Environment Laws

WPS Certificate: Who needs it and Why?

calendar29 Jan, 2022
timeReading Time: 3 Minutes
WPS Certificate

Welding requires perfection and skills. Welding requires knowledge regarding the material being welded, the process of welding, and various other related factors. As Safety is what matters the most, the welding engineer needs to be tested for validation. In this article, we will discuss, what is WPS Certificate? and how it is useful in various industries.

What is Welding Procedure Specification?

The Welding Procedure Specification is a document required for all code welding. The WPS configures all the specifications required to perform the welding operation. We can say the WPS is a specific method that you follow while doing welding operations. It outlines the welding processes used. Also, it outlines-

  • The unprocessed materials to be used,
  • The collective design and geometry,
  • Gases and airflow volume,
  • Welding position and includes all of the operational conditions and parameters.

Each code has a recommended format and your client specifies to what code the company must qualify. Any number of these are mostly written from one PQR without further testing as long as they comply. Like any other document the procedures can only work if they’re used accurately following the framework detailed.

Specifications mentioned in WPS Certificate –

Below-mentioned specifications/Contents are mentioned in WPS Certification-

  1. Joint
  2. Filler and Base Metal
  3. Preheat
  4. Positions and Post weld heat treatment
  5.  Electrical and Gas features.
  6. Techniques to be used

Who should have WPS Certificate?

  • Manufacturing Industry (Automotive and Heavy Equipment)
  • Construction
  • Pipeline.

 Who is a licensed welder?

 A person can be a licensed welder once he gets certified with a qualification test documented in a WQTR (Welder Qualification Test Record[1]). It ensures that the person has an understanding and demonstrative ability to work within the specified Welding Procedure Specification.

Objective of Obtaining the WPS Certificate

  • The objective of getting the Welding Procedure Specification certification is to direct the welders to the defined process so that repetitive and devoted techniques of welding are used.
  • A different WPS works for every welding process. As a Welding Procedure Specifications is developed for each material alloy, each welding process, and type.
  • WPS helps in providing direction for weld and number of parameters…The parameters or variables you can say are of three types-
  1. Essential variables
  2. Non-Essential variables.
  3. Supplementary Essential variables.
  • It ensures that the welder/ the operator performing the WPQT(Welding procedure qualification test) are proficient persons. • WPS helps in determining the welder is skilled in depositing sound metal. Also, the welding operator is skilled in operating welding instruments properly.
  • As per the International Standard WPS, is required to check stable welding.

How WPS differs from PQR?

WPS permits welders to continuously produce welds that meet the requirements with zero rework.  WPS is advanced for each substance alloy and every welding type used. Also, WPS is supported by a PQR (that keeps a record of a test weld performed and tested to ensure that the process will produce a good weld. At times, the use of a Welding Procedure Specification and Procedure qualification record (PQR), are commonly mixed up.

Is single welding certification test which will certify a welder to weld anything?

No, Different Welding certification tests are granted for different material types based on-

  • Thickness,
  • Positions, etc.

Also, there are probabilities of various combinations and coincidences where single welding test can cover numerous different positions and diameters if chosen properly.


WPS Certificate is a vital document that explains the way to weld during production. To ensure good quality welding is an essential part of Automotive, construction, Pipeline, and manufacturing industry. To ensure quality is one of the major steps to have a qualified welder for production and specified welding Processes that can be processed individually based on metal.

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