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How To Get BIS Certification For High Alumina Refractory Cement?

calendar09 May, 2023
timeReading Time: 4 Minutes
How To Get BIS Certification For High Alumina Refractory Cement?

High alumina refractory cement refers to the type of cement produced from high-grade bauxite and alumina. It comprises high alumina content, above 50%, and is used in applications where high refractoriness and strength are vital. Some common applications of this cement include lining furnaces, kilns, incinerators, and so on.

It is also utilized in the construction of refractory concrete as well as other refractory materials. Since this cement adheres to high strength and resistance to thermal shock, it serves as a perfect choice for aforesaid applications. Let’s find out how to secure BIS certification for High alumina refractory cement in India.

Outlining the Role Of IS 15895:2011, an Indian Standard

IS15895:2011 covers high alumina refractory cement, which is a type of refractory cement that comprises calcium aluminates like monocalcium aluminates & di-aluminate as its key hydraulic constituent.

The standard IS 15895:2011 outlines the classification, evaluation technique, & properties of high alumina refractory cement, which is a type of refractory cement that primarily comprises calcium aluminates like monocalcium aluminates as well as di-aluminate.

HAC Is Produced By Fusing Or Sintering A Mixture Of Calcareous Materials Such As:

  • Limestone,
  • Hydrated lime,
  • or dolomitic limestone,
  • Argillaceous materials like Bauxite or calcined alumina

High alumina refractory cement is basically available in two types: medium purity and high purity, classified depending on how many impurities they contain. High-purity HACs have an overall impurity content of no more than 2 percent, which is achieved by the apt selection of aw materials.

The alumina content of medium-purity HACs is usually less than 50 percent. While medium & high-purity grade HACs can have varying alumina content. High-purity grade HACs generally have a wide range of alumina content.

IS 15895:2011 pens down the chemical & physical properties of different grades of medium and high-purity HACs. When tested using the standard methods, high alumina refractory cement must comply with the chemical & physical norms cited in the standard.

The manufacturer must maintain a well-resourced lab to perform the various tests as per the methods cited in the standard and ensure that the cement adheres to standard’s norms.

Tests to Be Performed On High Alumina Refractory Cement

The high alumina refractory cement must undergo the following tests to qualify for BIS certification:

  • Pyrometric Cone Equivalent (PCE)
  • Fineness test
  • Chemical composition test
  • Strength test
  • Setting time test

Labelling Norms Concerning BIS Certification for High Alumina Refractory Cement

To ensure the quality of high alumina refractory cement, it should be stored in a weather-tight package that allows easy inspection, protects against hydration, and minimizes loss during transportation.

The labelling and marking of the cement must comply with the standard, and each bag or drum must bear the BIS Standard Mark (ISI Mark), provided that the material in each package meets the specification.

To use the standard mark (ISI Mark), the manufacturer must obtain a BIS license from the Bureau of Indian Standards, which requires a successful assessment of manufacturing infrastructure, quality control, testing capabilities, and production process.

Documents Required For BIS Certification for High Alumina Refractory Cement

To obtain BIS certification for ISI marking in India, the following documents are generally required:

  • Application form for BIS certification
  • Details of production facility and process flow chart
  • Test report from a BIS-recognized laboratory
  • List of machinery and equipment used for cement production
  • Quality control plan and test procedures
  • Details of raw materials used
  • Copy of trademark registration (if applicable)
  • Undertaking to comply with BIS guidelines
  • Authorization letter for authorized Indian representative (if applicable)

Process Concerning BIS Certification for High Alumina Refractory Cement

Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS)[1] certification is mandatory for all products falling under its purview, including high alumina refractory cement. To obtain BIS certification for high alumina refractory cement, the manufacturer must follow a specific procedure as shown below:

  • Step 1: Application Filing

The first step is to submit a BIS certification application that includes all applicable dossiers, such as test reports, quality control manuals, and other relevant paperwork. The application fee must also be paid in this step.

  • Step 2: Paperwork Vetting

BIS will perform a preliminary assessment of the furnished documents. If they found the documents accurate and complete, the manufacturer can proceed to the next step, which is product testing at a certified lab.

  • Step 3: Product Testing

The next step is all about the testing of high alumina refractory cement at a BIS-approved laboratory. These tests will include physical, chemical, and performance tests to ensure that it adheres to the BIS norms.

  • Step 4: Grant of BIS Certification

Post-test completion, the lab will generate the test report, which you must forward to the BIS for final review. If the report is up to the mark, BIS will grant its approval for the use of ISI marking.

Please note that complying with post-certification norms is as important as securing the BIS registration. So, keep a tab on the regulations and tune your production process and quality protocol accordingly to stay compliant.

 is an ongoing process, and manufacturers must continue to abide by relevant BIS standards by carrying out regular quality control measures and tests.

Failure to do so can incur severe penalties for manufacturers, including cancellation of BIS certification. Seeking expert advice from Corpbiz can help manufacturers stay on top of these requirements.


In conclusion, obtaining BIS certification for high alumina refractory cement is crucial for manufacturers intending to sell their products in and outside of India. It requires well-thought-out planning and adherence to vital norms and procedures to ensure that the product stays compliant.

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