
Device and Word Marks in Trademark Registration

calendar27 Feb, 2023
timeReading Time: 6 Minutes
Device and Word Marks in Trademark Registration

A distinctive brand name, logo or symbol can be legally granted exclusive rights through trademark registration in India. The office of the Controller General of Patent, Designs, and Trademarks administers the procedure of registration of the trademark, which is governed by the Trade Marks Act of 1999. In order to register a trademark, you must file an application to the Trademark registry and provide all the necessary documents and evidence of the use of the mark they want to register. 

Once the trademark is registered, the owner is granted exclusive rights to use the mark in connection with the products or services listed in the registration and can also prevent others from using the same or similar mark in connection to the same class of products or services. 

Importance of Trademark Registration

Businesses in India should register their trademarks to protect their intellectual property rights and prohibit third parties from using them without authorization. Trademark registration offers protection from infringement and enables businesses to sue those who attempt to use their mark for commercial advantage. Trademark registration also helps businesses to establish their brands and reputation, which makes it simpler for them to sell their products or services.

Trademark registration offers protection in other countries also, which helps the business and its brand to grow internationally. A registered trademark can also be considered a valuable business asset, as it can be sold, licensed and even franchised. 

What are Device Marks?

  • Meaning of Device Marks

Device marks is the visual representation of trademarks that combine words, letters or numbers with design, symbol, or image. A logo, graphic, stylized text, or any other recognizable visual that identifies a business or brand can all be included in the device mark. Device marks are a popular choice for businesses since they can effectively communicate the brand identity and message of the business in a visually appealing way.

Device marks provide more flexibility in terms of design and are easily adaptable to different mediums of packaging, advertisements and websites. A device mark needs to be distinct and should not be similar to any other mark for registration. Businesses have to take utmost care of the device mark as they accurately reflect their brand and stand out in the competitive market. 

  • Examples of Device Marks
    • The Apple Logo: Apple Inc.’s brand identity is represented by the recognizable apple logo. The company’s innovation and creativity are represented by this unique logo, which is very easy to identify.
    • The Nike Swoosh: It is a minimalist design that has become synonymous with the brand. The business’s emphasis on athleticism and quality is symbolized by the swoosh.
    • McDonald’s Mark: McDonald’s logo is one of the most recognizable logos in the world.

What are Word Marks?

  • Meaning of Word Marks

A word mark is a type of trademark that identifies and distinguishes the source of products or services by using a word, phrase, or combination of words. It is also referred to as a text mark or verbal mark. A word mark, in contrast to a device or logo mark only uses words to represent the brand, business and products or services.

Words that are generic, descriptive or distinctive can be used as work marks. A word mark must, however, meet specific requirements in order to be eligible for trademark registration, such as being distinctive, should not be registered, and should not descriptive.

  • Examples of Word Marks
    • Coca-Cola: The distinctive script font and stylized writing of coca cola brand help the consumers recognize it. The brand is well known all over the world, and the word mark has stayed relatively unchanged over time.
    • Google: The word mark for the Google brand has come to represent online search. It is simple but effective. The word mark’s colour scheme and font choice convey the business’s mission and make it recognizable. 
    • IBM: The Company’s emphasis on innovation and technology is represented by the IBM word mark.

Difference between Device Mark and Word Mark 

It is essential to comprehend the fundamental difference between these two types of marks in order to select the best fit for your business. Here are the differences between the device mark and the word mark:

  • Visual Representation

Device marks are visual representations, whereas word marks[1] are text-based, making the most visible distinction between them. Device marks can be logos, symbols, and other visual elements that can represent the brand. On the other side, word marks use words or phrases to identify brands.

  • Scope of Protection

The scope of protection that both device and word marks provide is another significant difference. Device marks protect the specific visual depiction that is registered. At the same time, word marks protect the specific words or phrases that are registered. In the case of device marks, other brands might be permitted in some to use words or phrases that are similar, provided they don’t use the exact visual representation.

  • Flexibility

Word marks typically have more flexibility than device marks. It can be challenging to make changes in device marks after it has been registered without affecting the mark’s legal status. Word marks, on the other hand, can be more flexible as long as modifications don’t change the mark’s core identity.

  • Registration Process

The registration process for both device marks and word marks slightly vary from each other. As the device marks are visual representations, they might have to provide more details at the time of registration. Details like more information about the design, the colour scheme, shape and orientation. The word marks require a written description of the mark only.

  • Brand Reorganization

Device marks are often more effective at building brand recognition as compared to word marks. This is due to the fact that consumers often find it easier to recognize visual representations than words or phrases. However, if the word marks are distinctive and memorable, they can also be useful.

  • Costs

The cost to register a device or word mark can be different. Device marks could cost more to register than simple word marks since they may require additional design work. But the word mark cost can also add up, especially if you need to register the mark in multiple countries or classes. 

Advantages and Disadvantages of Device Mark

Following are the advantages and disadvantages of Device Mark:

  • Advantages of Device Mark:-
    • The designs are eye-catching and unique and can stand out.
    • Has the ability to communicate brand identity without words.
    • Provides broader protections because the design is difficult to copy.
    • Has the option to be registered in multiple trademark classes.
    • Device marks are recognizable and memorable.
    • It can be a powerful branding tool to create a deep emotional bond with consumers.
  • Disadvantages of Device Mark:-
    • Costs a lot to create and register the mark.
    • It might not clearly communicate the brand’s message.
    • It can be challenging to remember and recall a specific design.
    • It may not be effective for brands with well-established.
    • Device marks might be harder to prevent from being copied.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Word Mark

Following are the advantages and disadvantages of Word Mark:

  • Advantages of Word Mark: 
    • More recognizable and simple to recall.
    • Establish a strong connection with the brand name.
    • It can be easily translated into different languages.
    • More flexible in terms of promotion and marketing.
    • More affordable to create and keep up with maintenance.
  • Disadvantages of Word Mark:
    • They might not be as noticeable as device marks.
    • Limited in terms of design and creativity.
    • It may not be easily associated with certain products or services.
    • It can be difficult to be noticeable in a competitive market.

How to Find the Best-Fit Mark from Word Mark and Device Mark for Your Business? 

There are several things to think about while selecting a trademark for your company. The ideal trademark has to represent your brand identity while also being distinctive and memorable. Also, it must be able to be legally protected and must not violate any registered trademarks. The following advice will help you select the ideal candidate for your company:

  1. Conduct Market Research: Before you decide on a trademark, it’s essential to research the market to ensure that it’s not already in use by a competitor. You can conduct a trademark search online or hire a trademark attorney to do it for you. This will help you avoid legal disputes down the line and ensure that your trademark is unique.
  2. Consider Your Brand Identity: Your trademark should be reflective of your brand identity. It should be memorable, distinctive, and convey the essence of your brand. Think about the values and personality of your business and how you want to be perceived by your target audience.
  3. Choose a Distinctive Mark: A distinctive trademark has a higher chance of becoming legally enforceable and recognizable. A generic or descriptive mark that is often used in your business should be avoided. 
  4. Think about the Future: Your trademark should be adaptable enough to change along with the demands of your company. Consider your long-term objectives and whether your chosen mark will remain applicable and useful in the years to come.
  5. Hire a Trademark Attorney: Throughout the trademark registration procedure, a trademark attorney can offer helpful direction and counsel. They may assist you with selecting a mark that is legally enforceable, conducting a trademark search, submitting the application, and offering continuing support to make sure your trademark is kept up to date.


Registering a trademark is a crucial step in safeguarding your business’s intellectual property. A complex issue that calls for a thorough evaluation of numerous considerations is whether to use device or word marks. Device marks offer distinctive visual representations that can be utilized to increase brand recognition and set your company apart from rivals. Word marks, on the other hand, offer greater security and are simpler to register. The choice between device and word marks will ultimately be based on the needs and objectives of your particular organization. Selecting a mark that best captures your corporate identity and safeguards your business for years to come can be accomplished by engaging with a trademark attorney and completing extensive research.

Also Read:
Process Of Registering A Company Logo In India
10 Invaluable Advantages Of Trademark Registration
Process To Register A Logo Trademark In India – An Overview

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