Environmental Clearance

DPCC Online Registration: A Major Environmental Compliance in Delhi

calendar12 Jan, 2024
timeReading Time: 12 Minutes
DPCC Online Registration

It is essential that you become aware of the various environmental regulations laid down by the Delhi Pollution Control Committee (DPCC)for factories and manufacturing businesses in the NCT of Delhi. Set-up by the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) in 1991,the DPCC enjoys all major powers of the Board to exercise pollution control measures as per the laws and guidelines set down by the Government and plays a crucial role in monitoring and controlling pollution levels in the city. It is mandatory for industries to obtain a DPCC authorization before commencing their operations. In this blog, we will guide you through the DPCC registration process, including the different categories of industries requiring approval from the Board, the fees and categories of DPCC online registration, and the necessary documents required for the process. We will also cover steps to obtain a DPCC license and differentiate between the Consent to Establish (CTE)and Consent to Operate (CTO) license issued by the CPCB. Lastly, we will talk about how non-compliance with DPCC regulations can lead to consequences and prohibited industries under DPCC regulations.

Understanding the Significance of DPCC Online Registration

DPCC online Registration is both a statutory environmental compliance as well as a formal obligation for the company, which signifies the organization and its management’s dedication towards environment conservation and contribution towards sustainable development. A DPCC license is an official confirmation that a business is taking necessary precautions to mitigate air, water, and noise pollution. The Companies Act of 2013 has also put down certain guidelines and obligations on companies in the form of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) to make them more compliant and inclined towards principles of environmental protection, Social Development, sustainable production methods, and inclusive growth. Essentially, it is a green light showing that a company is running its operations responsibly, with respect for our shared environment.

Types of Industries under DPCC Online Registration

Jumping into the nitty-gritty of DPCC registration, you’ll need to gather some key documents to complete your online application successfully. The Central Pollution Control Board has classified industries in Delhi under three colour categories based on the severity of pollution –orange, green, and white.

Red Category

Industries that fall in the ‘severe polluting’ category are put in this bracket. It consists of factories and manufacturing units having a pollution index of more than 60. These industries, such as mining, bio-medical waste, automobile and lead acid battery manufacturing, chemical industries, etc., are not allowed to set up or operate inside the territory of Delhi.

Orange Category

These are slightly less-pollution and environmentally detrimental industries, having a Pollution index of 41 – 59. These industries are required to obtain a `valid CTO and CTE before setting up their manufacturing operations or production plant with the DPCC. The manufacturing units under this category include Bakery and confectionery units, rolling stock manufacturing, jute processing, thermometer manufacturing, brickfields, etc. These industries are required to obtain consent from the CPCB and other relevant environmental protection Bodes under the provisions of the Air and Water Acts.

Green Category

Industries with a pollution index of 21- 40 fall under this category and include industries such asaluminium utensils, ayurvedic manufacturing, candy manufacturing, cement products, etc. These industries still require a valid Consent to operate certificate from the CPCB.

White Category

This category consists of industries that have a pollution index of up to 20 and are practically non-polluting, such as PVC sheets and biscuit trays. Cotton and woolly hosiery, electric lamp assembling, etc.

Importance of Industrial Readiness

Your site plan or factory layout is another crucial component, as it provides a visual representation of your business operations and their potential impact on the immediate environment. Along with this, an authorization letter is required, underscoring your commitment to adhere to environmental norms.

Then comes the part that directly pertains to your environmental commitment – a detailed examination of pollution control measures your business has in place. This vital piece of the puzzle is what shows DPCC your dedication to sustainable operations.

All in all, having these documents at your fingertips is crucial. Much like a well-prepared scout, being ready with these documents will pave the way for a smooth and swift DPCC registration process. Keep in mind that accuracy is key here. Any discrepancies or misrepresentations can result in delays or, worse, rejection of your application. So, pay attention to every detail and ensure each document is in order. This meticulous preparation is your first step toward an effective environmental compliance strategy.

Understanding DPCC and Its Role

DPCC, Delhi’s pollution control committee, ensures environmental protection by enforcing waste management rules for industrial plants. Regulating air quality, controlling water pollution, and promoting sustainable development are crucial roles of DPCC. It plays an essential part in economic growth and ensures compliance with pollution control measures set by the Delhi government. The committee’s efforts are vital for a healthy and sustainable environment in Delhi.

The Objectives of DPCC Online Registration

The DPCC endeavours to regulate a diverse range of industries to ensure pollution control, safeguard natural resources and air quality, and ensure environmental compliance. Its pursuits include monitoring water consumption, managing solid waste, and overseeing hazardous waste in industrial areas. The Committee is dedicated to enforcing pollution control measures in redevelopment zones across Delhi, maintaining ecological balance and sustainable development, and promoting the use of public transport.

Key Functions of the DPCC

The DPCC plays a pivotal role in the classification, authorization, and regulation of industries. It issues public notices, classifies industries into different categories, grants consent certificates, authorizes water connections, and manages waste compliance, including plastic waste management. These functions are crucial for pollution control and environmental management in Delhi, ensuring the sustainable development and protection of natural resources in the region.

Necessity of DPCC Online Registration

Industries falling under red, orange, or green categories must obtain DPCC authorization from the Ministry of Environment & Forests (MOEF) for pollution control and environmental compliance. Non-compliance can result in penalties and legal consequences. DPCC authorization ensures compliance with air and water pollution control measures, which is crucial for environmental protection. It is essential for industries to follow DPCC guidelines from the Ministry of Environment & Forests to protect the environment.

Impact of Non-Compliance with DPCC Regulations

Non-compliance with DPCC regulations can lead to penalties and legal actions, risking closure and fines for industries. This non-compliance can cause environmental degradation, impacting natural resources, air quality, public health, and environmental sustainability, leading to pollution-related hazards. It affects the ecosystem and public welfare, highlighting the vital role of regulatory bodies like the DPCC in ensuring environmental protection and sustainability.

Differentiating Between Consent to Establish (CTE) &Consent to Operate (CTO)

The Delhi Pollution Control Committee (DPCC) differentiates between Consent to Establish (CTE) and Consent to Operate (CTO) to ensure environmental compliance with pollution control measures. CTE, which has to be taken by industry from the State Pollution Control Board, is necessary before setting up industrial plants, while CTO, also obtained from the State Pollution Control Board, is essential for legal operation. DPCC issues consent certificates authorizing establishment and operation, which is crucial for industry compliance with regulations.

The DPCC Consent Certificate (NOC) Process

The DPCC consent certificate process involves obtaining approval to establish and operate industrial plants, differentiating between consent to establish (CTE) and consent to operate (CTO). The committee issues certificates to ensure compliance with waste management, playing a crucial role in regulating pollution control measures, including the classification of industries. Industries must adhere to the prescribed format for DPCC consent certificates.

Documents required for DPCC Online Registration

An Industry or factory is required to obtain a CTE for the purpose of making a registration with the DPCC as an environment compliance requirement. The following documents are required for DPCC Online Registration –

  1. Authorized Government ID, PAN, Aadhaar, etc., of the owner of the factory, manufacturing unit, or plant.
  2. Site Plan and Factory Layout of the production or manufacturing unit for which the DPCC online registration is being made.
  3. Ownership proof, such as lease deed, rent agreement, etc., of the Factory Site 
  4. GSTIN Certificate of the business
  5. Corporate documents of the company – MOA, AOA, Partnership or LLP Deed, Ownership agreement, incorporation certificate, CIN, DIN, etc. 
  6. CA Certificate, approving the total cost and viability of the project
  7. Clearance documents from the Municipal Corporation

What is the process of making a DPCC Online registration?

Industries and companies can apply for DPCC authorization for the purpose of obtaining a CTE Certificate from the CPCB online by following the application form format. The process involves submitting necessary documents and complying with waste management rules. It includes providing details of pollution control measures and waste management. Industries seeking DPCC licenses must adhere to environmental clearance and pollution control measures. The committee reviews the application to ensure pollution control requirements are met, including for green category industries.

Step-by-Step Guide to DPCC Online Registration

The process of   DPCC registration has been greatly simplified by making it online. The journey towards achieving your DPCC license unfolds in a sequence of steps that begin with setting up an account on the official DPCC website. With your account up and running, you can proceed with the application form.

It is important to make sure to fill in each section of the form correctly and upload all the documents required for the consent form. This includes details and supporting documents about your details and details of the occupier/manager of the factory premises, your business operations, pollution control measures, and other relevant information.

The final step of this process involves paying the necessary registration fee. With your form submitted and payment made, the DPCC Online Registration process is complete. There after, the DPCC takes about 30 days to process your application and update the status of your CTE application.

The Basic Requirements for DPCC Registration

Thoroughly understanding the rationale behind the compliances and subsequent procedures will ensure a successful DPCC online registration. Before you start filling out your DPCC online registration form, it’s crucial to make sure your business ticks off the necessary boxes from the regulatory checklist. First, having a valid business license and incorporation documents is a prerequisite. This official document gives you the green light to legally conduct your DPCC online registration.

 Observance of Environmental Compliance signifies not only the lawful operation of your business but also. It’s not just about ticking off a checklist; it’s about embodying a culture of environmental responsibility and corporate social responsibility within your business operations. This preparatory step is your gateway to becoming a DPCC-compliant company.

Common Mistakes to Avoid During DPCC Registration

Navigating the path of DPCC registration is a journey where detours can cost both time and the green stamp of approval. Several common missteps can stand between you and a successful registration. Don’t be the applicant who submits incorrect information. This pitfall can easily be avoided by double-checking every detail you provide. Missteps such as these can create unnecessary delays or, even worse, lead to outright rejection.

Another often overlooked pothole is the readiness of necessary documentation. Remember, each document is a crucial piece of your application puzzle. Not having them ready or having them incomplete could mean a bumpy road ahead. Make sure to collect all the necessary papers and have them ready in an organized manner.

Now, let’s talk about the cornerstone of DPCC registration, meeting environmental standards. If your current pollution control measures don’t align with DPCC’s guidelines, it’s time for an environmental upgrade. Before hitting the ‘submit’ button, ensure that you have effective methods in place to combat air, water, and noise pollution.

DPCC Categories of Industries and Type of Consent Certificate

Industries are categorized as red, orange, white, green, etc, based on pollution levels, each requiring a specific consent certificate. DPCC’s classification ensures effective pollution control, guiding the type of required consent certificate. Compliance with the classification criteria is crucial for obtaining the respective consent certificate, aiding in environmental protection measures.

Fees and Categories in DPCC Online Registration

DPCC categorizes industries into different levels based on the category of pollution and capital investment and the category of industry based on pollution levels and the type of certification required. The charges depend on the category and pollution control measures.

The fees for a DPCC consent certificate vary based on industry category and application format. The Online Consent Management and Monitoring System (OCMMS) portal of  DPCC determines the fee structure to ensure environmental regulation compliance. The online portal automatically calculates the fees payable for the DPCC Certificate based on the documents and details provided and acknowledges the online application for the CTE or CTO approval.

Making DPCC Registration Easier

Streamlining the entire DPCC registration process, the user-friendly Online Consent Management and Monitoring System simplifies the application process and removes unnecessary hurdles. DPCC’s online registration portal ensures efficient and hassle-free industry registration, facilitating quick and convenient application submissions. The streamlined online consent management enhances the ease of DPCC registration, making the process more convenient for industries.

Necessary Documents for DPCC Registration

Submission of authentic and verified documents, such as Aadhar card, PAN card, NOC, and project details, is crucial for successful DPCC registration. DPCC mandates specific document submission to support the registration application, expediting the process. Valid and accurate documentation is necessary to obtain the DPCC consent certificate, ensuring compliance with the registration requirements.

Validity and Renewal of Consent/NOC

The DPCC certificate remains valid for ten years in the case of green and five years in the case of red/orange industries. Post expiration of the registration, Renewal is essential to ensure ongoing compliance with environmental norms and a commitment to environmental protection. Timely Renewal demonstrates dedication to environmental sustainability, emphasizing the significance of maintaining adherence to stipulated renewal timelines set forth by the DPCC.

Can I Get a DPCC certificate in Delhi even if my industry is not in compliance?

Is it not possible to obtain a DPCC certificate in Delhi if your industry or manufacturing unit is not compliant with environmental regulations and norms set out by the DPCC? DPCC encourages industries to strive for compliance before seeking certification and provides guidance and support in meeting environmental standards. Cooperation with regulatory measures is emphasized for environmental protection.


In conclusion, obtaining DPCC registration is crucial for industries to ensure compliance with environmental regulations and protect the environment. It is essential to understand the role of DPCC and its objectives to make informed decisions. Non-compliance with DPCC regulations can have severe consequences, including penalties and legal actions. By following the necessary steps and providing the required documents, you can make the DPCC registration process easier. It is important to note that certain industries are prohibited from operating without DPCC authorization. Business operations. Next would be the environmental aspect. Your organization’s pollution control measures need to be in line with what the MoEFC and DPCC have set forth. Your business should have effective methods in place to manage air, water, and noise pollution and ensure that the manufacturing processes do not harm or adversely affect the immediate environment. Last but not least, your business operations should not produce any environmentally hazardous effluents or refuse that pollute and endanger human, animal, and plant life. This doesn’t just mean direct harm like pollution but also indirect harm such as excessive resource use or waste production. Make sure to conduct an internal audit to assess your environmental impact.

 If you have any doubts or need assistance with DPCC registration, consult with Corpbiz’s experts, who can guide you through the process smoothly.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What is DPCC?

DPCC stands for the Delhi Pollution Control Committee. It was set up by the Central Pollution Control Board in 1991 for the purpose of regulating and enforcing the environmental protection provisions of the Air and Water Act within the National Territory of Delhi.

2. Who is required to make a DPCC Online Registration?

Businesses and Industries operating in the National Capital of Delhi and which produce or have the potential to produce environmentally hazardous or polluting products are required to make a DPCC Online registration.

3. What is a Consent to Establish, and who issues it?

A Consent to Establish (CTE) is a certificate of establishment given to a company by the Central Pollution Control Board, declaring that the entity is observing all possible environmental protection measures as per the Water and Air Acts, respectively.

4. What is the Consent to Operate?

A Consent to Operate is a license to carry out the manufacturing and production activities of the business provided by the concerned State Pollution Control Board (SPCB) of the state where the company is situated.

5. How many categories of industries are there based on the volume of pollution emitted as per the CPCB?

CPCB has categorized industries into four colour-coded categories based on their pollution levels, they being red, orange, green, and white. Red is the most polluting category, and white signifies no pollution.

6. What is the validity of a DPCC online registration?

A DPCC online registration is valid for a period of 5 years in the case of red-category industries and ten years in the case of orange/green-category industries. Post-expiry of the registration, the same has to be renewed by repeating the DPCC online registration process.

7. What are the fees payable for a DPCC Online Registration?

The fees applicable for a DPCC online registration vary depending upon the pollution category of the industry, as well as the capital invested in the business. The fees for DPCC online registration are calculated on the basis of these parameters only.

8. How much time does it take for a DPCC online registration to be approved?

the CPCB usually updates on the status of the DPCC online registration for the purpose of applying for a CTE within four months days.

9. What are the documents required to make a DPCC online registration?

The following documents and details about your business and yourself are required for the purpose of making a DPCC online registration –
1. Authorized Government ID, PAN, Aadhaar, etc., of the owner of the factory, manufacturing unit, or plant.
2. Site Plan and Factory Layout of the production or manufacturing unit for which the DPCC online registration is being made.
3. Ownership proof, such as lease deed, rent agreement, etc., of the Factory Site
4. GSTIN Certificate of the business
5. Corporate documents of the company – MOA, AOA, Partnership or LLP Deed, Ownership agreement, incorporation certificate, CIN, DIN, etc.
6. CA Certificate, approving the total cost and viability of the project
7. Clearance documents from the Municipal Corporation

10. Which entities are required to have a DPCC Online registration Certificate?

Entities engaged in industries such as manufacturing, health care, E-waste Management, Solid waste management, Hazardous chemicals, heavy metals, etc, are required to have a valid DPCC license.

11. How can I track the status of my DPCC Online Application?

You can track the status of your DPCC online registration application by visiting the DPCC website. The application process is very transparent and allows the applicant to know the progress of their application.

12. What is the validity of the certificate for the DPCC Online Registration Process?

The DPCC certificate is valid for a period of 5 years for industries in the Red Category, whereas for the Green and Orange Category, the same is valid for a period of 10 years.

13. Is any category of industry exempt from the licensing requirement as the DPCC online registration requirement?

Yes, as per MoEFC’s notification, industries falling under the white category are exempted from the licensing requirement of DPCC since they fall under the non-polluting category.

14. Where will the DPCC Online Registration be useful?

DPCC NOCs are useful for obtaining several industries and obtaining several licenses such as Fire NOC, expansion or opening or new unit of the business, change in water or electricity connection, Registration with Municipal Corporation, and Food License, among others.

15. How can I simplify the DPCC Online Registration process for my business?

You can easily make a DPCC online registration by availing yourself of Corpbiz’s quality consultancy services.  Corpbiz is a market leader in industrial licensing and statutory compliance services provider. Our services ensure that you do not get entangled in the cumbersome bulk of documentation, regulatory filings, and registrations by streamlining the processes, letting you experience the ease of business formation and licensing from the comfort of your home.

Read Our Article: Pollution Control Board Online Registration

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