant or Company Secretary. The Professional should provide their membership number.

In the case of Foreign Nationals, the requisites to be followed while, filing for DIR-6 Form is as follows:

  • Attach DIR-7 Form
  • Affix the Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) of the Applicant and the Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) of the person who is certifying the Form for Alteration of DIN.
  • Upload the Form on the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) website.
  • After uploading Form on the website, the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) will approve the Form in 1-2 working days.

What are the Grounds on which the Application for Alteration of DIN can be rejected?

The following are the grounds on which the application of Alteration of DIN can be rejected:

  • Attestation of Identity Proof is not done.
  • Attestation of Proof of Address not done.
  • Identity Proof and Residential proof are not attached.
  • Proof of Fathers Name is not submitted
  • The signatures are not at the proper place.
  • Proof of date of birth is not submitted
  • The documents attached to the application are expired.
  • Gender is not correctly filled in the application.
  • The submitted application is duplicate DIN application, DIN in the same name already exists.  


It becomes obligatory for the person who is holding DIN to intimate the Central Government about any change in particulars of the DIN. The change in particulars should be filed with the Ministry of Corporate Affairs. The process of Alteration of DIN is time-consuming. We at Corpbiz, have trained experts who will assist you with the filing procedure for the Alteration of DIN.

Read our article:Companies Act 2013 Provides a Procedure for Appointment and Resignation of the Directors

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