
Trademark Registration for Domain Name: What You Need To Know?

calendar31 Mar, 2023
timeReading Time: 5 Minutes
Trademark Registration for Domain Name: What You Need To Know?

Internet Domain Names (IDNs) now serve a far broader purpose than simply identifying the online presence of various businesses. Often a business will use its business name, brand name or another business identifier as its domain name. A domain name is a crucial part of any company’s online presence in the modern digital era. It is the main method of finding a company online and can have a significant impact on how successful a firm is. Scroll down to check more about Trademark Registration for Domain Names.

What is Domain Name?

To identify and find a website or other internet resource on the World Wide Web, a domain name is used, which is a unique and human-readable string of characters. It functions as a user-friendly method of accessing a certain website or web page because it is essentially the online address of a website. The top-level domain (TLD)[1] and the second-level domain (SLD), which is separated by a dot, make up each domain name. While examples of second-level domains include Google, Facebook, and Amazon, examples of popular top-level domains include .com, .org, .net, and edu. Domain name registrars handle the registration and management of domain names, which can be bought and renewed on an annual or multi-year basis.

Importance of Trademark Registration for Domain Name

In order to build a website’s identity and online presence, domain names are essential. Following is the importance of Trademark Registration for Domain Name:

  1. Brand Recognition: One of the primary importance of Trademark Registration for Domain Names is Brand Recognition. By making a website more accessible for customers to remember and find, a domain name can contribute to brand recognition. In a competitive online market, a website might stand out with a catchy and relevant domain name.
  2. Professionalism: A website’s custom domain name increases its legitimacy and professionalism. It can contribute to establishing credibility and trust, which is crucial for businesses and organizations that want to be taken seriously online.
  3. SEO: A domain name that contains relevant keywords can raise a website’s position in search engine results. As a result, the site can become more visible and receive more visitors.
  4. Ownership: Ownership of a domain name gives the owner control over their online presence and flexibility. It enables customers to set up sub domains, make their own email addresses, and, if necessary, relocate their website to a different hosting company.

Overall, a domain name is a vital component of any website or online business. It not only serves as an address but also helps establish a brand, build credibility, improve SEO, and give owners control over their online presence.

Trademark Registration for Domain Name

Domain names gain trademark registration at both the national and international levels, providing the domain names satisfy all the standards required to secure a trademark registration. A distinctive internet name that can set a service or product apart from others and identify it can be registered as a trademark.

In order for a business to get Trademark Registration for Domain Name, it is essential that the domain name functions as a reliable source identifier for the goods and services that the business provides online. This means that the domain name should be distinct from all other well-known trademarks and domain names on the internet in order to avoid any confusion or deception among customers. Additionally, the use of the domain name as a trademark should not violate any moral or public order.

Businesses or individuals can file a trademark application as a word mark to apply for a domain name trademark. This is permissible under the Trademark Act and can help to protect the business’s intellectual property and online presence.

It is essential for businesses to carefully consider the selection of their domain name and ensure that it is unique and not in violation of any existing trademarks or domain names. By taking these steps, businesses can help to ensure that their online presence is both legally protected and reliable for customers.

Criteria for Trademark Registration for Domain Name

Businesses wishing to protect their online presence and brand identification may find it beneficial to trademark their domain names. The protection of trademarks does not apply to all domain names, though. The following are some essential requirements for Trademark Registration for domain name:

  1. Uniqueness: The domain name needs to be unique, not generic or descriptive. As they do not distinguish the products or services being offered, generic or descriptive domain names like “” or “” are ineligible for trademark protection.
  2. Non-Infringement: The domain name must not violate the rights of other businesses or people to their trademarks. This means that there should be no similarity or confusing similarity between the domain name and any existing trademarks. A company cannot register the domain name “” without violating another company’s trademark, for instance, if the company “ABC Corporation” already has a registered trademark for its brand name.
  3. Usage in Commerce: To qualify for trademark protection, the domain name must be used in commerce. The domain name must therefore be used in connection with the marketing or sale of products or services. Just storing or remaining unused a domain name disqualifies it from trademark protection.
  4. Originality: The domain name must be unique and cannot be a rip-off of an already existing trademark. This involves adding prefixes or suffixes to an existing trademark as well as misspellings or other changes to the trademark.
  5. Functionality: The domain name shouldn’t be essential to the products or services being offered or functional in any way. For instance, the domain name “” cannot be trademarked by a firm that sells shoes because it is essential to the operation of their business.

Domain Name Trademark Infringement

When a domain name is registered or used in a way that violates the rights of an existing trademark owner, this is known as domain name trademark infringement. This can occur if a domain name is utilized in a way that confuses customers or if it is too similar to a registered trademark. For instance, it can be considered trademark infringement if a business possesses a registered trademark for a certain brand name and another party registers a domain name that is the same as or confusingly similar to that trademark. In the same way, it can be considered infringements if a domain name is used for marketing goods or services that are similar to those provided by a trademark holder.

A trademark owner may suffer severe consequences from trademark infringement, such as diminished brand value, consumer confusion, and lost profits. Therefore, it is crucial for trademark owners to exercise caution and defend their rights. This could entail notifying the offender in writing, filing a complaint with the appropriate court or the domain name registrar, or taking legal action to defend their rights. Also, it is crucial for people or companies looking to register a domain name to carry out a comprehensive investigation to make sure they are not violating any already-registered trademarks.

Domain Name v/s Trademark

A domain name and a trademark are separate concepts that have distinct roles in the world of business and intellectual property. A domain name is a unique web address that serves as the identifier for a website on the internet. It is typically composed of a name and suffix such as .com or .org. While domain names may have similarities to trademarks, they are mainly used for online identification and navigation.

On the other hand, a trademark is a legally recognized symbol, word, phrase, or design that is used to distinguish and identify a company’s products or services from those of its competitors. A trademark can be registered with the government to provide legal protection against others using a similar mark for a similar product or service.

Therefore, a domain name is a tool for online identification, and a trademark is a tool for brand recognition and protection. While a company may opt to use its trademark as part of its domain name, the two concepts are not interchangeable, and a domain name by itself does not provide legal protection for a company’s brand or intellectual property. Understanding the differences between domain names and trademarks can assist businesses in protecting their brand and intellectual property online.


In conclusion, while domain names and trademarks share some similarities, they are different concepts that serve different purposes. A domain name is an exclusive web address used to identify a website on the internet, whereas a trademark is a legally recognized symbol or word used to represent a business or its products. A domain name may be trademarked, but only if it satisfies certain requirements and follows the same registration procedures as other trademarks. This can help build brand recognition and credibility while also offering legal protection against others using a similar domain name for a comparable good or service.

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Trademark Of Domain Name In India

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