GST Registration

LTC Cash Voucher Scheme: Objectives and Benefits

calendar10 Jun, 2024
timeReading Time: 7 Minutes
LTC Cash Voucher Scheme

In a bold move to revitalize India’s economy, the Indian government has shed light on an innovative scheme: The last promotion offer in this promotion strategy is what is referred to as the LTC Cash Voucher Scheme. This idea of the Union Finance Minister Smt. Nirmala Sitharaman has been intended to spur consumer demand, which is most required in the country at the present time.

The LTC Cash Voucher Scheme intends to give cash as a travel allowance to employees even though they do not travel. It was initially applicable for CGHS subscribers who are central government employees, but in the same year, by applying smart work, this has brought under one roof all the health-related facilities for all sectors, including state governments and private companies.

This broad inclusion explains why the government wants to stimulate the economy widely. With a focus on the central Government employees and PSUs, the program is envisaged to tap at least ₹7,500 crores. But this investment is regarded as necessary. In the private sector, layoffs occurred, small businesses experienced liquidity constraints, and government revenues dropped.

In this regard, the LTC Cash Voucher Scheme holds great significance for performing two functions. It gives money to central government employees, who can buy something or hire services; this relieves stagnated money from the economy. It also corresponds to today’s circumstances by substituting the prior system of tax incentives that delivered travel-based privileges to present a more tangible one that offers a stay-at-home advantage.

Eligibility & Spending Guidelines for the LTC Cash Voucher Scheme

The Leave Travel Concession (LTC Cash Voucher Scheme) provides employees an opportunity to embark on a well-deserved vacation while enjoying tax benefits. However, in order to ensure fairness and compliance, there are certain eligibility criteria and spending guidelines that the employees must adhere to:

Eligibility Criteria

The Applicant must work for the central government and must be an Indian Citizen. A State Government employee can also avail themselves of the LTC Cash Voucher Scheme.

Vacation Frequency

Employees will be eligible for the LTC Cash Voucher Scheme only if their family has not undertaken a vacation during the current LTC year block (2018-2021). This condition aims to provide equal opportunities for all eligible employees to benefit from the scheme.

Spending Guidelines for the LTC Cash Voucher Scheme

The significant spending guidelines for the LTC Cash Voucher Scheme are mentioned below-

1. Minimum Expenditure Requirement: In order to claim the tax exemption amount, employees must ensure that their total expenditure on vacation is at least thrice the LTC fare allowance. This guideline encourages employees to make the most of the travel opportunities and contribute to the local economy.

2. Leave Encashment Utilization: Employees are required to spend the entirety of their 10 days’ leave encashment money during the vacation. This requirement promotes the effective utilization of leave benefits and ensures that employees fully embrace the spirit of the LTC scheme.

3. Spending Deadline: All eligible expenditures, including the LTC fare allowance and leave encashment money, must be incurred before the deadline. This deadline ensures that the scheme aligns with the financial year and facilitates efficient record-keeping and tax calculations.

By adhering to these eligibility criteria and spending guidelines, employees can maximize the benefits of the LTC scheme while ensuring compliance with the regulations set forth by the organization.

It is important for employees to carefully plan their vacation and expenditures to fulfill the necessary requirements and enjoy a well-deserved break while availing of the associated tax advantages.

Objectives of The LTC Cash Voucher Scheme

The LTC (Leave Travel Concession) Cash Voucher Scheme introduced by the Government has two primary objectives which are as follows:

1. Providing Benefits to Central Government Employees:

The scheme aims to offer amenities and financial support to Central Government employees, recognizing their dedicated service. By providing LTC fare travel coupons or cash vouchers, the scheme enables employees to avail themselves of travel benefits and enjoy well-deserved vacations or personal expenditures.

2. Stimulating Economic Revival:

While catering to the needs of the workforce, the LTC Cash Voucher Scheme also serves as a strategic measure to revive and boost the nation’s economic activity. The scheme achieves this objective through the following mechanisms:

   a. Incentivizing Expenditure: Employees are required to spend a predetermined multiple of their LTC fare allowance or cash voucher value on specific goods and services. This mandatory spending requirement ensures that the benefits provided to employees are channeled back into the economy, thereby generating increased consumer demand.

   b. Targeted Spending: The scheme encourages employees to direct their expenditure towards non-essential goods and services that attract a specific Goods and Services Tax (GST) rate. This targeted spending approach aims to stimulate specific sectors of the economy and generate revenue through GST collection.

   c. Economic Multiplier Effect: By incentivizing consumer spending, the scheme aims to create a ripple effect throughout the economy. Increased demand for goods and services can lead to higher production, employment generation, and overall economic growth, thereby contributing to the nation’s economic recovery efforts.

A Step-by-Step Guide for LTC Cash Voucher Scheme

To enjoy the benefits of the LTC Cash Voucher Scheme and avail the associated income tax advantages, employees must adhere to the following conditions:

1. Go Digital: All purchases of goods and services must be made from GST-registered sellers using digital payment methods. Cash transactions, unfortunately, do not qualify for the deduction. Businesses are marching ahead with GST registration to help their business ventures stay compliant.

2. Mind the Tax Rate: Ensure that the goods and services you purchase attract a minimum Goods and Services Tax (GST) rate of 12%. This targeted spending requirement aims to stimulate specific sectors of the economy.

3. One at a Time: Remember, you can utilize only one LTC benefit payment in a single year. Plan your purchases accordingly to maximize the advantages.

4. Broaden Your Horizons: In addition to household appliances, two-wheelers, four-wheelers, and prepaid services like DTH recharge, broadband payments, and mobile phone bills, you can also consider purchasing health and life insurance plans, such as a simple term plan. The premiums paid for these plans are eligible for reimbursement up to the allowable limits.

By following these guidelines, you can seamlessly make the most of the LTC Cash Voucher Scheme and dig out its full potential. Not only will you enjoy the benefits of a well-deserved break or personal expenditure, but you’ll also contribute to the nation’s economic revival efforts through your targeted spending. So, mark your calendars, plan your purchases wisely, and enjoy the advantages of this innovative scheme designed to cater to your needs while driving economic growth.

Benefits of the LTC Cash Voucher Scheme

The LTC Cash Voucher Scheme launched by the Government is one of the most advanced schemes that addresses employee concerns and supports the growth of businesses and consumer consumption across industries.

This fascinating plan has captured several facets of economic and individual advantages that are present in our society. Therefore, the primary goal is to stimulate consumer spending across the different sectors with the aim of kick-starting and revitalizing the economy.

Through its attempted focus on the definition of spending, the scheme is designed to promote the sufficient circulation of events in the economy of the nation for support of businesses and industries. In addition, it requires that any purchase that qualifies under the scheme be charged a minimum of 12% GST rate, thus going a long way in ensuring the government gets the much-needed GST revenues.

Viable for purchase with LTC cash vouchers include goods and services not focused on everyday use but are instead received three times the face value of the intended voucher from a lowly employee.

Since it is preferred to be a transparent and efficient process, the employees are encouraged to purchase digitally from GST-registered sellers, which is in sync with the government’s vision of a digital economy.

Although food items are completely barred, many employee expenditures falling under this category can be reimbursed and relished under the scheme, such as household gadgets, automobiles, mobile talk-time, and a variety of insurance premiums.

While the LTC cash scheme would yield better returns for the employees, 92% of respondents agreed that it is mandatory to show the GST invoices for availing of this scheme.

Proportional Tax Exemptions in the Scheme

In this new LTC Cash Voucher Scheme, even if the employees are not able to fully meet the expenditure, the benefits under the tax exemptions will still be available, but only partially.

The exemption amount is comparable to the amount of spending, where the employee is exempt from paying tax. This means for the employer to get the full tax deduction, an employee must spend 3 times their qualified LTC fare. However, in the cases where the expenditure made by the employee is lower than this level, the employee will get a tax exemption in relation to the amounts he spent.

Consider the following example for clarity: An employee is eligible for an LTC payout of ₹80,000. To qualify for the full tax exemption, they are required to spend ₹2,40,000 (three times their LTC fare). Should the employee’s expenditure be ₹1,80,000—which represents 75% of the required amount—their tax exemption will be 75% of the total possible exemption, equating to ₹60,000.

This proportional system ensures fairness, allowing employees to benefit from tax savings commensurate with their spending. It also aligns with the government’s objective to stimulate economic activity by encouraging higher consumer expenditure.

Even if employees cannot meet the full spending target, they are incentivized to increase their expenditure, as each additional rupee spent translates to incremental tax savings.

This nuanced approach to tax exemptions in the LTC Cash Voucher Scheme reflects a thoughtful policy design, balancing economic stimulation with equitable tax relief for employees.

A Step-by-Step Guide to Calculate Your LTC Cash Benefit

Wondering how much you’ll receive under the new LTC Cash Voucher Scheme? Here’s a simplified yet formal breakdown:

  1. Leave Encashment: Start with your eligible leave days, capped at 10. Your maximum encashment amount is your pay multiplied by 10/30.
  2. Fare Value: Next, calculate your fare value. This is your deemed fare multiplied by the number of eligible family members.
  3. Total Package: Add your leave encashment and fare value amounts together to get your total package.
  4. Spending Requirement: To receive the full benefit, you must spend your leave encashment amount plus three times your fare value.
  5. Component Ratios: It’s important to understand how each part contributes to your total. Your leave encashment’s share is its amount times 100, divided by your total package. Similarly, calculate your fare’s share using its amount.

Note on Spending and Payout:

  1. Full Spending: If you spend the entire required amount (leave encashment plus three times fair value), you’ll receive your total package in cash.
  2. Partial Spending: If you spend less, your cash benefit is reduced proportionately.
    • Leave Encashment Portion = Actual spending × Leave encashment percentage
    • Fare Value Portion = Actual spending × Fare value percentage

Remember, your cash benefit aligns with your spending. The more you spend, the closer you get to your full LTC benefit, supporting both your savings and the economy.


The LTC Cash Voucher Scheme represents a groundbreaking initiative by the Indian government to revitalize the nation’s economy during these challenging times. The scheme’s design reflects a deep understanding of economic dynamics. By encouraging central government employees and others to spend on specific goods and services, it injects much-needed liquidity into various sectors, particularly those hit hard by the downturn.

The requirement for digital transactions from GST-registered sellers further aligns with India’s vision for a digital economy. Moreover, the scheme’s flexibility is commendable. Whether an employee spends the full amount or a portion of it, they still benefit from tax exemptions proportionate to their expenditure. This nuanced approach ensures fairness while still incentivizing higher spending.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What is the LTC Cash Voucher Scheme?

    It's an innovative initiative by the Indian government that allows employees to receive their Leave Travel Concession (LTC) as cash without actually traveling, designed to boost consumer spending.

  2. Who is eligible for the LTC Cash Voucher Scheme?

    Initially, for central government employees, the scheme has been extended to all sectors, including state government, state-owned organizations, and private sector employees.

  3. Do I have to use the LTC Cash Voucher Scheme?

    No, it's optional. You can choose to stick with your regular LTC for multiple years if you prefer.

  4. How much can I receive under this scheme?

    You're eligible for your maximum LTC amount, which includes your leave encashment and fair value components.

  5. Do I need to travel to claim this benefit?

    No, that's the beauty of this scheme. You can claim the benefit without traveling.

  6. Is there a spending requirement to get the full benefit?

    Yes, you need to spend three times your LTC fare amount plus your leave encashment amount to get the full tax exemption.

  7. What if I can't spend that much?

    You'll still get a tax exemption, but it will be proportional to what you spend. For example, if you spend 75% of the required amount, you'll get 75% of the tax exemption.

  8. What can I purchase with my LTC cash voucher?

    You can buy a wide range of items, such as household appliances, vehicles, insurance plans, and more. However, they must be from GST-registered sellers and have a minimum GST rate of 12%.

  9. Can I use cash for these purchases?

    No, all purchases must be made digitally to qualify for the deduction.

  10. Can I use more than one LTC benefit in a year?

    No, you can only use one LTC benefit payment in a single year.

  11. Is this scheme designed to help the economy?

    Absolutely! By encouraging consumer spending, especially in sectors with higher GST rates, the scheme aims to stimulate economic growth and recovery.

  12. Are food items eligible for purchase under this scheme?

    No, food items are completely barred from this scheme.

  13. Do I need to show GST invoices for this scheme?

    Yes, 92% of respondents in a survey agreed that it's mandatory to show GST invoices to avail of this scheme.

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