
Probate In India: Definition, Importance and Application

calendar03 Apr, 2023
timeReading Time: 5 Minutes
Probate In India: Definition, Importance and Application

Probate is a legal process in India that verifies and approves the last will and testament of a deceased person. The probate court examines the will to ensure its validity, settles any outstanding debts or taxes owed by the deceased, and distributes the remaining assets to the beneficiaries named in the will.

The importance of probate in India lies in ensuring that the wishes of the deceased are carried out in a fair and legal manner. It also provides a transparent process for distributing assets and settling any outstanding debts, which can help avoid disputes and litigation among family members.

Probate in India is typically required for immovable properties, such as land and buildings, and for assets valued above a certain threshold. The process involves filing a petition with the local court, providing documentation to support the validity of the will, and notifying all interested parties of the probate proceedings.

What Exactly Is Probate And What Does It Mean In India?

Probate in India is a legal process through which the last will and testament of a deceased person are verified and approved by a court of law. It involves the examination of the will to ensure its validity, settlement of any outstanding debts or taxes owed by the deceased, and distribution of the remaining assets to the beneficiaries named in the will. The probate process is intended to provide a transparent and fair mechanism for distributing assets and settling any disputes that may arise between family members or other interested parties. In India, probate is typically required for immovable properties, such as land and buildings, and for assets valued above a certain threshold.

The petition for probate should include details such as the date of the will, the names of the beneficiaries, and the assets included in the estate. The court will then issue a notice to all interested parties, including any creditors or heirs who are not named in the will, to appear before the court and contest the validity of the will if they so choose.

If no objections are raised or the court determines that the objections are without merit, the court will issue a probate order. This confirms the validity of the will. This order authorizes the executor named in the will to distribute the assets according to the instructions outlined in the will. The executor must then pay off any outstanding debts or taxes owed by the deceased before distributing the remaining assets to the beneficiaries.

What Is The Importance Of Probate For The Purpose Of Property/Estate Distribution?

The Importance of Probate in India lies in the fact that it is a legal mechanism that helps ensure the fair and orderly distribution of a deceased person’s assets to their beneficiaries. The probate process is intended to provide a transparent and legal mechanism for distributing assets and settling any disputes that may arise among family members or other interested parties.

Here are some key reasons why probate is important in India:

  • Ensuring Validity Of The Will: The probate process involves verifying the validity of the will, which ensures that the wishes of the deceased are being carried out in a legal manner. This helps prevent fraudulent or disputed wills from being executed.
  • Transparent Process for Distribution of Assets: The probate process provides a clear and transparent process for the distribution of the deceased person’s assets, which helps to avoid disputes and litigation among family members or other beneficiaries.
  • Settling Outstanding Debts And Taxes: Probate ensures that any outstanding debts or taxes owed by the deceased person are settled before the distribution of assets, which helps to prevent creditors from pursuing legal action against the beneficiaries.
  • Protecting The Interests Of Beneficiaries: The probate process is designed to protect the interests of the beneficiaries named in the will by ensuring that the assets are distributed in accordance with the deceased person’s wishes and that the beneficiaries receive their fair share of the estate.

What Are The Applications Of The Probate According To The Indian Laws?

Under Indian laws, the application of probate is primarily related to the distribution of the assets of a deceased person who left behind a valid will. Here are the key applications of probate in India:

  • Distribution of Immovable Properties: Probate is required for the distribution of immovable properties, such as land and buildings. The probate process ensures that the beneficiaries named in the will receive their rightful share of these assets.
  • Distribution of Assets Valued Above a Certain Threshold: Probate is required for the distribution of assets valued above a certain threshold, which is determined by the state in which the deceased person lived. The threshold may vary from state to state.
  • Verification of the Will: Probate involves the verification of the will to ensure its validity. The court examines the will to ensure that it meets all legal requirements and that it has not been forged or executed under duress.
  • Settlement of Debts and Taxes: Probate ensures that any outstanding debts or taxes owed by the deceased person are settled before the distribution of assets. This helps prevent creditors from pursuing legal action against the beneficiaries.
  • Resolution of Disputes: Probate provides a legal mechanism for resolving any disputes that may arise among family members or other interested parties. The court can mediate disputes and ensure that the distribution of assets is carried out in a fair and legal manner.

How Is The Probate Granted In India?

Probate is granted in India through a legal process that is governed under Sections 57 and 213 of the Indian Succession Act[1]. The High Court grants probates to the executor or executors (in succession, if more than one is nominated) with a copy of the will attached.

 The process involves the following steps:

  • Filing of the Probate Petition: The first step in obtaining probate is to file a probate petition with the appropriate court. The petition should include details such as the date of the will, the names of the beneficiaries, and the assets included in the estate.
  • Publication of Notice: After the probate petition is filed, the court will issue a notice to all interested parties, including any creditors or heirs who are not named in the will, to appear before the court and contest the validity of the will if they so choose. The notice is typically published in a local newspaper.
  • Hearing of The Petition: The court will then schedule a hearing of the probate petition, during which the executor named in the will and any other interested parties can present their arguments.
  • Issuance of Probate Order: If no objections are raised or the court determines that the objections are without merit, the court will issue a probate order that confirms the validity of the will and authorizes the executor named in the will to distribute the assets according to the instructions outlined in the will.
  • Distribution of Assets: The executor must then pay off any outstanding debts or taxes owed by the deceased before distributing the remaining assets to the beneficiaries.

Grant of Probate

  • Once the application is submitted, it will be validated by the authorities. Notifications will be sent to the deceased’s nearest family informing them about the probate issue. A general notice is also published for the public to examine, allowing them to oppose the grant of probate.
  • Probate is then granted if no objections are received by any blood relatives or the general public. However, this is only done after the court fees are paid. The court fees here depend upon the value of the immovable assets.


It’s important to understand the importance and application of probate in India, and to consult with a qualified lawyer/Advocate who has experience with probate cases to ensure that the process is carried out in a fair and legal manner. If you are looking to obtain a probate. Our teams of experts are ready to guide you.

Also Read:
Probate Of A Will: Meaning, Significance, And Applicability

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