BIS Certification
BIS Registration

Procedure to Get BIS for CCTV Camera – An Overview

calendar16 Aug, 2022
timeReading Time: 4 Minutes
BIS for CCTV Camera

CCTV cameras are most commonly used these days for the purpose of safety and security at home, offices, schools, hospitals, public places etc. The widely used product, with its technology, has helped people from all over the world to monitor and control safety and security throughout the year. CCTV cameras are of major use in detecting crime and preventing them as well. The Bureau of Indian standards BIS has made it mandatory for the CCTV cameras to be registered as per Indian Standards IS-13252 (part 1): 2010. The order to obtain BIS for CCTV Camera was passed on 23rd May 2018. The order was made as per the BIS Compulsory Registration Scheme under the Gazette of India. BIS registration assures the quality and standard of the products we use and ensures safety and reliability.

Requirement of BIS for CCTV Camera

Bureau of Indian Standards, widely known as BIS, is the National Standard Body of India, which was established under the BIS Act, 2016[1]. The BIS works on marking the quality of products and providing a quality certification to assure the safe and efficient usage of the product. BIS has been helping the national economy in reducing money and product wastage by only allowing certification of good quality products which are efficient, safe and reliable to the consumers at large.     

According to the BIS Act, it is mandatory to obtain BIS for CCTV Cameras in order for them to be sold, Imported or Exported into the Indian market. BIS for CCTV Camera is registered as per Indian Standards IS- 13252 (Part 1: 2010). All the varieties of CCTV cameras or recorders have been mentioned in the mandatory BIS CRS registration scheme. The product cannot be marketed without BIS registration.

BIS takes responsibility for the safety and protection of consumers in India, Just like a CCTV camera. CCTV cameras prove to be a major proof in collecting/ recalling/ tracing any activity, any detail or even a mishappening. CCTV footages turn out to be the primary proof of any activity/ crime or mishappening in the eyes of the law. In order to smoothen the sales of CCTV cameras in the Indian market, it is important to get a BIS registration for them. The certification process takes time of around 15 days to complete, and the validity of the license remains for up to two years. After the expiry of two years, the license can be renewed easily. Although, there are certain documents required by the BIS during the certification process which need to be submitted in order for the product to be eligible to be sold in the Indian market. The BIS makes sure that the documents are verified in order to ensure safety and security for the customers.

Functions of BIS

BIS performs various functions in favour of consumers to ensure the effectiveness and efficiency of the BIS verified products sold in the Indian market. Those functions are as follows-

  • BIS is involved in the formulation of the standard of a product
  • The product certification scheme is performed by BIS
  • The compulsory Registration scheme is performed by BIS
  • The foreign manufacturer certification scheme is performed by BIS
  • Hallmarking scheme is performed by BIS
  • BIS provides laboratory services
  • laboratory recognition scheme is provided by BIS
  • BIS performs selling of Indian standards
  • Consumer affairs activities are conducted by BIS
  • Promotional activities are conducted by BIS
  • Foreign Manufacturers Certification Scheme is provided by BIS
  • Hall Marking Scheme is provided by BIS
  • Training Services are provided by BIS on a National & International level
  • Information Services are provided by BIS

BIS Certification and its types

The BIS certification is a third-party guarantee that provides assurance of safety, security, standard and guarantee of quality to the customers. BIS certification provides three schemes for the safety and security of the customers. The schemes are in the form of certifications, which are listed as follows-

  • Indian Standards Institute or ISI– ISI or Indian Standards Institute is a certification scheme that ensures the safety and security of the customers as per Indian standards.
  • Foreign Manufacturers Certification Scheme or FMCS– FMCS is a certification scheme that applies to foreign manufacturers that makes sure that the foreign products imported into India are in compliance with Indian Standards so as to ensure the integrity and product quality of products sold in the Indian market.
  • Compulsory Certification Scheme or CRS– CRS is applicable to electronically generated products which are manufactured both in and outside India. The products include CCTV cameras, mobile phones, smart watches, IT products, etc.

Benefits of obtaining BIS for CCTV camera-

Obtaining a BIS certificate proves to be very beneficial for the products to be sold and manufacturers who are into the production of such products, to promote reliability and trust to the consumers.

The benefits of the BIS for CCTV camera are-

  • BIS certificate safeguards the manufacturers from fines and penalties which are imposed by not certifying a product.
  • BIS certificate acts as an assurance that the product has passed a series of quality and safety tests and is ready to be used by the customer.
  • BIS certificate ensures that the safety and security of the products are in compliance with Indian Standards.
  • The BIS certificate provides great service to the customers and increases competition in the market.
  • The product is easily accepted in the market as it is certified and tested.
  • BIS certificate makes sure that the product quality is unmatched.
  • BIS-certified products are easily accessible in the market.

Procedure to Obtain BIS for CCTV Camera

In order to obtain a BIS certificate, a series of steps are to be followed. The procedure to obtain BIS for CCTV camera is-

  • If the product is produced by a foreign manufacturer, an AIR is appointed for the application process.
  • The application form is submitted along with the required documents
  • The product sample is submitted for testing in a BIS-approved lab
  • The product test report is collected from the BIS lab and is submitted to the BIS office by the manufacturer or the AIR, accompanied by a copy of the application form online. A hard copy is submitted in case of offline submission.
  • The BIS officers then verify the test reports.
  • After all the details are verified, the BIS license is granted to the manufacturer or his AIR.


The usage of CCTV cameras has been rapidly increasing with time. BIS has made it mandatory for CCTV cameras to get certified under BIS as per Indian Standards. However, for the CCTV cameras holding Wi-Fi access, it is mandatory to get a WPC certification along with BIS. If the CCTV camera does not hold a Wi-Fi feature, WPC certification is not mandatory in that case. Therefore a manufacturer must be well acquainted with the certification process and requirements before opting for the same.

Read our Article:How to Get BIS for Smart Watch?

BIS Certification

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