
Who can be a witness for marriage registration in India?

calendar15 Apr, 2023
timeReading Time: 4 Minutes
Witness for Marriage Registration

A witness is someone who sees an event or a transaction and is willing to testify about what they saw or experienced. In legal terms, a witness is someone who delivers evidence under oath or affirmation in a court of law or in a deposition or an affidavit. In the context of marriage registration, a witness is someone who is present at the marriage ceremony and is willing to testify that the marriage took place. The witness is often required to sign the marriage registration form as proof that they were present during the ceremony and that the marriage is valid. 

Witnesses are crucial in confirming the veracity of a legal transaction[1] or event, and if necessary, their testimony can be used as evidence in court. 

Who can be a witness for marriage registration? 

The qualifications for being a witness for marriage registration in India are specific. According to Indian law, anyone who is older than 18, mentally sound, and not a spouse may serve as a witness for the registration of a marriage. 

A marriage must typically have two witnesses in order to be registered in India. These witnesses must be present when the marriage is registered and can be friends, family members, or acquaintances of the bride and groom. 

To verify their identity and age, the witnesses must possess legitimate identification documents such as a passport, voter ID card, or driver’s license. They must also sign the marriage registration form along with the bride, groom, and registrar. 

Why is a Witness Required for Marriage Registration? 

In India, weddings are frequently organized like parties. The wedding will be attended by a large number of people who have received invitations to the event. If a dispute ever arises, the guests may be called as witnesses to help the court determine the validity of the marriage. A witness is required for marriage registration for a number of reasons, including:

  1. In order to confirm that the wedding took place and that the people involved are lawfully wed, a witness is needed. The marriage is attested to by the witness’s signature on the marriage registration form. 
  2. Having witnesses present throughout the marriage ceremony and registration procedure can assist stop fraudulent weddings, such as those entered for financial gain or immigration purposes. 
  3. Ensure that the marriage registration procedure conforms with all legal criteria, including those pertaining to age, consent, and eligibility to marry. This is done with the help of witnesses. 
  4. By having witnesses present throughout the registration procedure, a legal record of the marriage is made, which can later be used to demonstrate its legitimacy. 

Overall, requiring witnesses for marriage registration contributes to upholding the fairness of the procedure and giving the marriage legal status. 

How many witnesses are required for marriage registration? 

In India, registering a marriage often requires two witnesses. These witnesses must be present during the marriage ceremony in order for them to sign the marriage registration form confirming their presence and the validity of the marriage. 

The witnesses must be over the age of 18, mentally sound, and not a party to the marriage. They may be close friends, family members, or acquaintances of the bride and groom. To demonstrate their identity and age, they must present legitimate identification documents such as a passport, voter ID card, or driver’s license. 

Can family members become witnesses in marriage registration? 

If they meet the legal conditions, family members can serve as witnesses for marriage registration. In India, witnesses must be over 18 years old, in good mental health, and not an engaged party. 

But it’s essential to keep in mind that relatives might not always be permitted to serve as witnesses for marriage registration. A family member might not be permitted to serve as a witness, for instance, if they are underage or if they have a conflict of interest in the marriage, such as being the parent or sibling of one of the parties. 

What are the responsibilities and obligations of a witness for marriage registration? 

The responsibilities and obligations of a witness for marriage registration include: 

  • Presence during the marriage ceremony: A witness is required to be present during the marriage ceremony to observe and confirm that the marriage took place. 
  • Verification of the marriage: The witness must verify that the parties involved are legally eligible to marry and that the marriage ceremony was conducted according to legal requirements. 
  • Signing the marriage registration form: The witness must sign the marriage registration form as confirmation that they witnessed the ceremony and that the marriage is valid. 
  • Providing identification: The witness must provide valid identification documents to prove their identity and age. 
  • Testifying in court: In the event of a legal dispute or challenge to the validity of the marriage, the witness may be called upon to testify in court about what they observed during the ceremony. 
  • Providing truthful information: The witness is obligated to provide truthful information about what they observed during the ceremony and to testify in court if necessary. 
  • Maintaining confidentiality: The witness is obligated to maintain confidentiality about the marriage ceremony and registration process. 
  • Following the laws and regulations: The witness is obligated to follow the laws and regulations related to marriage registration in their jurisdiction. 

It’s important to note that being a witness for marriage registration is a serious responsibility, and witnesses should take their role seriously to ensure the validity of the marriage. They should also be aware of the legal requirements and ensure that they meet the eligibility criteria for acting as a witness. 


Many individuals are invited to the wedding and will be present to observe the ceremony. The guests may be called as witnesses to assist the court in determining the legality of the marriage if a dispute ever comes up in court. There are several obligations and liabilities that come with being a witness to a couple’s marriage. So, be cautious to check the validity of the documents and the witnesses you are providing. 

Read our Article:How To Apply For Marriage Registration In India?

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