
Different Types of Patent: Choosing the Best Fit for Your Invention

calendar14 Mar, 2023
timeReading Time: 5 Minutes
Different Types of Patent: Choosing the Best Fit for Your Invention

The history of patent laws in India began when the first patent law was introduced by the British administration in the year 1856. This law was primarily influenced by the British Patent Law of 1852. Modifications have profoundly impacted the field of inventions to Indian Patent Rules. The focus on process patents stimulated the development of innovations and cost-effective technologies in industries including agriculture, biotechnology, and medicine. Patents are essential to the economy and business as they foster innovation by giving inventors a financial incentive. Patents grant the inventors the sole right to their works, allowing them to profit from their inventions and recoup their development costs. By encouraging technological development and new products or services, patents also encourage competition and generate economic growth. In this article, we will discuss the different types of Patent.

What Is A Patent?

The Latin word “patere”, which means to lay open or to make available for public examination, is where the word “patent” originates. Technical details concerning the invention must be made public in the patent application in order to obtain one. For inventors, patents are like a superhero’s cape. It is an exclusive right granted to them by the government that enables them to prevent anyone from using or copying their ideas without their consent.

Patents are a legal instrument that grants inventors a temporary monopoly on their inventions, allowing them to profit from their hard work and investment. Patents act as both a shield to keep inventions safe from imitators and thieves and a sword to enable them to follow their passion for innovation and creativity. They are a crucial tool for inventors and a driving force behind societal advancement.

Different Types of Patents

There are three types of patents:

There are three types of patents:

Utility Patent

This is one of the important types of Patent. A Utility Patent grants the inventor an exclusive right over their inventions, process or products. These patents are granted to inventions that can be a machine (mechanical), a process (electrical) or a composition of matter (the chemical in nature). Utility patents are the most widely used type of patent protection. They provide the inventors with the protection of a patent for twenty years. Utility patents are also known as minor inventions, petty patents, small patents etc. Utility patents are similar to regular patents but differ in costs, requirements for the invention and filing process. In Indian law, utility patents are not allowed. As section 3(d) of the Patent Act 1970[1] states that a mere discovery of a new use of the already known substance cannot be patented.

  • Eligibility Criteria

The following are the eligibility criteria to obtain a utility patent:

  1. The patent must be for a product or process.
  2. The invention should be novel/new.
  3. Minimal improvement in the product or process that is acceptable for the utility patent.
  4. The product or process must be useful, i.e. must have a practical application.
  • Benefits
    • Ability to prevent unauthorized production, use or sale of the inventions.
    • The use of utility patents is preferable for incremental invention.
    • Offers enforcement of the law and protection from infringement.
    • Utility patents are less expensive to acquire and retain.
    • Gives the invention a public record for future use.
    • Utility patent registration takes less time than regular patent registration since; in most jurisdictions, utility patent applications are only reviewed after registration.
  • Examples

Utility patents include computer software, brooms, candleholders, engines, medicines, light bulbs, the computer etc.

Plant Patent

This is also one of the important types of Patent. For the invention or discovery of a novel and distinct plant, patents are allowed. An applicant must be able to asexually replicate the plant in order to be granted a plant patent. A plant reproduces asexually if it is propagated through methods other than by seeds, such as cutting or grafting the plant. Patent on the plants is not accepted in India. India has allowed process patents on the genetic modification of plants but not on the whole plant itself.

  • Eligibility Criteria
    • The invention has to be novel and non-obvious.
    • It must be a new variety.
  • Benefits
    • A plant patent can increase the value of the plant variety, making it more attractive to potential investors or buyers.
    • It helps in the development of new plant varieties.
    • Protects from infringement of the patent.
  • Examples

Examples of plants that are eligible for plant patents include new varieties of flowers, fruits, vegetables, and ornamental plants. For example, a new type of apple that is particularly resistant to disease or a new variety of roses that has a unique colour and fragrance could both be eligible for plant patents.

Design Patent

  • Meaning

Another different types of Patent is Design Patent. Design patents are a type of intellectual property that provides exclusive rights to inventors for the ornamental design of an article of manufacture. The primary focus of a design patent is the appearance of the invention rather than its functionality.

  • Eligibility Criteria
    • For a design patent to be legitimate, the design must be unique.
    • The invention should be non-obvious, which means it cannot be evident to a person with ordinary skills in the relevant field.
    • The invention product should be new in terms of shape and size also.
  • Benefits
    • This protection can be precious in industries where the aesthetic design of a product is critical to its success.
    • A design patent can increase the value of the product, making it more attractive to potential investors or buyers.
  • Examples

For example, a new type of Smartphone case with a unique and original design or a new type of chair with a distinctive shape and appearance could both be eligible for design patents.

Choosing the Right Type of Patent

Making the best choice for the invention’s patent can be crucial and could have long-term effects on the company. The nature of the invention, the prospective market, and your business goals are essential considerations when choosing the best types of patent.

It is crucial first to evaluate the technical aspects, functions, and applications of your idea. Knowing these elements will enable you to choose the best patent kind to protect your idea. For instance, a utility patent may be acceptable if your innovation entails a novel and practical method or device. On the other hand, a design patent can be appropriate if your invention relates to the decorative design of a product.

Also, it is crucial to take your company’s aims into account when choosing the best patent. A utility patent is more helpful if your goal is to prevent others from creating, utilizing, or selling your innovation. A design patent, however, would be more appropriate if your goal is to restrict others from imitating the appearance of your product.

Comparing the many patent categories that are offered and the potential advantages of each category is also crucial. For instance, because it protects an invention’s functional aspects, a utility patent might provide broader protection. A design patent, on the other hand, focuses on the decorative design features of a product and may offer more limited protection. For the purpose of defending novel and distinctive plant types that have undergone asexual reproduction, a plant patent may be appropriate.

Finally, it’s critical to get expert guidance while choosing the proper patent. A knowledgeable patent agent or attorney can offer insightful advice based on their understanding of the patent laws and procedures. They can support you while you assess your idea, choose the best form of patent, and walk you through the application process.


In conclusion, for inventors who want to safeguard their intellectual property, it is essential to understand the types of patents that are accessible. Utility patents, design patents, and plant patents are the three primary categories of patents, each having distinct requirements and advantages. It’s essential to conduct a complete examination of your creation and comprehend your business objectives before selecting the best patent for it. Making the best choice also benefits from professional counsel from a patent attorney or agency. In India, obtaining a patent entails several steps, including a search for patentability, preparation of the patent application, submission, examination, and publication, and finally, a patent grant. With the right knowledge and guidance, inventors can successfully protect their inventions and reap the benefits of their intellectual property.

Also Read:
Different Types Of Patent Applications In India
Detailed Process Of Patent Registration In India

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