Legal Metrology

A Guide on the Benefits of a Model Approval Certificate

calendar04 Apr, 2024
timeReading Time: 4 Minutes
Model Approval Certificate

Machine learning models are being developed and used in a wide range of industries in the context of contemporary technology and innovation. These models may have advantages, but there are also serious drawbacks, such as bias, invasions of privacy, and poor decision-making. As a result of these difficulties, the idea of a Model Approval Certification (MAC) has become important for guaranteeing the accuracy, equity, and openness of machine learning algorithms. A sign of approval, the Model Approval Certificate attests to a model’s having undergone a thorough assessment and satisfying predetermined criteria that present the Benefits of a Model Approval Certificate as correctness, equity, comprehensibility, and ethical issues. This certification fosters responsible and ethical behaviour by encouraging accountability and trust in the use of AI systems, as well as confidence in the stakeholders.

What are the weights and measurement devices?

Weight and measurement devices are the equipment that is used to measure the physical attributes of any product in a manufacturing unit or other dealer shops. The benefits of a Model Approval Certificate concerning these instruments are that it helps in measuring the exact physical attributes of the product. It ensures clarity, correctness, legal compliance, and fairness when measuring items for the customers. The weights and measurement devices include a Thermometer, weighing scale, barometer, equipment used in laboratories, compass, measuring tapes, and other similar equipment. They are all measured upon a parameter set by the LMPC Act and are included in the necessary compliances.

Main Benefits of a Model Approval Certificate

The main Benefits of a Model Approval Certificate are as follows –

Compliance with Law

One of the most important benefits of a Model Approval Certificate is that it helps in complying with the legal provisions that rule the said sector through the Legal Metrology Act 2009. If the related sector is not in compliance with the rules and regulations mentioned in the act then it may have to face penalties or can even lead to the organization’s closure.


The Model Approval Certification provides fairness in trade, transparency, accuracy, and reliability in the equipment that is sold under the applicable law. It gives the required trust to the customers in the standards of the object sold and is responsible for fewer disputes between the customer and the dealer. This trust helps the manufacturers and dealers maintain the client relationship, which is a must when doing business around the globe.

Protection of Consumers

Under the Legal Metrology Act of 2009, a Model Approval Certificate guarantees the precision and dependability of measuring equipment used in business dealings, thereby augmenting consumer protection. Customers are protected from dishonest business practices and unjust treatment by having machine learning models certified to fulfil certain requirements for accuracy and fairness. This certification gives customers confidence that the goods and services using these models are dependable and compliant with the law. In the end, it protects consumers’ rights and raises public trust in the market by enabling them to make knowledgeable decisions, encouraging fair trade practices, and lowering the possibility of disputes or fraudulent activity.

Quality Adherence

One of the most acknowledged benefits of a Model Approval Certificate from a manufacturer’s perspective is that it helps ensure the quality of the product. If the manufacturer succeeds in assuring the quality of the objects to the customers, it will increase sales multi-fold and reduce the risk of disputes with customers. With superior quality products, the manufacturer can make a stand in the market and will have many opportunities for growth in the business.

Other Benefits of a Model Approval Certificate

The other Benefits of a Model Approval Certificate are as follows –

Access to Indian Market

With the Model Approval Certification as per the LMPC Act, the manufacturers can easily access the Indian market and continue the trade relating to these instruments freely and without any regulatory issues. The certification gives the mark of authentication to the products and rescues them from being fined by the authorities.

Device Rejections

The devices, if not approved by the concerned authorities, might face restrictions or rejections from using them. The authorities, on lack of Model Approval Certification, reject the use of devices that are very bad for the status of the manufacturer and its business proceedings. This clearly illustrates the Benefits of a Model Approval Certificate.   

Accuracy in data

The certified instruments that went through the quality and accuracy check are needed for use in laboratory and research-related work. These works require accurate measurements to conduct precise research that helps in innovation and serves other useful purposes. With the help of the certification, it can be assured that the products used are in their best shape and form thereby will not to any mistakes in calculation.

Governmental Support

The manufacturers and dealers having the certificate as per the LMPC Act are given much-needed support from the government through various policies. Regulatory compliance is eased for these manufacturers which is helpful for them to expand their business.


There are abundant benefits to a Model Approval Certificate for dealers and customers. Hence, applying for the license and getting one should be considered a priority task and be completed even before you start your business in the respective area. If you want to commence the business proceedings dealing with the equipment covered under the LMPC Act, then in that case, you need to necessarily get the Model Approval Certification, else there can be regulatory and legal proceedings against you and your business that will lead to fines or even ban on using and manufacturing these products. Hence, at all costs, certification is needed, and it will only benefit the sales of these products and increase the market capturing of the product, which will also help in scaling the business.

Corpbiz can help you get the required certification by clearly complying with the provisions set in the LMPC Act and by properly documenting the applicant. We have already served a large number of clients and helped them get their certification within the quoted time frame, and it is the assurance that the same kind of services will be provided to help others as well.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How is a Model Approval Certificate related to the quality of the products?

    One of the most acknowledged benefits of a Model Approval Certificate from a manufacturer's perspective is that it helps ensure the quality of the product. If the manufacturer succeeds in assuring the quality of the objects to the customers, it will increase sales multi-fold and reduce the risk of disputes with customers. With superior quality products, the manufacturer can make a stand in the market and will have many opportunities for growth in the business.

  2. What is the duration of validity of the Model Approval Certificate?

    The Model Approval Certificate is valid for a period of 1 year once the registration is done, although the registration certificate can be renewed afterwards for a maximum period of 5 years. The renewal should be done before the registration expires; otherwise, a new application will be required.

  3. What is meant by the Model Approval Certification?

    The Model Approval Certification is required by the measuring instruments to check their quality, durability, and preciseness when they are made. This certification justifies the quality of these products in the market.

  4. Why is Model Approval Certification needed?

    The Model Approval Certification is needed to ensure the fairness, quality, and durability of the products like a Thermometer, weighing scales, barometer, equipment used in laboratories, compass, measuring tapes, and other similar equipment.

  5. To whom is a Model Approval Certification required?

    A model approval certification is required by the manufacturers, dealers, and importers of equipment like Measuring instruments, weighing machines, laboratory instruments, etc.

  6. Can this certificate be transferred?

    No, this certificate cannot be transferred to anyone else and whoever requires it needs to fill out the fresh application form and get the registration done under the LMPC Act.

  7. What compliances are to be followed post-certification?

    Post-certification, there can be audits at regular intervals, as well as verification and inspection of the equipment made and used while commencing the business activities.

  8. Can we sell measuring instruments without obtaining certification?

    No, if the certification is not done, the measuring instrument cannot be sold. To get the certification, one needs to follow the registration process.

  9. What happens if the certification is rejected for a measuring instrument?

    If the certification for a measuring instrument is rejected then the manufacturer or dealer needs to make the necessary changes in the instrument and freshly file a registration application.

  10. Who is responsible for the issuance of a Model Approval Certificate?

    The Model Approval Certificate is granted as per the Legal Metrology Act 2009 with the help of the Ministry of Consumers, the Legal Metrology department, and the Food and Public Distribution. 

Read Our Article: Documents Required For Model Approval Certificate

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