An Outlook on Environmental and Healthcare Sector under an NGO

calendar28 Oct, 2020
timeReading Time: 5 Minutes
Environmental and Healthcare Sector under an NGO

The dynamics of the world are drastically changing, and it is advisable to keep pace with the changes. Several environmental factors such as deforestation, forest fires, global warming, ozone layer depletion, etc have led the human race to witness the climate change. Various environmentalist and young activist such as Greta Thunberg keep encouraging and promoting certain activities that will lead to healthy environment. Moreover, the damage done to the Earth is irreversible; hence, we need to fix our actions and should do what we can do o our part to protect the Earth. This Article is going to cover everything you need to know about Environmental and Healthcare Sector under an NGO.

To promote and conduct activities, numerous Non- Governmental Organisations have been emerged over the years. These organisations work on no profit basis and aim to make this world a better place for all. Several NGOs have come forward with the motive of protecting the environment and encouraging the youth to play a major role in it. Considering the alarming rate at which the environment is deteriorating, the necessity of environmental awareness and its enforcement should be our utmost priority.

Role of an NGO with Regard to Environmental Protection

A significant role is played by an NGO to create awareness and implementation of necessary steps to protect the environment. It is essential to support small and local NGOs that are genuinely working and thriving hard to make this world a better place for all.

A Non- Governmental Organisation can make certain contributions which are highly relevant and much needed for a change-

  • Creating awareness among the local public, and conducting educational workshops on the topics related to environment and its protection.
  • Researching and analysing the situation
  • Filing relevant public interest litigation after conducting research.
  • Providing expert opinions
  • Providing legal and financial support to the independent environmentalist
  • Working at a ground level and facing the reality

Environment Protection under NGO

Certain Non-Governmental Organisations that have been playing an active role in protecting the environment like sustainable development and has been successful in achieving its objective. Those NGOs are as follows-

Environment Protection under NGO

World Wide Fund for Nature India

The organisation is one of the most leading organisations working in the fields of environment. Key areas in which the organisation works is controlling the climate change and preserving the energy. They keep an eye on the wildlife and biodiversity too and they have put significant efforts in Project Tiger in 1973 and that indeed generated positive results. They also seek to conserve marine and aquatic life, and have also launched ‘Save the River Dolphin’ project.

Clean- India Project

The project is deeply concerned with the environment health and was launched back in 1996, interestingly; the project commenced from merely five schools and now it has involved more than forty schools over Delhi who actively participates in assessing the environment. Workshops and seminars are conducted by school to create awareness and lead the people to monitor the environment. Numerous action programmes such as solid waste management, building eco-friendly houses, utilising the solar power, promoting rain water harvesting, drip irrigation, etc.

These organisations are frequently confronted with troubles such as non-cooperation from the government, lack of trained and professional personnel, financial crunch etc. However, they are still thriving hard to protect the environment.

Major Concern for Clean India Project

The second major concern is the deteriorating health and impact of deadly diseases on the public. The world has been hit by a pandemic and each day numerous people are losing their life, more than 1 lakh people in India has lost their life to Novel corona virus and the health care sector has been trying its level best to fight the deadly virus. There are numerous Non-Governmental organisations which have been contributing significantly and play a major role in providing aid to the public. These NGOs provide free health care services to the underprivileged children, women, and men. These organisations also conduct workshops and programmes with the aim of creating awareness among the uneducated.

The action programmes involves distribution of sanitary napkins to young girls and briefing them about it and what all should be done when you are menstruating, Polio drops to each and every child, creating awareness about AIDS , by providing intensive care to the last stage cancer patients, etc.

Read our article:An Outlook: Registering an NGO in India

About Healthcare Sector under an NGO

NGOs operate internationally and are often concerned with global health issues as well. Some NGOs in India has established their own Healthcare Sector under an NGO which plays an important role in providing health care at the times of emergencies as well as natural disasters.

Role of Healthcare Sector under an NGO

The primary focuses of Healthcare Sector under an NGO are as follows- 

  • Establishment of  healthcare institutions;
  • Satisfying health and social needs of groups of people like women, elderly or any vulnerable group;
  • Community that deals with specific health issues like alcoholism;
  • Promoting health rights of individual;
  • Performing anticipatory health programs;
  • Managing health related finance and administration of health sector.

Healthcare Sector under an NGO

Several NGOs that have been contributing to the health care sector. They are as follows-

Healthcare Sector under an NGO

Help Age India

A leading organisation that works to provide a better life to the elderly people and was established four decades back. Since 1978, it has been working for the well being of the senior citizens by providing them free health care services.

Child Rights and You

Also known as CRY, it was established in 1979 and since then, it has been working towards several causes. The noble work of CRY has shown positive results, and the number of malnutrition children has been reduced by 10%.

LEPRA Society

It also promotes intensive health care and brought the neglected diseases such as Leprosy, Lymphatic Filariasis, etc into the light and create awareness among the people. Their contribution has also been significant in the field of eye-care and preventing blindness.

Smile Foundation

Established in 2002, it has significantly contributed in the area of child education, Health care, Youth employment[1], and Girl child and woman empowerment. It has been relentlessly working towards providing a better life to the under privileged children.

Rural Healthcare Foundation

This organisation was founded by the Late Arun Nevatia, and its key area is rural health. It currently has 10 clinics running across the villages of West Bengal and provides health care services to the lowest strata of the socio-economic pyramid at cheapest possible rates.


To promote and conduct beneficial activities, numerous NGO Registration have been emerged over the years. Government should provide them financial and legal assistance for their efficient working and generating an impact on the society.

They are often confronted with several issue, however, they indeed have a major role in creating awareness and providing Health care services to all. You can contact our experts at Corpbiz if you need any professional help.

Read our article:The National Commission for Allied and Healthcare Professions Bill, 2020- Overview

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