Understand Definition, Scope, Benefits and Types of IPR

calendar09 Aug, 2021
timeReading Time: 4 Minutes
Understand Definition, Scope, Benefits and Types of IPR

Broadly speaking, intellectual property rights (IPR) refers to a general type of legal IP protection for those who create. These rights, though, have made significant contribution to the world from economic standpoint. Many firms from different sector rely on the enforcement of their patents, copyrights, & trademarks, while end-users can also be assured of quality while buying out IP-backed products. Now, let’s understand the basics of IPR by way of definition, scope, and benefits. In this article, we will discover Understand Definition, Scope, Benefits and Types of IPR.

Importance of IPR (Intellectual Property Rights)

IPR does not exist for its own sake and it aims to deliver innovative, competitive products and services that end-users seek. Practically in every sector, the no. and variety of IP-based products & services is vast.

The purpose of IPR is to incentivize new creations, including artwork, creations, &inventions that might propel economic growth. IPRs motivate individual to produce things that can help society in many ways.

In a nutshell

  • IPR Creates & Supports High-Paying Jobs
  • IPR propels Economic Growth as well as Competitiveness

IPR requires creators, inventors, and brand owners to differentiate their offerings based on their own inventions or other criteria, & then let end-users decide which one they choose.

IPR supports growth of & rivalry among not only services & product, but also among many business models for delivering them. This diversity & rivalry incentivizes quality improvement,  localization specialization, & a wide options  among the  diverse range of IP-based services and products- all to benefits the end-users.

Read our article:Advantages and Disadvantages of Intellectual Property Rights

What is IPR(Intellectual Property Rights)?

Intellectual property rights (IPR) are generally refer to legal rights that ensure creators protection for invention, original works, or the manifestation of  artistic works, products, scientific developments, so on and so forth.

Types of IPR

There are four types of IPR as mentioned below:


A patent is used to safeguard an invention from being created, sold, or copied by third-party with prior consent. Patents are the general type of IPRs that come to individual’s minds when they think of IPRs protection. A patent holder has vested with rights to commercialize his/her/its patent or granting a license to the invention to any other party as per mutually agreed norms.

There are 3 different categories that patents usually fall under:

  • Utility: A utility patent safeguards the creation of a improved or new product, process, machine that is useful.
  • Design: A design patent usually safeguards the ornamental design on useful items.
  • Plant: A plant patent safeguards new type of plants produced by cutting or nonsexual means.


Trademark is a widely known type of IPR protection, A trademark refers to an unique sign which permits end-users to easily pinpoint the particular goods or services that a organization facilitates. Some common example of trademark includes McDonald’s golden arch, Instagram logo, so on and so forth. A trademark can exist in the form of a phrase, text, symbol, smell, sound, and color scheme. Unlike patent protection, a trademark can safeguard a set or class of products or services rather than one product or process


Copyright protection is not available for ideas. Instead, it only encompasses “tangible” forms of artworks and creation for example music, art, architectural drawings, or software coding.

The copyright holder is vested with rights to commercialize or reproduce any musical, literary, literary, dramatic, or architectural work created by the author. Copyright is one the most imperative types of IPR.

Trade Secret

Trade secrets refer to the business’s secrets. They can be proprietary systems, strategies, formulas, or other detail that is confidential & is not meant for illicit commercial use by others. This is delicate type of protection that can aid businesses to gain an edge over the rivals.

Although IPR protection might seem to render insufficient protection, when they are utilized prudently, they can maximize the benefit of creation or invention, thereby ensuring the emergence of new technologies that benefit society and government at large.

Benefit of IPR in today’s scenario

  • IPR help facilitate end-users with best and innovative offering in virtually every area of life, & helps safeguard end-users from copied and sub-par products and services.  IPR incentivizes competition among wide range of product, function, & on-par offerings, giving end-users more flexibility on account of options available to them.
  • IPR also renders productive mechanism to help address the essential needs of society, from clean energy to the minimized carbon emissions to health care & a truly “Digital economy[1]”.
  • SMEs leverage IPR more prominently in many scenarios than bigger organization. SMEs that utilize IPR register more growth, income & employment than those that do not.
  • Entities using IPR in various ways to help them thrive, trade in, & secure income from, innovative offerings. Firms that leverage IPR usually witnessed more growth and better market value than those that do not.
  • Effective IPR escalates funding for R&D & other innovation, including by aiding companies realize more value from IPR-backed innovations than those that are not.
  • IPR sets out development of cultural expression & diversity, & incentivizes wider dissemination of innovations via licensing.
  • Sectors that depend on IPR represent a considerable part of developed & developing economies on account of GDP, tax revenue, employment, & strategic importance. IPR also propels FDI & technology transfers in developed & developing nations.


End-users & society benefit from the IPR system, via the diverse range of products & services in technically every area of human activity that have been evolved on the basis of IP protection. Some of society’s most prominent requirements-from health care &environment to seamless confrontation with the government rely heavily on IP for innovation solutions. IPR not only delivering such solutions, but also helping in rendering better signal between buyer & seller so end-users have better info as to what they are getting, hence encouraging to align business and end-users needs more closely. IP protection also ensures complete protection from poor and potentially hazardous products, thereby allowing customers to have more confidence on their buying decision.

In case you seek some detail information on scope, definition, and types of IPR, then feel free to drop your query in the comment box.

Read our article:Complete List of different Trademark Registration Status

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