Products Listed Under APEDA Act

calendar16 Feb, 2023
timeReading Time: 6 Minutes
Products Listed Under APEDA Act

The Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority is a legislation passed by the Government of India in 1985 to promote and develop the export of agricultural processed food products in India. The Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority was founded by the APEDA Act, and it is responsible for overseeing the growth and expansion of these businesses. The APEDA legislation applies to a wide variety of agricultural and processed food goods, including fresh and processed fruits and vegetables, grains and pulses, dairy products, meat and poultry, spices and herbs, handicrafts, floriculture and horticulture products, and others. In this blog, we will discuss list of products under APEDA Act.

The APEDA statute offers exporters a variety of incentives and benefits, such as trade promotion initiatives, market development efforts, and technical and financial help. The act also establishes quality and safety criteria for exported goods, which helps to guarantee that Indian products are competitive in foreign markets. The APEDA act has played an essential role in encouraging Indian agricultural and processed food exports, helping to establish India as a prominent participant in these industries.

Products Listed Under APEDA Act

Here is a list of products listed under the APEDA Act:

  • Fruits, Vegetables and their Products.
  • Meat and Meat Products.
  • Poultry and Poultry Products.
  • Dairy Products.
  • Alcoholic and Non-Alcoholic Beverages.
  • Cereal and Cereal Products.
  • Groundnuts, Peanuts and Walnuts
  • Confectionery, Biscuits and Bakery Products.
  • Pickles, Papads and Chutneys.
  • Guar Gum.
  • Floriculture and Floriculture Products.
  • Herbal and Medicinal Plants.
  • De –oiled rice bran.
  • Green pepper in brine.
  • Cashew Nuts and cashew nuts products
  • Honey, Jaggery and Sugar Products
  • Cocoa and its products, chocolates (all kinds)

Objectives of the APEDA Act

  • Promotion of Agricultural and Processed Food Exports: 

The primary goal of the APEDA Act is to encourage the export of agricultural and processed food products from India by providing exporters with assistance and incentives.

  • Infrastructure Development: 

The act aims to provide the infrastructure and facilities required for the export of agricultural and processed food products, such as cold storage facilities, packaging units, and quality control labs.

  • Quality Control and Standardization:

APEDA is in charge of setting and implementing quality standards for agricultural and processed food products, ensuring that they satisfy international standards and are safe for consumption.

  • Market Development and Expansion:

The act seeks to develop the market for Indian agricultural and processed food products by promotion in overseas markets and participation in trade fairs and exhibitions.

  • Research and Development:

APEDA fosters agricultural and processed food product research and development, including the development of new technologies and processes.

  • Capacity Building and Skill Development: 

Through training and skill development initiatives, the act intends to increase the capacity of farmers and agricultural businesses.

  • Encouraging Investment:

APEDA’s goal is to encourage investment in the agricultural and processed food sectors by providing a favourable business environment and boosting entrepreneurship.

  • Protection of Intellectual Property Rights: 

The act intends to protect Indian farmers’ and agribusinesses’ intellectual property rights by enforcing trademark and patent protection regulations.

Functions of the APEDA 

  1. Regulates and promotes the export of agricultural and processed food products.
  2. Facilitates the development of handicrafts, handlooms, and floriculture/horticulture industries.
  3. Provides quality control measures to ensure safe and fair trade practices.
  4. Offers market intelligence and research to support exporters in identifying new opportunities.
  5. Provides financial and technical support to help exporters expand their businesses.
  6. Implements measures for the protection of geographical indications and trademarks of products.
  7. Facilitates international trade by providing trade fairs, exhibitions, and buyer-seller meets.
  8. Encourages entrepreneurship and innovation in the export sector.
  9. Supports the development of infrastructure for exports and implements measures for the welfare of workers.
  10. Enhances the image of India’s exports and protects the interest of exporters and consumers.

Agricultural Products under APEDA Act

Fruits and vegetables, spices and herbs, grains and pulses, edible oils, honey and jaggery, and tea and coffee are among the agricultural items covered under the APEDA Act. Each of these product groups contributes considerably to India’s agricultural exports and the country’s economy. For example, India is one of the world’s greatest producers of spices and herbs, exporting cardamom, turmeric, and black pepper to a range of countries. Similarly, India is a significant tea grower with a long history of producing high-quality tea for export.

The APEDA Act promotes the export of various agricultural products, which helps to create jobs and encourage economic growth in India’s rural areas. Furthermore, the legislation helps to ensure that these products are exported in a responsible and sustainable manner, meeting the highest quality, food safety, and environmental protection criteria.

Overall, the inclusion of agricultural products in the APEDA Act demonstrates the importance of this sector in the Indian economy and gives a powerful platform for Indian exporters to promote and sell their products to the rest of the world.

Processed Foods under APEDA Act

Frozen foods, snack foods, confectionary and bakery products, sauces, pickles and chutneys, dairy and milk products, and meat and poultry products are among the APEDA-registered processed food products. These goods are made with care to maintain their nutritional content, freshness, and taste while meeting international quality standards.

Fruits, vegetables, seafood, and ready-to-eat meals are among the products available in the frozen food category. These items are an excellent choice for those who wish to eat fresh, healthy cuisine with minimal preparation effort. Snack foods, on the other hand, are an essential part of the Indian food business and are famous around the world, with a wide range of alternatives, including traditional and fusion specialities.

Confectionary and bakery products are also an essential element of Indian cuisine, and APEDA-registered products in this area have received praise for their quality and taste. Sauces, pickles, and chutneys are necessary condiments used to enhance the flavour and taste of meals, and APEDA-registered items in this category have a reputation for authentic taste and quality. APEDA lists a number of dairy and milk products, including milk, cheese, butter, and ghee, among others. These items are noted for their high quality and taste and are made utilizing traditional methods. APEDA-listed meat and poultry products comprise a variety of goods, such as chicken and mutton that are manufactured to strict quality and sanitary standards.

Floriculture Products under APEDA Act

Floriculture, on the other hand, refers to the cultivation and trading of decorative plants and flowers, as well as fruits and vegetables. In India, these industries are governed by the (APEDA) Act. The APEDA Act was enacted to encourage and enhance the export of agricultural and processed food products from India. One of its primary goals is to assist and advise exporters of floriculture and horticulture products such as fresh flowers, dried flowers, plant saplings, seeds, and bamboo and cane products.

APEDA acknowledges the immense potential of India’s floriculture sector and offers a variety of incentives and perks to encourage their growth. This comprises research and development money, market intelligence, and technical assistance. APEDA also assists in the promotion of these products in international markets through trade shows, exhibits, and other promotional activities.

India’s export of floriculture products has increased significantly in recent years, and the outlook for these industries is promising. This is due in part to rising international demand for high-quality, ethically sourced products, as well as the availability of a diverse range of products and India’s ideal climatic conditions.

Herbal and Medicinal Plants under APEDA Act

Herbal and medicinal plants are an essential component of India’s rich cultural legacy, having a long history of use. A growing desire for natural and organic products has fueled a renaissance of interest in these plants in recent years. These plants are recognized as essential agricultural export under the APEDA Act and the government offers different incentives and support mechanisms to help Indian exporters advertise and sell their products in the worldwide market.

The APEDA Act imposes tight quality control and labelling regulations for herbal and medicinal plants, guaranteeing that only items of the highest quality are exported. This contributes to the expansion of India’s herbal and medicinal plant business by increasing trust and confidence among overseas purchasers. Furthermore, the APEDA Act establishes a comprehensive legal framework for all elements of the trade, from cultivation and harvesting through processing, packing, and export.


Finally, the Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority (APEDA) Act is critical law for Indian exporters since it provides a complete framework for the export of a variety of products. The APEDA registration includes a wide range of products, from fresh and processed food to handmade handicrafts and leather goods. The act assists Indian exporters in gaining recognition for the excellent quality of their products, which opens up new markets and generates growth potential.

The future outlook for APEDA-registered items is bright, with rising global demand for high-quality, environmentally friendly products. This provides a significant opportunity for new APEDA market entrants, who can use the authority’s resources and support to expand their businesses and reach. However, it is vital to realize that global market competition is tough, and success necessitates a combination of quality, innovation, and perseverance.

APEDA[1] is critical in boosting Indian exports and assisting Indian firms in growing. Its stringent standards and supporting framework make it an excellent resource for exporters and businesses looking to expand their reach and achieve success in the global marketplace. APEDA provides the support and tools you need to succeed in a rapidly changing and increasingly competitive global market, whether you are an established player or just starting out.

Read Our Article: Step By Step Process Of APEDA Registration In India

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