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New FSSAI Advisory – No Toys inside Food Packets

calendar20 Feb, 2023
timeReading Time: 5 Minutes
New FSSAI Advisory - No Toys inside Food Packets

Food Safety Laws are an essential part of maintaining the health and well-being of consumers. These rules establish a foundation for safe food handling, preparation, and consumption. India has set in place a number of rules and standards to protect public health and prevent the spread of food-borne diseases. The implementation of strict food safety legislation aids in the prevention of such outbreaks, hence preserving public health. Food safety laws also promote responsible business practices in the food industry. In this blog, we will discuss some new FSSAI Advisory on no toys inside food packets.

Food Safety and Standards Authority of India – (FSSAI)

FSSAI is a regulatory body formed under the Food Safety and Standards Act of 2006. Its principal responsibility is to ensure that the food consumed by people in India is safe, of high quality and is healthy. The FSSAI establishes and enforces food product standards, as well as oversees food production, processing, storage, distribution and sale. It is also in charge of raising public awareness about food safety and educating the people about the significance of eating a healthy diet.

Additionally, the FSSAI works with other government agencies and partners to address food-related concerns and guarantees food safety standards are followed. It also inspects and audits food enterprises to ensure they are in compliance with food safety requirements. Overall FSSAI plays an essential role in protecting the Indian population’s health and well-being by assuring the safety and quality of the food that they eat.

FSSAI Advisory on No Toys inside the Food Packets

The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) has issued a warning on using toys within food packets. The purpose of the advice is to address the health and safety dangers caused by toys contained in food packets, particularly those targeted at children. The FSSAI advice reminds food makers, suppliers, and retailers to prioritize consumer safety and adhere to strict food safety regulations. The advisory further states that any food packages containing toys will be deemed non-compliant and will be subject to legal action.

It should be noted that the FSSAI advisory does not forbid the usage of promotional items or gifts within food packets. It can instead be provided separately or packed separately. Such items, however, should follow stringent safety rules and should not pose any health or safety dangers to consumers.

Meaning of “Toys”

When it comes to the FSSAI advisory, it is essential to define the term “toys”. The word refers to any non-food item contained within a food package. Small trinkets, stickers, and other promotional objects are examples of this. The advice is intended to avoid the inclusion of non-food objects in food packages since they constitute a health risk to consumers, particularly kids.

Meaning of “Unsafe Food”

Unsafe food, according to the Food and Safety Standards Act of 2006[1], is any item that is deemed harmful to human health or unfit for human consumption. Unsafe food is defined as the act of food that is contaminated, decomposed, or spoiled. Food can also be considered dangerous if it is made, packaged, or kept in unsanitary circumstances or if it is includes forbidden ingredients such as pesticides, heavy metals, or other toxic additions. Furthermore, any food misbranded or improperly represented in terms of quality, content, or origin is considered unsafe. The act was designed to guarantee public safety and to govern food items, food enterprises, and food standards in India. As, a result, the execution of the Food Safety And Standard Act is vital in ensuring the country’s production, distribution, and consumption of safe and healthy food items.

Impact of Toys in Food Packets – FSSAI Advisory

For many years, the addition of toys in food packages has been a widespread practice in the food business. However, the new FSSAI advisory against this approach emphasizes the possible risks involved. Toys in food packs can lead to serious health dangers, especially for youngsters. One of the most significant risks associated with toys in food packets is the choking hazard that they present. Children are more prone to putting tiny toys in their mouths, which can result in choking. Furthermore, certain toys are composed of materials that are prone to breaking and becoming trapped in a child’s throat. This can result in severe damage or even death.

Toys in food packages can be deadly if they are manufactured of poisonous chemicals, in addition to being choking risks. Some of these compounds, such as lead or phthalates, are hazardous and can harm your health in the long run. These compounds, if consumed, can cause digestive issues, organ damage, and even cancer. Furthermore, toys in food packs might cause cross-contamination. If the toy is not securely wrapped, it may come into touch with food and contaminate it.

For many years, food makers have included plastic toys inside food packages as a standard marketing ploy. The practice of placing miniature toys or small gifts inside the food packets as sales incentives have become standard among manufacturers. Inside the packet of many different kinds of chips and even chocolates are miniature toys or prizes. Plastic toys in food packages have a significant influence on children’s health. Chemicals are present in the plastic used to make these toys. 

These substances can disrupt the body’s hormonal equilibrium, causing developmental and reproductive issues. Children who consume or play with toys that contain these substances are at risk of acquiring these issues. Aside from the health dangers, plastic toys in food packs are bad for the environment. These toys are non-biodegradable, which means they cannot degrade naturally. They wind up in landfills, where they can contaminate the environment and wildlife for millennia.

Benefits of the Advisory on No Toys inside the Food Packets

The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India’s recommendation on the restriction of toys within food packets is an essential step towards guaranteeing food safety. This advisory is intended to protect customers from potential health risks caused by toys included in food packs. The advisory is designed to ensure that food packs only contain safe food for human consumption.

This advisory has several advantages. First and foremost, it aids in the protection of consumers’ health. Toys included in food packages can endanger the health of customers, particularly youngsters. The dangers of choking and eating dangerous substances are quite real, and this advice helps to prevent them. This advisory also encourages ethical business practices. Food producers and suppliers may demonstrate their commitment to food safety by ensuring that food packs do not contain toys.

This can aid in the development of consumer trust and credibility, which is critical for any organization. Non-compliance with this advisory can result in legal consequences. FSSAI has created a clear foundation for food safety by making it clear that toys are not permitted in food packages together with the food. Any non-compliance might lead to legal action, which can have serious financial consequences for firms.


The new FSSAI advisory on the removal of toys from food packages is an essential step towards guaranteeing consumer safety. The advisory comes as a timely reaction to increasing worries about the possible dangers of toys in food packs. Adhering to the advice would not only protect consumers’ health but will also encourage ethical business practices and foster customer confidence and credibility. Food suppliers and producers must be aware of the advisory and take the appropriate precautions to guarantee compliance. Increased awareness and training are required to comply with the advice fully. Increased awareness and training are especially critical in poorer nations where awareness and training are frequently insufficient. The FSSAI advice is a step in the right direction for food safety. It will help to safeguard customers from the possible dangers of toys in food packs.

Read Our Article: FSS Act 2006: Scope, Objectives, And Norms

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