BIS Certification
BIS Registration

How to obtain BIS certification for Ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymers?

calendar17 May, 2023
timeReading Time: 4 Minutes
Ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymer

Ethylene-vinyl acetate (EVA) copolymers refer to a category of thermoplastic elastomers comprising ethylene and vinyl acetate monomers. They are widely used in the production of a range of different products thanks to their unparalleled toughness, flexibility, and elasticity. EVA copolymers are being aggressively used in different industries such as footwear, sports equipment, automotive and life-saving devices. An Indian Standard called IS 13601:1993 governs the testing and sampling norms of Ethylene-vinyl acetate (EVA) copolymers, and hence their manufacturers are mandated to secure the BIS certification. Read on to discover the process of obtaining the BIS certification for Ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymers.

But first, let’s drill down the requirements cited under the IS 13601:1993

Underlining key requirements under the IS13601:1993

Ethylene-vinyl acetate (EVA) copolymers fall under the Indian Standard called IS 13601:1993. This standard pens down the sampling and testing norms for ethylene-vinyl acetate (EVA) copolymer, which is widely used to manufacture plastic objects used in pharmaceuticals, foodstuffs, and drinking water.

Note: These guidelines serve as a foundation of BIS certification for Ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymers

Other than toxicological considerations, this standard does not vouch for the appropriateness of the packing media with specific commodities, drugs, & drinking water. A basic resin is produced when ethylene and vinyl acetate undergo a co-polymerizing process. When examined in view of the methods cited in Annex B of the standard, the VA content present in the EVA copolymers shall not fall outside the desirable range of 3-50%.

The substance must conform to the threshold norms concerning polymerization components, manufacturing wastes, and additional items as cited in IS13449:1992. A plastic substance used for storing food items must be stored separately in closed and labelled containers.

An authorized individual is accountable for vetting and managing the issue of plastic materials in the process or manufacturing premise and keeping apt records of such issues.

The manufacturer is also liable for enforcing cleanliness norms for utmost hygiene. All the personnel working on the premise should be aware of underlying hygiene practices.

The packaging of the material should be appropriate and in line with the purchaser’s demand. However, whatever the packaging requirement is, the supplier must ensure that the likelihood of environmental contamination should be zero.

Packaging and labelling norms to be followed by EVA copolymers

Each package containing Ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymers must reflect the following details without fail.

  • Name and address of the manufacturer
  • Trademark, if any.
  • Detail of the material
  • Lot and batch number
  • Month and year of production
  • The net mass of the material

The Standard Mark (ISI Mark) should be there on each package. The manufacturer must secure a BIS registration from the authority concerned by using the ISI marking on their product.

The BIS will approve the application only after confirming that the applicant’s product, premises, and testing capabilities are in line with the relevant standard.

Documents required for securing BIS certification for Ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymers

To secure BIS certification for Ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymers, the following documents are typically required:

1. Test report from a BIS-recognized laboratory

2. Details of machinery and equipment

3. Undertaking for compliance with BIS standards and regulations[1]

4. Manufacturing process flow chart

5. Quality control plan

6. Application form

7. Certificate of analysis for each batch

8. Payment of certification fees

9. List of raw materials

10. Details of packaging and labelling of the product

How to apply for BIS certification for Ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymers?

To secure BIS certification for Ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymers, you can follow these steps:

1. Find the BIS standard

The first step is to discover which BIS standard applies to your product. In the case of EVA copolymers, the relevant standard is IS12834:2007.

2. Prepare the apt paperwork

Prepare all the apt documents needed for a BIS license, including the application form, test report, production process flow chart, quality control plan, raw materials info, details of machinery and equipment, certificate of analysis for each batch, details of packaging as well as labelling of the product, undertaking for compliance with BIS norms, and payment of certification fees.

3. Submit the application

Submit the application form along with the required paperwork to the BIS portal.

4. Product testing

Once the application is received, BIS will start product testing to ensure that your product adheres to the required standards.

5. Inspection of the manufacturing facility

BIS will also vet the entire manufacturing facility for compliance. Any loophole in the production or quality shall be shared with the application for correction.

The applicant will get ample time to fix the problem and then re-apply for the certification.

6. Grant of Certification

If your product and production facility is found to be in line with the relevant norms, the authority will issue the certificate of registration for your EVA copolymers.

By following the above steps and fulfilling compliance with underlying requirements, you can successfully secure BIS certification for Ethylene-vinyl acetate (EVA) copolymers.


In conclusion, securing the BIS certification for Ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymers can provide endless benefits for your manufacturing business. By adhering to BIS norms, you can ensure that your products are of the utmost quality and safety. This can help you increase the market reach, helping you improve credibility among targeted customers.

Navigating the complexities of BIS registration can be a stiff task for businesses. However, with the technical assistance of Corpbiz, the process can be made much easier as well as hassle-free. Our team of experts has in-depth knowledge and experience in enabling businesses secure BIS certification for their products.

Read our Article:How To Get BIS Certification For Hydrophobic Portland Cement?

BIS Certification

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