FSSAI License

A Detailed Guide on Obtaining FSSAI License in India

calendar29 Mar, 2023
timeReading Time: 7 Minutes
A Detailed Guide on Obtaining FSSAI License in India

Food Safety and Standards Authority of India is known by the initials FSSAI. This regulatory authority was established to examine the quality requirements for companies handling food items. The primary regulatory body in India in charge of issuing food Licenses is the FSSAI authority. This authority was established by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. This organisation and other food body operators in India would be subject to the regulations of the FSSAI Act. This organisation was established as an independent entity to regulate the calibre of food in India in order to adhere to worldwide standards of food safety. This establishment makes sure the food is pure and suitable for human consumption. The FSSAI’s guidelines would be followed while conducting quality checks. Any business that deals with food goods has to obtain this License. For example, the manufacturer must get this permit. Apart from this, other institutions involved in the production of food also need this License. Thus, it is essential to follow the FSSAI’s regulations.

What Different FBOs Are There?


Any manufacturer engaged in tasks linked to creating food goods would fall under this category.

Fast-Food Restaurants

Each establishment that offers fast food must complete the FSSAI registration. This type of registration is required, regardless of how big or small the eatery is.


Each hotel with restaurants is required to obtain this License. It doesn’t matter how big or small the hotel is—this compliance is required.

Banquet Hall

Just food is served in banquet halls, wedding venues, and other such establishments. The food is touched before being served, though. Handling is a part of any procedure involving food. Thus, banquet and wedding facility registration with the FSSAI is necessary.

Import and Export Houses

All organisations involved in the import or export of food goods must get FSSAI registration. This institution would additionally require a current IEC License (Import-Export Code) License in addition to the FSSAI License.


Airports have restaurants and cafes, thus in order to maintain quality standards, even airports must have FSSAI compliance.


Any airline or Airline Business would have to get this License, as meals are produced and delivered throughout the flight.

Storage Facilities

Any facility that keeps meat-based products or other food items must adhere to the rules for obtaining an FSSAI License.

Stall Selling Food Products

Any small shop which is selling food products also has to secure this License. The License is not needed if the food is prepared and served by one person using a mobile cart. But additional stalls would be needed to obtain this License.

Veggie Oil-Using Facilities and Small-Scale Mills

Any industrial operation which employed vegetable oil would require food License. Apart from this, there are small-scale industries and cottage mills. Such units which have the production or processing of vegetable oil through the refinery system or expeller system. Such systems shouldn’t have a daily capacity greater than 100 litres.

Dairy Units

Any units or industry that is carrying out handling milk and milk related goods. This would encompass operations such as cooling of milk, procurement and handling of milk.

Slaughtering Homes

Any place that is regarded as a slaughterhouse.

Every Additional Institution That Offers Food

Each additional institution that meets the requirements must go through the FSSAI registration process.

Different types of FSSAI License

Following are the different types of FSSAI License in India:

  • Basic FSSAI License: Any FBO that does business with less than 12 lakhs in annual revenue must complete a basic FSSAI registration. So, this License is necessary for every establishment that serves food and is categorised as a tiny food establishment. To get this type of License, the applicant must complete Form-A and submit it to the FSSAI.
  • State FSSAI License: Each FBO that has an annual revenue of more than Rs 12 lakh but less than Rs 20 crore is required to apply for a state FSSAI License. An owner of a medium-sized food business ought to think about getting this kind of License. To get this type of License, the applicant must complete Form B and submit it to the FSSAI.
  • Central FSSAI License: The applicant must have an annual revenue of more than 20 crores in order to qualify for this type of FSSAI License. This type of FSSAI License is required for any sizable food enterprise or government agency that exports food. To get this type of License, the applicant must complete Form B and submit it to the FSSAI.

Principal Reasons for Registering With FSSAI

The following are the primary goals of obtaining FSSAI License:

  • Should adhere to the safety and quality requirements for food.
  • To make certain that other goods and raw materials meet the quality standard.
  • To decrease food production of poor quality and adulteration of any kind.
  • Must adhere to the requirements for food product transparency and governance.

Benefits of Obtaining FSSAI License in India

Following are the benefits of obtaining FSSAI License in India:

More Public Awareness

The firm will gain greater credibility in the eyes of customers thanks to the FSSAI registration. Consumers now make sure that the food quality meets FSSAI guidelines when it comes to food quality standards.

Legal Compliance

Each owner of a food business who possesses this License complies with the law. If the company keeps up compliance, all fines will be avoided.


The reputation of the company would improve with the FSSAI License number. Also, it will strengthen the company’s name in general. Comparing items with the FSSAI emblem to those without, consumers are more inclined to purchase the former.

Government Funds

Via this registration, government assistance may also be increased in amount. An FBO having this License is seen by the general public as being more compliant with the laws set forth by the government. Possessing this License expands your options for obtaining government and public cash.

An Improved Reputation

Last but not least, getting the FSSAI registration License would naturally improve the company’s reputation and goodwill.

Requirements for FSSAI Registration

The following factors might affect the requirements for FSSAI registration:

Business Type

Therefore, the sort of FSSAI License would depend on the type of business. For instance, the FSSAI registration necessary for a government food manufacturing enterprise is different from the FSSAI License required for a food stall operator or street hawker. The specified License would be obtained based on the size and kind of company activities.

Revenue of the Company

To be qualified for the several categories of registration under the FSSAI procedure, the following turnovers must be taken into account:

  • Basic Registration: 12 lakhs or less in annual Turnover.
  • State Registration: Yearly Turnover exceeding INR 12 lakhs but under INR 20 crores.
  • Central Registration: Around 20 crores in annual revenue.

Capacity Metrics of the Company

While determining the sort of License to issue under FSSAI registration, the business’s metric capacity will also be taken into account. For instance, the unit might need to apply for a new registration if it produces more items than a predetermined number.

Who Needs A Basic FSSAI Registration For FBO?

Basic FSSAI registration is necessary for the following:

  • Any FBO, dhaba, or food stall with an annual revenue of less than 12 lakhs.
  • Small-time food vendors.
  • Cottage businesses.
  • Produce Units.
  • Milk-producing units- This would be the same as 2.5 metric tonnes of milk-based solids. Thus, for such units, FSSAI registration is necessary. Any milk producer with a capacity of greater than 500 litres.
  • The slaughterhouse must be able to handle at least two big animals or fifty chickens. The same would apply to a slaughterhouse that houses 10 tiny animals.

Who Needs State FSSAI Registration?

  • Any FBO having a yearly revenue greater than 12 lakhs but less than 20 crores.
  • Food businesses and products with brands.
  • 4 Star Resorts & Hotels.
  • Storage buildings with a 50,000 metric tonne capacity. This has to be evaluated annually.
  • Milk processing, handling, or procurement facilities with a capacity of 500 to 50,000 litres.
  • 50 large animals, 150 small animals, or 1000 poultry birds are killed in a slaughterhouse.

For Which FBOs Is Central FSSAI Registration Necessary?

  • Any FBO having a yearly revenue of exceeding 20 crores.
  • Any production of solvent or vegetable oil that goes beyond the daily limit of 2 metric tonnes. Refineries and solvent extraction would fall under this category.
  • Clubs, hotels, or resorts having locations in several states.
  • 5 star resorts and motels.
  • Entire Sellers with a yearly revenue of exceeding 30 crores.
  • Airports, railroads, the military, and other central government-provided services.
  • Dairy facilities process or produce more than 50,000 litres of milk per day.
  • More than 50 large animals, 150 small animals, or 1000 poultry birds are slaughtered here.
  • Storage buildings with a capacity more than 50,000 metric tonnes. This has to be evaluated annually.

Documents Required for FSSAI License

Following are the documents required for FSSAI License or FSSAI Registration:

  • Application form, either Form A or Form B, with applicant’s signature.
  • 2 current photos of the applicant.
  • PAN cards for business executives.
  • Contract for Rent.
  • Utility Bills if the applicant owns the property.
  • A copy of the partnership document must be acquired if the business is a partnership.
  • List of food products by category.
  • In the event that the entity is a corporation, AOA and MOA.
  • Resolution of the Board using Form X for appointment.
  • Voter ID and Aadhaar are identification documents.

In addition to the aforementioned, the following documents are needed for state FSSAI registration:

  • Building layout using a machine plan.
  • NOC.
  • Get a manufacturing permit if necessary.
  • Food product information.
  • A copy of the pertinent food safety management system.

Further documentation is needed for Central FSSAI Registration:

  • Building layout using a machine plan.
  • NOC.
  • Get a manufacturing permit if necessary.
  • Food product information.
  • A copy of the pertinent food safety management system.
  • Laboratory analysis and report on water.
  • Data regarding Yearly Turnover.
  • Details of Milk and Meat Acquisition and Supply.
  • The IEC Certificate.
  • FSSAI’s NOC.
  • Report on Pesticide Residue if the company produces mineral water.

Process for FSSAI Registration/FSSAI License

The steps for obtaining FSSAI License are listed below:

Fill out the form on the website

The applicant must first decide what kind of business he is doing. The applicant will have to choose between the basic registration process and state/central registration depending on the yearly turnover. When registering simply, Form-A should be utilised. Form-B must be utilised if it is a state or central registration. The Food Safety and Compliance System (FosCos) has taken the place of the old system as of November 2020 (FLRS). As a result, the applicant must visit the FosCos[1] website and submit a new application.

Registration Costs

The applicant would need to provide the paperwork and the registration cost for FSSAI registration.

Include Documents

Along with this, pertinent documents must be attached.

Number UARN

A unique application reference number (UARN) will be created after this procedure is finished. This must be referenced by the applicant in all written contact. The same procedure is used to state or central registration.

Examination by Authority

The authorities will examine the form after it has been submitted.

Building Inspection

The authority would inspect the property in the next phase to see whether it complies with the FSSAI’s standards and requirements.

FSSAI Registration Certificate

The authorities will issue the FSSAI registration Certificate if there are no problems with the application or the premises.


The licensing procedure comprises sensitive procedures that need a calm and deliberate method. Any mistake or error made during the licensing procedure may prohibit the applicant from receiving a License. In these situations, the applicant must go through the entire procedure again, which is a time-consuming and laborious process. Here is where we come into play. We reduce the likelihood of application rejection and guarantee quick and easy License distribution.

Also Read:
How To Get FSSAI License In India: Full Guide

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