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Expertise in Trademark Registrations


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An Overview of trademark registration in Maharashtra

Maharashtra is the financial capital of India and one of the major cities that has headquarters for major corporates. Maharashtra is also the epicentre of foreign exchange market. The port facility in Maharashtra further enhances the growth of the state; the import and export business are one of the blooming industry in Maharashtra. Some of the major industries in Maharashtra are the textile industry, petrochemical, automobile industry, Maharashtra is the hub for the manufacturing of automobile industry. Maharashtra has ranked 13th out of 36 states in ease of doing businesses, Maharashtra is the leading city for businesses. So to have a flourish able business in Maharashtra the trademark registration is very crucial.

Trademark can be applied by any person, legal entities or foreign national. The trademark registration can also be considered as an asset to the company. It prevents others from exploiting your brand value such as symbols, words that express your business and gives you exclusive rights for your product or service. If you wish to register your trademark in Maharashtra, then our Corpbiz team will guide you to the trademark registration process.

Advantages of getting a trademark registration in Maharashtra

  • Helps to identify the product or services through trademark
  • It assures the consistency of the product and its quality
  • Trademark is unique and specifies the originality of the product
  • A brand may create for any production and service based company
  • It enhances the trust of the people and earns goodwill to the company

Criteria for Trademark registration in Maharashtra

  • Identification of the trademark relevant to the product or service
  • Choosing brand, colour, name or logo
  • Check for proper paper works
  • Finalise the logo based on the class where the product falls

Documents required for trademark registration in Maharashtra

  • Applicant’s name and type of business
  • Objectives of the business and the details of the product
  • Fill Form 48
  • PAN and Aadhar copy of the candidate
  • Brand name, logo or slogan if any
  • Udyogcertificate (optional)
  • Candidate’s address proof (passport, Voter Id)
  • Copy company ROC
  • Other Documents, if requested
  • Business evidence (company Documents/ MOA)

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Process for trademark registration in Maharashtra

  • Select a trademark and under which class the trademark can be registered from 45 classes
  • Make research in the trademark registry to avoid duplication
  • Filing application with all the Documents
  • Response to the trademark registry if objection reported
  • Get the final trademark registration
  • Apply symbol R to the product or service after obtaining the tradeamark

Validity of Trademark Registration

  • The term of registration of a trademark is valid for 10 years, after expiration, the trademark can be renewed according to the provision of the Trademark Act 1999
  • The company can get the trademark renewal within six months from the expiry.

Corpbiz Support

At Corpbizwe will provide the extensive support starting from searching of the desired trademark, the verification process, and support in filing the form, till you get the trademark registration as active. Our team will provide assured expert support throughout the entire process of registration in Maharashtra. If you are planning to get the trademark registration in Maharashtra, and then our Corpbizteam will support you to get trademark registration within the timeframe. Our team will also extend our extensive support if your company need other paper works, legal verification, checking the accounts, taxation filing, GST registration or more based on your requirement.

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