Monisha Chaudhary

About Monisha Chaudhary

Meet Monisha Chaudhary, a company secretary, and legal content expert with 15+ Years of Industry Experience. With a deep understanding of numerous legal domains, such as intellectual property and regulatory affairs, and decades of expertise in drafting legal blogs, she has consistently delivered informative articles. Her unique writing style has made her gain an immense following among legal researchers, lawyers, and CAs.

A Complete Guide to Understanding Professional Tax in India

Professional tax is a state-level tax imposed on individuals engaged in various professions, trades, and employments. It is a source of revenue for state governments and is governed by the respective State Tax Acts. Professional tax is deducted by employers from the salary of employees and is subsequently remitted to the state government. The concept […]

Packing and Labeling Compliance For Cosmetics Products In India

The Packing and Labeling of Cosmetic products in the Indian Cosmetic Industry is governed by several Laws and rules. Although many of the laws and regulations are overlapping in nature & compliance structures, but there are certain differences in the Manufacture & Sale of the cosmetics including the Import & Export of cosmetics. In this […]

Ethical Marketing of Medicines in India

Since ages, or since the time the Pharmaceutical Industry exists, it is unable to avoid the allegations of being indulged in unethical practices concerning the marketing of medicines around the world. The unethical marketing practices of medicines not only affect the general public but also the regulatory authorities face tough times in controlling such activities. […]

Quashing of FIR under section 482 of CRPC

The law is made to protect the safety and security of the citizens and the state and for the interests of the general public. However, in certain circumstances, due to some malicious minds, the law is being used to harass the aggrieved party by the implication of false charges. In order to suppress the other […]

Objectives and role of bureau of Energy Efficiency

The bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) was set up by Government of India on March 1, 2002 and it falls under the provisions of the Energy Conservation Act, 2001. The Bureau has been established with the mission of assistance in the development of strategies and policies falling under the framework of the Energy Conservation Act, […]

Energy Efficiency Standards and Labelling in India

Legal Framework governing Energy Efficiency The Energy Efficiency is governed by following Acts/Rules: Energy Conservation Act of 2001[1]; The Nodal Central Agency In the form of Bureau of Energy Efficiency; State Level Agencies created for the implementation of the Act. What is the role of Energy Conservation Act? The Bureau of Energy Efficiency and Central […]

Why Company Registration is important for small businesses?

While thinking about starting a new business, the idea of registering a company seems lucrative but at the same time a mighty step into the business world. However, it brings abundant benefits for the business owners once they get their business registered in the form of a Company. The benefits may range from a wide […]

Dissolution of a Partnership Firm in India

Section 189 of the Income Tax Act deals with the Dissolution of a Partnership Firm in India. Any partner of the firm has the right to dissolve the firm at any time. The value of the partnership firm at the time of the dissolution shall be assessed by an Assessing Officer and the value would […]

Benefits of Trademark registration

Before we discuss the benefits of the trademark protection in India, it is very important to understand the repercussion of not registering a trademark on your business entity. Imagine the niche created by years of hard work just going wasted due to some mischievous elements using your already existing brand name and therefore taking away […]

Trust Deed- How does it work!

Trusts are the statutory bodies primarily created for the benefit of private individuals or public at large and may also be established for the promotion of art, science, commerce etc. Generally, the trusts are of two types- private trusts and public trusts. The trusts are governed under the Indian Trusts Act, 1882[1]. Nowadays, the trusts […]

GST Updates 2022: GST Portal to Host New Functionalities

Since its inception, the GST law have been ever evolving with new updates taking place every now and then. Therefore, it becomes very necessary to be familiar with the new changes well in time so as to avoid any non-compliance. The new year also welcomed some of the recent changes in the GST portal as […]

Benefits of Private limited company

A Private Limited Company is a closely held entity with very less interference from the outsiders towards the business. The main motive behind registering a private limited lies in the fact that the control of the company is vested in fewer hands and is not scattered. When two or more people join their hands and […]
