
How Many Witnesses Are Required For Marriage Registration?

calendar17 Apr, 2023
timeReading Time: 3 Minutes
How Many Witnesses Are Required For Marriage Registration?

Marriages can take many different forms in India. Both registered marriages and customary marriages are recognised as lawful by the Indian constitution. Customary weddings are acceptable in accordance with specific legal norms. Some provisions relating to marriage registration are comprised in the Special Marriage Act[1]. The related acts cover the subject of marriage registration eligibility. Online or offline marriage registration must adhere to certain rules and include the necessary paperwork. The witness is vital in the registration of marriage. When a marriage is intended to be solemnised in the registrar’s office, the court mandates that the parties present at least 3 witnesses to the ceremony who will sign a form at the registrar’s office stating that they witnessed the marriage.

Who Can Become A Witness?

No particular witness’s presence in the office of the Registrar is required for the start of the marriage, as per to any provisions. Any individual willing to be present during the marriage may serve as the witness. Family members of side, relatives, acquaintances, co-workers, or any other individual qualified to serve as a witness for the marriage registration may serve as witnesses. The presence of witnesses is required for marriage registration. It is preferable to bring someone who is connected to the parties and whom you can trust to testify as a witness because they may be called into question if a dispute emerges in the future. The witness must possess the vital papers to be produced before the marriage officer and be an eligible citizen of India.

What Is The Role Of A Witness In Marriage Registration?

The witness enters the moment when the bride and groom are at the marriage registrar’s office to sign a declaration admitting one another as their legitimate husband and wife, respectively. The declaration must be executed before the registrar in the presence of three witnesses, and the registrar of weddings must also countersign it. Along with simply observing the operation, the witness must sign the paperwork, produce identification, including their PAN card, and show proof of residency. The registrar will enter the details in the marriage registration online certificate record after the bride, groom, witnesses, and registrar have all signed the declaration. The marriage registrar will then issue a certificate as the only proof of the marriage’s solemnization following that procedure.

Documents Required From Witness

A witness in the marriage registration must submit specific documents to the marriage officer.

  • Before the marriage officer, the witnesses must present identification showing where they now reside.
  • The witnesses must present identifying documentation to the marriage officer, such as an Adhar card, voter identification card, driver’s license, etc.
  • Another vital document that the witnesses must present to the marriage officer is their PAN card.
  • Each witness must provide the marriage officer with a passport-sized photo while registering a marriage.
  • The witnesses must acknowledge their status as witnesses by signing the given form.
  • A witness may be vital for the marriage if one of the bride’s parents signs the document.

If the parents are missing, deceased, or otherwise unable to attend, the two witnesses can carry the remaining items. The documentation must be legitimate and true. Any document that is illegally or erroneously generated will prevent the witness from being registered. Before testifying, the witnesses must be of sound mind and have the support of the majority.


A witness can be anyone who attended the couple’s marriage registration, as long as they have a current PAN card and evidence of address. In India, two witnesses are needed in order to register a marriage. Any person over the age of 18 who attended the wedding ceremony qualifies as a witness. They can be friends, family, or anyone else who is not a blood relative or married to the bride or groom. The marriage registrar must get the witnesses’ personal information, including name, age, address, and employment, from them. As witnesses to the marriage, they must also sign the marriage registration form. It is significant to highlight that the witnesses shouldn’t be compelled to sign the marriage registration form under any circumstances. They ought to consent fully and voluntarily to doing so. The witnesses should also have current identification, such as a passport or voter ID card, to show that they are who they say they are.

Read Our Article: What Is The Process Of Registering Marriage In Delhi Under Hindu Marriage Act?

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