Rural School for Development by NGO

calendar19 Apr, 2021
timeReading Time: 4 Minutes
Rural Schools for Development

NGO stands for Non-Governmental Organization. They are neither a part of private sector nor a part of government sector but they are an independent body working for a social cause to uplift the backward sections of the society. They include such institutions and groups that are completely independent of government and have mainly humanitarian or cooperative objectives rather than any commercial objectives.

Moreover, the major purpose performed by NGOs is to fill in the gap of inequalities and unjust treatments in the society. All NGOs share one common standards of promoting humanity and those dedicated to support NGO activities promote this principle in the interest of improving the world and making it a better place. In this article, we will discuss about one such scheme of rural school for development by NGO. Continue reading to know the scheme in details.

Scheme for Rural School for Development by NGO

The objective of this Scheme is to initiate and aid in creating the Sports Infrastructure throughout the whole country. This Ministry is also managing another scheme for Grant to Rural Schools.

Under that scheme, the Rural School for development of Playground is specifically given the complete one-time grant of Rs. 1.50 lakh to purchase the equipments for sports. That scheme is like a sub-scheme under the main scheme of Grants for Creating of Sports Infrastructure and also a copy of the above final scheme that is already circulated to all the States and Union Territories.

Eligibility: The benefit of this grant can be obtained by the State Governments, Union Territory Administrations, and Local statutory bodies such as the Municipal[1] areas or the Municipalities. The permission for NGO registration can be granted with the help of NGO consultancy.

Read our article:Development of Non-Forest Wastelands during NGO Registration

NGO Strategies for Rural School Development

It is not permitted for these Voluntary Organizations to have restricted or closed membership on the basis of caste, religion, race, sex, etc. It is mandatory for the sponsors to give an undertaking that they shall abide to a project approach with the purpose to ensure appropriate utilization and maintaining the infrastructure facility after it is created.

The basic education in the rural school for development accepts a various number of informal, formal and also the non-formal educational activities, which varies and depends according to local conditions, from one nation and region to the subsequent.

The rural school for development shall include the basic education covering all activities that offers individuals with a definite and minimum level of education that is considered very promising and essential for the concerned society at that point of time.

Education as a Pillar

Through education, a lot of change is seen in the behavior of individuals as education is a process of socialization; it empowers the individual to learn to live a life with dignity and liberty.

Rural school for development through the process of education shall develop the abilities and skills of human beings and give them an attitude that help them to transform their behaviour in accordance with the social, political and economic demands of their surroundings.

Education is construed as the most significant way of human capital formation and hence it is important for the rural development as it is the ground level and a necessity for sustaining the growth and development of the nation.

General Problems Faced by Rural School for Development

The general problems faced by rural schools in India are as given below:-

General Problems Faced by Rural School for Development

Lack of Proper Infrastructure

Nowadays, the rural families are aware of the importance of educating their children. Thus, few of them have started sending their children to educational institutes while some are ready to send their kids to the school. However, the problem is in the lack of appropriate infrastructure facilities in the rural schools.

Around 45 to 50% of the rural schools that is government sponsored are blessed with electricity and water connections. On the other hand, few of the rural schools for development is still dreaming about having qualified teachers who are accessible to various teaching aids and know how to use a computer. It was suggested by the RTE Act of 2009, that every school must have a playground within the boundaries of the school campus.

Also, maintenance of sanitation facilities is a must condition. Because of the shortage of suitable washrooms, there is more number of dropouts from the school especially the female students. Although some schools are extending toilet facilities, it seems as if they are not properly maintained. Therefore, the lighting, furniture, properly-ventilated classrooms, lack of electricity and water,study materials, and other accessories that are related to teaching are the reason for short attendance in the rural schools in India and there is an urgent need to focus and bring the change in these shortcomings.

Lack of Educational Facilities and Inadequate Facilities to Teachers

In most of the schools in rural areas the education system is not properly developed and requires an extra effort and attention to come to an appropriate condition for working on the rural school for development. The Environmental conditions of the rural schools are not appropriate enough and affect the physical, mental conditions and health of the students. Lack of amenities and adequate facilities in rural schools are creating a problem for students and they have to think a lot even for attaining the basic education.

Facilitating learning has turned out to be a topic of huge concern in those schools that are located in rural areas. Because of lack of facilities that assist the students, educators, and teachers they encounter troubles in executing teaching and learning techniques.

Few schools in rural regions are sponsored by the particular state governments. Nonetheless, these teachers don’t get adequate payment and permanent posts by the government agencies. Hence, rural school for development and progress of the society is the need of the time now.


Due to the urgent need of education and employment, it is important to start from the most basic level i.e. school. Hence, these NGOs are actively involved in making strategies for promoting rural schools for the purpose of development and growth of the nation.

Read our article:Promotion by NGO of Youth Activities and Training

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