
What Is The Importance Of A Will?

calendar12 Apr, 2023
timeReading Time: 7 Minutes
What Is The Importance Of A Will?

Drafting a will is an important task that many people engage in to ensure their assets and belongings are distributed according to their wishes after their death. A will is a legal document that outlines how a person’s estate should be divided and who should receive their property, money, and other assets. This step is important for anyone who wants to make sure their hard-earned money is shared and managed well. In daily life, drafting a will is an important aspect of estate planning that everyone should consider. It provides peace of mind knowing that your loved ones will be taken care of according to your wishes, and it can also help prevent conflicts and confusion among family members after your passing. Therefore, it is crucial to consult with a legal expert who can guide you through the process and help you draft a comprehensive and valid will. In this blog, we will discuss about the meaning, advantages & disadvantages, and importance of a Will.

What is a Will?

A will is a legal document that says how a person wants their assets and property to be divided after they die. It is a fundamental document for gaining legal recognition of an individual’s wishes and to whom they want their assets distributed. The importance of having a will in place cannot be overstated, as it sets out a clear road map for the distribution of an individual’s assets and property after death.

In Indian law, the Indian Succession Act, of 1925[1] governs the laws on intestate succession and testamentary succession. A testamentary succession occurs when an individual dies and leaves behind a valid will, while an intestate succession occurs when someone dies without a will. In the event of intestacy, the Indian Succession Act outlines an inheritance hierarchy, where the first preference goes to the legal heirs of the deceased.

It is important to note that testamentary succession applies only to assets and property that an individual owned at the time of their death. Assets owned jointly with other individuals or held in trust will be governed by separate legal rules.

One of the most significant aspects of a will is that it allows an individual to have their assets distributed to their intended beneficiaries, rather than leaving it up to the provincial laws of intestacy. This is particularly important for individuals who have a complicated family structure or who have dependents with special needs. In such cases, a will is essential to ensuring the rights of the intended beneficiaries are protected.

Having a will in place can also minimize the likelihood of disputes among surviving family members over asset distribution. It helps in avoiding any ambiguity about the wishes of the deceased and reduces the possibility of litigation. Now let’s discuss the importance of a will.

Importance of a Will in Landmark Cases

The importance of a will can be seen in a number of landmark cases in India. One such case involved Satyendra Nath Bose v. Anil Kumar Bose, in which the question of whether a will was still valid and whether it had undergone any pressure from family members. The court held that the will’s validity should be upheld unless evidence of pressure can be demonstrated.

Another notable case is the Delhi High Court’s judgment in Singhal Devi v. Rajendra Kumar & Ors, where the court held that the deceased’s adopted son’s right to inherit was still valid, despite the lack of documentary proof of his adoption.

Wills can also aid in the prompt and efficient administration of an individual’s assets after death, as the probate process can be lengthy when there is no will. Probate is the process of legally granting an executor the power to manage and distribute the deceased’s assets as per their wishes. Executors are usually appointed by the individual who creates a will and are responsible for executing the will’s contents.

Importance of a Will in the Aspect of Law

Following is the importance of a Will in the aspect of Law:

  • A will allows an individual to determine how their property and assets will be distributed after their death.
  • Without a will, the law of intestacy will apply and the deceased’s assets will be distributed according to a predetermined legal formula.
  • A will allows an individual to appoint an executor to manage their estate after their death.
  • A will can provide for the care of minor children, including appointing guardians and setting up trusts.
  • A will can also be used to make charitable donations or leave specific gifts to individuals or organizations.
  • If a person dies without a will and without any heirs, the assets may escheat to the state.
  • A will can be challenged in court if it is believed to have been executed under duress or undue influence.

A will is a legal document that outlines the distribution of a person’s assets and property upon their death. It allows the testator (the person creating the will) to specify how their assets will be distributed and who will be responsible for managing their affairs after they die.

Some Essential Elements of a Will

Following are some essential elements of a Will:

  • Testator: The person creating the will
  • Executor: The person named in the will who will be responsible for carrying out the terms of the will.
  • Beneficiaries: The individuals or organizations named in the will who will receive the assets and property.
  • Witnesses: Two or more people who must witness the signing of the will to ensure that it is valid.
  • Executor’s Bond: A bond that may be required by the court to guarantee that the executor will faithfully carry out the terms specified in the will.
  • Residuary Estate: The remaining assets and property that are not specifically mentioned in the will.
  • Testator’s Signature: The testator must sign the will in the presence of the witnesses for it to be valid.
  • Revocation: The process of cancelling or invalidating a previous will.
  • Probate: The legal process of validating a will and distributing the assets of the deceased according to the terms of the will.

Advantages of a Will

The following are the advantages of a Will:

  • Control over Assets:

One of the biggest advantages of having a will is that you can have a say over how your assets are distributed after your death.

  • Tailored Distribution:

A will allows you to tailor the distribution of your estate to suit the needs and circumstances of your beneficiaries.

  • Appointing Guardians:

You can appoint guardians for your minor children in your will.

  • Probate:

A will can make the probate process smoother and faster.

  • Peace of Mind:

Having a will in place can give you peace of mind, knowing that your loved ones will be taken care of after your death.

Disadvantages of a Will

The following are the disadvantages of a Will:

  • Cost:

Depending on the complexity of the will, it can be costly to create, update, and maintain.

  • Public Record:

Wills are public documents, so anyone can access them once they are filed with the court.

  • Challenge:

A will can be challenged in court, which can delay the distribution of assets, create family disputes, and increase legal costs.

  • Limitations:

A will only cover assets that are owned in the testator’s name at the time of death, so it does not cover assets held jointly or assets that pass outside of probate.

  • Time-Consuming:

It can be time-consuming to create a will, especially for those who have complex and diverse assets.

The concept of ‘will’ is a crucial aspect of the law of succession, particularly in relation to the distribution of property or assets after an individual’s death. Accordingly, several case laws have shaped the legal interpretation of wills and emphasized their importance in resolving inheritance disputes.

One such case law is the matter of Sharp v Lush (1879) which highlighted the significance of mental capacity while creating a testamentary document. In this case, a will made by a woman was challenged on the grounds that she lacked testamentary capacity because of her age and mental state. The court held that sufficient mental capacity is necessary for an individual to legally prepare a will. The case established that the legal interpretation of a will is based on the understanding of the testator, and the document will not be valid in the absence of the testator’s mental ability to create it.

Similarly, the case of Re Wharton (1897) reiterates the importance of the testator’s mental ability to create a will. This case concerned the validity of a will that was purportedly prepared by a blind and illiterate testator. The court held that the testator had a sound mind despite his visual and literacy limitations, and the will was therefore considered valid. The court emphasized the importance of the testator’s ability to understand the nature and effects of the document they are creating, which highlights the significance of a testator being an accurate reflection of their intent.

In addition to mental capacity, the aspect of undue influence is also a critical factor in the creation of wills. The case of Coffin v Cooper (1852) established the principle that the existence of undue influence or coercion on the maker of the will can render the document invalid. In this case, the plaintiff argued that the testator was influenced by a man who had taken care of him for several years, and thus the will created in favor of him was made under pressure. The court found that the will had indeed been made under pressure and was therefore invalid. The case highlights the importance of protecting the testator’s wishes and ensuring that the will is not influenced by any external factor or coercion.

Furthermore, the case law of Harris v Digital Pulse Pty Ltd (2003) emphasized the importance of properly executed and witnessed wills. The testator, in this case, created several wills over a period of time, of which only one was correctly witnessed. A dispute arose regarding the validity of the will as the witness who had signed it had since died. The court held that the testator had intended the correct will to be effective even though the original witness was no longer alive, and therefore it was considered a valid document. This reinforces the importance of individuals ensuring that their will is correctly prepared and executed to avoid any dispute or confusion that may arise in the future.


In conclusion, the importance of a will from a legal perspective cannot be understated. The importance of mental capacity, undue influence, proper execution, and the testator’s intent in creating a will has been underscored in various case laws, highlighting the crucial role of wills in resolving succession disputes. Individuals should thus ensure that their will accurately reflects their intentions and that it is prepared and executed in accordance with the law to avoid any potential legal complications.

Thus, having a will in place is crucial to ensuring that an individual’s assets are distributed to their intended beneficiaries without ambiguity or dispute after death. The Indian Succession Act of 1925 provides a framework for the legal enforceability of wills and intestate succession. The importance of wills can be seen in landmark cases like Satyendra Nath Bose v. Anil Kumar Bose and Singhal Devi v. Rajendra Kumar & Ors. Therefore, it is essential to consult a lawyer to draft a valid will and ensure that the document accurately reflects the individual’s wishes.

Read Our Article: Writing A Will At Home

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