Pollution Control Board

Factory Pollution Certificate Online Delhi

calendar30 Jan, 2024
timeReading Time: 7 Minutes
Factory Pollution Certificate Online

It is impossible to overstate the significance of industrialization for a developing nation like India. To protect the environment, the Indian government formed the Central Pollution Control Committee (CPCB), whose job it is to regulate pollution. For this reason, one of the CPCB’s actions is to get the factory an online pollution certificate. Depending on the industry type, the industry must get Consent to Establish (CTE) and Consent to Operate (CTO). Depending on the pollution index of the score, which represents the pollution each business produces, Delhi’s industries have been divided into many groups.

Any factory that may create pollutants or ‘trade effluents’ must get a pollution license or certificate, which is the State Pollution Control Board’s formal written approval to open for business. An industry’s pollution index score determines which categories it falls into: red, orange, green, and white. The production of hazardous waste, emissions of air pollutants, effluents of water pollutants, and resource use all contribute to the pollution index. The amount of raw materials utilized, the production method, and the quantity of possible contaminants are other factors that go into this categorization. According to the present classification, 36 industrial sectors are classified as non-polluting industries in the white category, 63 as green, 83 as orange, and 60 as red industries.

Factory Pollution Certificate Online Delhi

What is a Pollution Certificate?

Issued by the environmental protection department, such as the State and central pollution control boards, a pollution certificate, permit, environmental permit, or permission to pollute is a government authorization that permits a business to discharge specific pollutants into the environment. It certifies that a company has followed the required procedures to ensure that it complies with national standards for controlling pollution from its production processes.

In addition to the firms’ names and addresses, the document also details the extent and cause of the pollution. When requesting a loan from a bank or other financial institution, it can be used as documentation. The firm may monitor, gather, process, and generate certifications for clients with the use of a Pollution Certificate.

Role of DPCC in Factory Pollution Certificate Online Delhi

  • Provide dependable and affordable techniques for treating trade wastewater, sewage, and air pollution control devices.
  • Gather, organize, and compile the pollution-related technical and statistical data.
  • Draft manuals, rules, and recommendations for stack gas cleaning equipment, stacks, and ducts, as well as for the treatment and disposal of trade effluents and sewage.
  • Make recommendations for pollution prevention and control to the Delhi government.
  • Coordinates media awareness campaigns for reducing, controlling, or preventing pollution.
  • Offer information about issues pertaining to air and water pollution, including ways to prevent and manage it.
  • Set regulations for emissions from cars, factories, and healthcare facilities, as well as for sewage and trade effluents.
  • Grants industry approval certificates for a number of industrial categories, including Red, Orange, Green, and White.
  • Grant authorization within the categories of Bio-Medical Waste Authorization, Hazardous Waste Management Authorization, Plastic Waste Management, E-waste Authorization to Industries and Health Care Establishments and Battery Waste Management.
  • Evaluate the ambient water and air quality; inspect installed wastewater treatment systems, air pollution control devices, industrial facilities, or manufacturing processes to verify their functionality; and take appropriate action to prevent, control, and lessen air and water pollution.

Consents Required for Factory Pollution Certificate Online Delhi

There are two main types of consent required for factory pollution certificates online in Delhi. They are:

  • Consent to Operate:

The individual is required to obtain a second official consent from the State Pollution Control Board, also known as the consent to operate, or the CTO, once this setup phase is finished, meaning that the construction is finished and the building is ready to function as the business headquarters. The formal permission granted to the individual to commence activities within the building is valid for a period of five years from the date of receipt. Nonetheless, in other states, the legality of consent can be different.

  • Consent to Establish:

The State Pollution Control Board must provide official approval to create a business before any business-starting operations, such as building, can begin. Anybody can start building or establishing the business phase only after obtaining this CTE (consent to establish)

Important Aspects for Factory Pollution Certificate Online Delhi

  Business activity: Certain manufacturing activities are limited or prohibited in Delhi.  
  Unit location: The chosen industrial region where a factory may be established is a crucial component of every plant.  
  Factory layout: An occupier may only set up shop on the ground floor  

Eligibility Criteria for Factory Pollution Certificate Online Delhi

It is now possible to make sure that each factory is built and run in a way that is consistent with environmental policies and objectives thanks to the division of industries into four groups based on their individual pollution index scores. Industrial sectors have been pushed to adopt cleaner production techniques, which has resulted in reduced pollution, with the creation of the fourth category of white non-polluting industries. Industries have also been forced to evaluate their own production and waste management processes as a result of this classification.

A pollution certificate or CTO may be applied for by the following factories:

  • Red-listed factories are not allowed to operate in protected or environmentally sensitive regions and are required to get pollution licenses.
  • Sectors that fall under the orange heading.
  • Businesses that fall within the green category.
  • The CTO and CTE are not necessary for industries falling within the white category. These industries merely need to notify the relevant SPCB or PCC before beginning any construction or operation.
  • The industry has to be situated in industrial zones or estates that have been given permission to do so.
  • Industries falling under the red category are prohibited from operating in protected areas or environmentally delicate areas without first obtaining a pollution license.
  • No harmful or toxic waste was released.
  • The machinery and industrial plant are only worth up to INR 1 crore.

Documents for Factory Pollution Certificate Online Delhi

The documents that are essential for registration of factory pollution certificate online in Delhi:

Documents for consent to operate are mentioned below:

  • Request for permission to use the specified format for operations.
  • Cost of operating permission
  • A letter of authorization supporting the application
  • Undertaking and affidavit on non-judicial stamp
  • C.a. accredited investment in capital
  • Monitoring report as well as the prior CTE/CGWA compliance report.

Documents for consent to establish are mentioned below:

  • A copy of an attested sale or lease agreement, together with any other pertinent documentation, proving the applicant’s ownership of the property or factory for which they are applying.
  • A copy of the attested articles of association in the case of private or public companies or a registered partnership deed in the event of a partnership business.
  • Applications for authorization to create in the format required by the Air Act of 1981 and the Water Act of 1974, properly completed and signed by the designated signatory
  • Fees for approval to set up
  • A graphical diagram indicating the locations of various process machinery and equipment.
  • Obtain permission to use groundwater. From the relevant authority, if any
  • The comprehensive production process for every product is accompanied by an elaborate processflow chart.
  • A properly signed copy of the project report from the financial institution or chartered accountant
  • A copy of the application for environmental clearance was received.

Process for Factory Pollution Certificate Online Delhi

To get the factory pollution certificate online in Delhi for factory activities, take the following actions:

Step 1:

Obtain the SBPC’s CTE (Consent to Establish) or NOC first. The regional officials of the SBPC are to be given the NOC.

Step 2:

Complete the application form with all the information on the site’s location, company, industry registration, etc., after receiving the NOC/CTE. Send the application form to the SBPC regional officer along with a few relevant papers.

Step 3:

Alternatively, you can obtain the online pollution certificate for the factory’s operations by logging into the official website of your respective SBPC

Types of Factories for Factory Pollution Certificate Online Delhi

Based on their pollution index, many industry types are divided into four groups. Among these categories are:

The Red Category

The sectors classified as red are those that emit severe forms of pollution (defined as having a pollution index of 60 or above). The aforementioned category includes large manufacturing companies, international hotels, multispecialty hospitals, and other firms that discharge emissions, toxic chemicals, effluents, and other pollutants.

The Orange Category

The industries in the orange category release comparatively fewer pollutants (the pollution index ranges from 41 to 59). This category includes businesses that prepare food, provide pharmaceuticals or medical supplies, service automobiles, etc.

The Green Category

The green category includes the industries with lower pollution indexes (21-40). This group includes small bakeries, sawmills, wheat mills, poultry, leather shoe manufacturers, etc.

The White Category

The white category includes industries that emit either no pollution at all or very little. This group includes companies that produce electric lamps, CFL bulbs, and socks made of cotton or wool.

White-category industries are exempt from obtaining a pollution license, CTO, or CTE. However, before beginning any building on the property or opening for business, they have to notify the SPCB. It is preferable to launch a business with as little environmental damage as possible because of the creation of the white category and the perks that go along with it.

Applications for the CTO or pollution certificate are accepted from industries falling under the green and orange categories. Ecologically vulnerable and forest-protected regions are off-limits to red-category companies.


In conclusion, it is absolutely vital to have a factory pollution certificate in order to establish a factory in Delhi. The whole process can be done online on the website but requires expert opinion and assistance for the same.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is a pollution certificate, and why is it important?

A pollution certificate is a document that proves that the factory is in compliance with all the standards laid down by authorities to protect the environment. It is important for the sustainability of the environment.

2. When is the industry due for a CTO renewal?

At least one month must pass before the consent’s expiration for the applicant to renew it.

3. Can a factory operate without a pollution certificate in Delhi?

It is compulsory to have a pollution certificate for a factory in Delhi to work.

4. When does the red category industries’ CTO validity expire?

The CTO granted to the red category industries is good till the end of March.

5. When does the orange category industries’ CTO validity expire?

The CTO granted to the industries in the orange category is good until the end of September.

6. Is the pollution certificate a one-time thing?

Factory pollution certificates need renewal at regular periods of time.

7. When does the green category industries’ CTO validity expire?

CTOs are granted to the green category industries, and they are good until the end of December.

8. How is an industry’s pollution index score determined?

It is determined by the quantity of possible emissions (pollutants found in air, water, and hazardous waste) as well as by the utilization of raw resources.

9. Who grants certifications or licenses for pollution?

Industries are granted pollution licenses and NOCs by the State Pollution Control Board.

10. In which sectors is a CTO, CTE, NOC, or pollution license not required?

Since the industries in the white category don’t produce any pollution, they don’t need a CTO, CTE, NOC, or pollution license.

11. How long is the CTO (Consent to Operate) valid for sectors that fall under the red category?

The validity period of the CTO granted to industries classified as red is five years from the date of issuance. If you do not reapply for a CTO extension or renewal, penalties will be assessed.

12. How long is the Consent to Operate (CTO) valid for industries falling under the orange category?

The orange category industries are granted a ten-year validity period from the date of issuance for the CTO. If you do not reapply for a CTO extension or renewal, penalties will be assessed.

13. How long is the Consent to Operate (CTO) valid for industries falling under the green category?

The validity of the CTO granted to industries falling within the green category is seven to fifteen years from the date of issuance. However, depending on the rules of the State, the validity of CTOs granted for green category companies varies.

Read our Article: DPCC Online Registration: A Major Environmental Compliance In Delhi

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