Environmental Clearance

Comprehensive Environmental Pollution Index (CEPI) in Environment Clearance

calendar18 Mar, 2023
timeReading Time: 3 Minutes
Comprehensive Environmental Pollution Index (CEPI) in Environment Clearance

The Comprehensive Environmental Pollution Index (CEPI) is a composite index used to assess the environmental pollution status of industrial clusters or regions. It helps identify priority areas for pollution control measures, set up pollution control targets, and prioritise the allocation of resources for environmental management. The respective state or region releases the CEPI by the Pollution Control Board (PCB) or Pollution Control Committee (PCC). The PCBs/PCCs are responsible for monitoring and regulating pollution levels in their respective regions and are usually the primary agencies involved in conducting environmental assessments and releasing reports on the state of environmental pollution.

What Is The Importance Of A Comprehensive Environmental Pollution Index?

Comprehensive Environmental Pollution Index (CEPI)[1] is an important environmental management and governance tool. The following are some of the key importance of CEPI:

  • Identifying the Pollution Hotspots: CEPI helps to identify the pollution hotspots or critical areas that require urgent attention for pollution control measures. This enables policymakers to prioritise their actions and allocate resources efficiently.
  • Monitoring Pollution: Comprehensive Environmental Pollution Index helps monitor pollution levels and progress in pollution control measures. This provides a basis for setting pollution control targets and evaluating the effectiveness of pollution control measures.
  • Facilitating Decision-Making: CEPI helps in industrial development and environmental clearance decision-making. It enables regulatory authorities to determine the suitability of an area for industrial development and to decide on the issuance of environmental clearances for new projects.
  • Promoting Sustainable Development: CEPI promotes sustainable development by identifying the environmental impacts of industrial activities and supporting the development of effective pollution control measures. This enables industries to operate environmentally responsible and minimise their environmental impact.
  • Public Awareness: CEPI increases public awareness about environmental pollution and its impact on human health and the environment. It promotes transparency and accountability in environmental governance by providing information about the pollution levels in different areas.

Comprehensive Environmental Pollution Index is an important tool for identifying pollution hotspots, monitoring pollution levels, facilitating decision-making, promoting sustainable development, and increasing public awareness about environmental pollution. It supports effective environmental management and governance and enables policymakers to allocate resources efficiently and prioritise their actions.

How Is CEPI Score Calculated?

CEPI score is a composite index that considers various environmental parameters such as air, water, land, and noise pollution and hazardous waste generation. The following is the general method for calculating the CEPI score:

  • Identification of Environmental Parameters: First, the environmental parameters are identified. These parameters may vary depending on the type of industrial cluster or region being assessed.
  • Data Collection: The relevant data is collected for each parameter from various sources such as government agencies, industrial units, and field surveys. The data collected should cover at least one year.
  • Normalisation of Data: The collected data is normalised using appropriate standards, guidelines, and thresholds. This ensures that the data is comparable across different regions and industries.
  • Weighting of Parameters: Each parameter is assigned a weightage based on its relative importance in assessing environmental pollution.
  • Calculation of Sub-Indices: The normalised and weighted data for each parameter is used to calculate sub-indices for air, water, land, and noise pollution, as well as hazardous waste generation.
  • Calculation of Overall CEPI Score: The sub-indices are combined using appropriate formulae to obtain the overall CEPI score. The score ranges from 0 to 100, with higher scores indicating more significant environmental pollution.
  • Interpretation of CEPI Score: The CEPI score is interpreted to identify the level of environmental pollution in the region or industrial cluster. A score of 70 or above indicates a critically polluted area, while a score of 60-70 indicates a severely polluted area. The CEPI score is also used to identify the priority areas for pollution control measures and to monitor progress in pollution control measures.

The CEPI score is calculated using a composite index approach that involves the identification of environmental parameters, data collection, normalisation of data, the weighting of parameters, calculation of sub-indices, and the overall CEPI score. The CEPI score is used to identify the environmental pollution level and prioritise pollution control measures.

Who Releases The Comprehensive Environmental Pollution Index?

CEPI is typically released by the respective state or UT’s Pollution Control Board (PCB) or Pollution Control Committee (PCC). The PCBs/PCCs monitor and regulate pollution levels in their respective regions. They are usually the primary agencies involved in conducting environmental assessments and releasing reports on environmental pollution. The CEPI score is calculated based on the environmental data collected and analysed by these agencies and is used to identify the pollution level in each region or industrial cluster. The PCBs/PCCs also use the CEPI score to identify priority areas for pollution control measures and to monitor progress in pollution control efforts.


Comprehensive Environmental Pollution Index is an important environmental management and governance tool. The CEPI is a composite index used to assess the environmental pollution status of industrial clusters or regions. It helps identify priority areas for pollution control measures, set up pollution control targets, and prioritise the allocation of resources for environmental management. The CEPI score is an essential tool used by regulatory authorities to determine the suitability of an area for industrial development and to decide on the issuance of environmental clearances for new projects. It is recommended that a person looking for Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), Environmental Clearance or advice on CEPI should seek expert advice or consultation to get a hassle-free experience in the extensive process. 

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History Of EIA And Environment Compliance In India

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