Waste management

Registration of Brand owners and producers under PWM Rules,2016

calendar01 Mar, 2022
timeReading Time: 4 Minutes
Brand owners

As per The Plastic Waste Management (PWM) Rules, 2016, it is mandatory for Producers, Importers & Brand – Owners (PIBOs) to adopt Extended Producer Responsibility Plans. Also, they are required to establish a plastic waste management system according to local bodies’ rules and guidelines. To establish the same, PIBOs must register with the respective SPCB and CPCB with their Extended producer responsibility Action Plan. This article will discuss the Registration of Brand Owners and Producers under PWM Rules,2016.

Plastic Waste Management (PWM)-

The issue emerging in Plastic Industry can’t be settled in a day, and it would require continuous efforts by all individuals. As Plastic as a substance isn’t an issue, the issue is how to deal with the misuse of Plastic. According to endless reviews, India consistently produces 15 million tons of plastic waste. Yet, only one-fourth of the Plastic is reused because of the shortage of working robust waste administration frameworks. This has brought about troubling on the garbage removal and poor financial states of the waste pickers, for the most part, ladies. To work on the administration of plastic reusing, the PWM rules appeared. The Plastic Waste Management (PWM) Rules, 2016, portrays that Urban Local Authorities ought to oversee that nobody can use less than 50 microns thick plastic bags. Additionally, no one can utilize reused plastics to pack food items.

Registration of PIBOs under PWM Rules,2016

On 20th October 2021, the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) has issued a registration process for PIBOs (Producers, importers & Brand owner’s)under Plastic Waste Management (PWM) Rules, 2016. The method of registration of PIBOs under Plastic Waste Management Rules at CPCB is being saved in abeyance for 90 days with immediate effects. It will be continued upon final notification of Extended Producer guidelines by MoEF &CC.

In this way, the PIBOs might step up and realign their EPR plan according to the said draft notification during the interceding time frame. The application fee ought to be paid on the online portal only.

Recent Amendments related to PIBOs Registration under PWM Rules, 2016

In June 2019, CPCB posted the format for the Action Plan in the PWM Rules,2016. However, after multiple rounds of meetings and conversations with concerned shareholders, decisive revisions were recommended. On 23rd March 2021. The Amended Standard Operating Procedure for Registration of PIBOs (Producers, Importers, and Brand-Owners) Under Plastic Waste Management Rules 2016 has been distributed 

It should be acknowledged that PIBOs have the adaptability to do the EPR satisfaction through their dispersion channel, direct commitment with Statutory Urban local bodies/State assigned authority, or engagement with Waste Management Agency which in order should engage with Statutory Urban local bodies.

What is EPR Action Plan?

For Plastic Waste Management, EPR Action Plan must be put together by PIBOs (working in more than two states) for getting registration from CPCB. For the same, PIBOs shall satisfy Extended Producer responsibility in all the States/UTs in which they are presenting their products. EPR Target for a specific State/UT will equal the kind and quantum of Plastic presented by them in the market (post-consumer waste) in the particular State/UT.

As per Annexure I, The Producer, Importer, and Brand owners have three alternatives for implementation of the EPR plan for PWM in the States/UTs in which they are introducing their products:

a) Through their Own Distribution Channel

b) Through Direct commitment with Urban Local Body 

c) Through commitment with Waste Management Agency (WMA), which in return should engage with ULBs and thePIBOs will have the choice of taking up any or all of the above options. However, it needs tobe guaranteed that the total type and quantum of plastic waste managed through theseoptions in a specific State/UT meet the EPR focus of the concerned PIBO for theparticular State/UT.

Application to be submitted to the CPCB for PIBOs registration under PWM Rules, 2016

CPCB is the authority charged with the responsibility of seeing the Producers, Importer, and Brand owner’s registration process. The application for registration is required to be applied through an online portal. For application format, an applicant shall consider the FORM-1 as given under the PWM Rules,2016[1]. One thing that the PIBOs should keep in mind is the application for registration. It is necessary to submit an EPR plan along with requisite fees. The action plan should be raised regarding every state/UTs wherein the PIBOs introduce Plastic in the market.

List of Documents required for PIBOs registration under PWM rules,2016

Below mentioned are the documents needed for the registration-

  1. Copy of valid Consent to Operate. 
  2. Copy of certificate of registration issued by the District Industries Centre or Ministry of Micro, Small, Medium Enterprises. 
  3. Manufacturing process flowchart & Description. 
  4. Particulars of Pollution Control devices. 
  5. Images of the unit/production site. 
  6. Particulars and related documents of Plastic packaging supplied to/ Acquired. The information shall include the Industry name, type of plastic packaging and quantity, etc. 
  7. Copy of Extended producer responsibility plan validated by Urban Development Department. 
  8. In case of renewal of registration- EPR compliance report is required.

Application process for Registration of PIBOs under PWM Rules,2016

  1. The application for registration shall be examined by CPCB, and the weak point, if any, shall be mentioned to the applicant within seven working days of receipt of the application. 
  2. If the applicant fails to revert within thirty days of CPCB’s communication, the application shall be considered withdrawn. 
  3. However, if the CPCB does not respond to the applicant within one month of the receipt of the complete application in its office, The certificate of registration shall be deemed to be generated. 

Note- In case of delay, the reason for such delay shall be examined, and the official responsible for such delay shall be required to explain the same.

Issuance/ Cancellation of Registration Application: 

 All applications are disposed of as per the decision taken by the Council accounted for deciding Guidelines for issuance for Registration to PIBOs in its meeting held from time to time.

The application status (Registration or cancellation), along with a copy of the letter, will be reflected in the Industry’s Login ID and on PCB’s website. 


In a nutshell, we can say that the Central Pollution control board can grant the registration to Producers, Importers, and Brand owners under PWM Rules, 2016.

Read our Article:An Overview on E-waste Management Techniques in India

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