
Budhadev Karmaskar Vs. State of West Bengal, Landmark Case for Securing the Rights of Sex Workers

calendar15 Jun, 2023
timeReading Time: 5 Minutes
Budhadev Karmaskar Vs. State of West Bengal, Landmark Case for Securing the Rights of Sex Workers

The Budhadev Karmaskar vs. State of West Bengal case is a landmark judgment delivered by the Supreme Court of India in 2011. The case challenged the constitutionality of Section 8 of the West Bengal Prevention of Immoral Trafficking Act, 1950, which criminalized soliciting and living off the earnings of prostitution. The case was brought by a group of sex worker and their advocates who argued that Section 8 violated their fundamental rights. Section 8 of the West Bengal Prevention of Immoral Trafficking Act, 1950, provided for the punishment of any person who solicits or entices any person to resort to any place for the purpose of prostitution or who lives wholly or in part on the earnings of prostitution. The punishment for such offenses included imprisonment and fines.

The case challenged the constitutionality of Section 8 on the grounds that it violated the right to life and dignity under Article 21 of the Indian Constitution. The petitioners argued that Section 8 criminalized sex work and treated sex worker as criminals, thereby violating their right to livelihood and their right to live with dignity. The case was heard by a bench comprising of Justices Altamas Kabir and Cyriac Joseph. The bench upheld the constitutional validity of Section 8 but recognized the rights of sex worker to life and dignity. The court held that sex workers are victims of circumstances and need to be protected and rehabilitated rather than being criminalized. The court also directed the state governments to provide basic amenities like healthcare, education, and vocational training to sex workers. The judgment has had a significant impact on the legal and policy framework around sex work in India. It has influenced the approach of courts and policymakers towards sex work and has opened up a space for dialogue and debate around the rights of sex workers. The judgment has also been cited in several international human rights documents and has been seen as an important step in the global struggle for the rights of sex workers.


The case was filed by a sex worker named Budhadev Karmaskar in 2005. He sought to challenge the constitutionality of Section 8 of the West Bengal Prevention of Immoral Trafficking Act, 1950, which criminalized soliciting and living off the earnings of prostitution. Karmaskar argued that the provision violated the fundamental rights of sex worker, including their right to life and liberty, and their right to practice any profession or occupation.

The Judgment

The Supreme Court, in its judgment, upheld the constitutional validity of Section 8 of the Act. However, the court also recognized the rights of sex workers and held that they are entitled to all the constitutional rights available to any citizen. The court observed that sex workers are not criminals but victims of circumstances and need to be protected and rehabilitated. The court held that the state should take necessary steps to ensure that the rights of sex workers are protected, and they are not subjected to any form of exploitation or abuse. The court further directed the state governments to provide sex worker with basic amenities like healthcare, education, and vocational training. The court also ordered the state governments to set up red-light areas in consultation with sex workers and to ensure that these areas are well-maintained and safe for them to operate. The court further directed the state governments to take appropriate steps to prevent trafficking of women and children for the purpose of prostitution.

Impact Of the Judgment

The judgment had a significant impact on the rights of sex worker in India. It recognized their right to life and dignity and paved the way for securing their rights. The judgment also brought the issue of sex work into the mainstream and initiated a debate on the decriminalization of sex work in India. The judgment has been cited in several subsequent cases and has influenced the approach of courts and policymakers towards sex work in India. The judgment also marked a shift in the attitude of the Indian judiciary towards sex work. Previously, sex workers were often treated as criminals and were subject to harassment and abuse by law enforcement agencies. The judgment recognized that sex work is often a result of economic and social vulnerability and that criminalizing it only adds to the harm suffered by sex workers.

The judgment has also been crucial in shaping the policy landscape around sex work in India. Following the judgment, several states in India have taken steps towards providing basic amenities and services to sex workers. Some states have also moved towards decriminalizing sex work, with the state of Maharashtra being the first to do so in 2018.

However, the judgment has also faced criticism from some quarters. Some have argued that the judgment reinforces the stigma around sex work by creating red-light areas and treating sex workers as a separate category. Others have argued that the judgment does not go far enough in recognizing the agency and autonomy of sex workers. Despite these criticisms, the Budhadev Karmaskar vs. State of West Bengal case remains a landmark judgment in the struggle for the rights of sex workers in India. It has opened up a space for dialogue and debate around sex work and has created a foundation for future legal and policy interventions to improve the lives and livelihoods of sex workers in India. The judgment has also had an impact beyond India’s borders. It has been cited in several international human rights documents and has been seen as an important step in the global struggle for the rights of sex workers. The judgment has been recognized by international organizations such as the United Nations Development Programme and the World Health Organization[1] as a progressive step towards the recognition of the rights of sex workers. However, the struggle for the rights of sex workers in India continues. Many sex workers still face violence, exploitation, and harassment, and their access to basic services and amenities remains limited. The stigma around sex work persists, and the legal and policy frameworks around sex work remain inadequate. There is a need for continued advocacy and activism to ensure that the rights of sex workers are protected and that they are able to live with dignity and respect.

Summary Of the Case

The Budhadev Karmaskar vs. State of West Bengal case is a landmark judgment that has paved the way for securing the rights of sex workers in India. The judgment has recognized the rights of sex workers to life and dignity and has opened up a space for dialogue and debate around sex work. While there is still a long way to go in the struggle for the rights of sex workers, the judgment represents an important step in the right direction.

  • The Budhadev Karmaskar vs. State of West Bengal is a landmark judgment delivered by the Supreme Court of India in 2011.
  • The case challenged the constitutionality of Section 8 of the West Bengal Prevention of Immoral Trafficking Act, 1950, which criminalized soliciting and living off the earnins of prostitution.
  • The Supreme Court upheld the constitutional validity of Section 8 but recognized the rights of sex worker to life and dignity.
  • The court held that sex workers are victims of circumstances and need to be protected and rehabilitated.
  • The court directed the state governments to provide basic amenities like healthcare, education, and vocational training to sex workers.
  • The court also ordered the state governments to set up red-light areas in consultation with sex workers and to ensure that these areas are well-maintained and safe for them to operate.
  • The judgment has had a significant impact on the rights of sex workers in India and has paved the way for securing their rights in the future.
  • The judgment has influenced the approach of courts and policymakers towards sex work in India.
  • However, the judgment has faced criticism for reinforcing stigma around sex work and not recognizing the agency and autonomy of sex workers.
  • The struggle for the rights of sex workers in India continues, and there is a need for continued advocacy and activism to ensure that their rights are protected.

This historical decision is a shocking illustration of how demonic people abuse and murder sex workers and treat them like mere commodities. It expresses the social message that one should not tolerate such inhumane acts in a civilized society.


The challenging situation of sex workers is highlighted in this case. Who do their work not because they enjoy it but because poverty forces them to do so.  Because of the societal stigma associated with their line of work, people may not necessarily lack the right to a dignified existence.

Article 21 of the Indian Constitution states that everyone has the fundamental right to life and personal liberty. It does not mean mere animal existence. But due to society’s stereotypical mind-set, it becomes nearly impossible.

Read our Article:Human Rights Protection Against Sexual Harassment

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