Government Registration

Krishak Bandhu Prakalpa Scheme 2024 – Empowering Farmers

calendar20 Apr, 2024
timeReading Time: 7 Minutes
Krishak Bandhu Prakalpa Scheme 2024 Empowering Farmers

Every farmer of West Bengal found a ray of hope the day the Krishak Bandhu Prakalpa Scheme was launched on 1-01-2019 by the Department of Agriculture, Government of West Bengal. Farmers across divides found solace and empowerment through the Scheme, which offered security and dignity to agriculture practitioners everywhere in the state. The Scheme had been rechristened as Kirshak Bandhu (Natun) in the recent past. The latest Scheme was launched by the Hon’ble Chief Minister of West Bengal on 17-06-2021.

The Krishak Bandhu Prakalpa Scheme is essentially a welfare program within West Bengal. There are several benefits of the Krishak Bandhu Prakalpa Scheme to both farmers and their respective families, such as direct and indirect benefits. The direct benefits as per the Scheme consist of provisions of monetary aid for cultivation purposes with a maximum amount of Rs. 10,000 per year and a minimum of Rs. 4000 per year, which is handed out in two instalments during the critical periods to farmers, i.e. Kharif and Rabi on an annual basis.

In the circumstances of an untimely demise of a farmer between the ages of 18 and 60, the State Government offers a lump sum amount of Rs. 2 lakh under the Krishak Bandhu Prakalpa Scheme to his family in order to guarantee social security to the grieving family members. The farmers who have chosen to register under the Krishak Bandhu Prakalpa Scheme are given preference in the paddy procurement scheme as overseen by the Food and Supplies Department of the Government, as per the Annual Financial Statement presented in the State Legislative Assembly of Bengal in the year 2020-21 by Dr Amit Mitra, the State Finance Minister of West Bengal. The Hon’ble State Finance Minister has stated as per the official estimate of the Krishak Bandhu Prakalpa Scheme, nearly Rs. 89.08 Cr. has been given to the families of 4,454 deceased farmers.

This blog will discuss the Krishak Bandhu Prakalpa Scheme (Scheme) and the concerted administrative efforts taken to ensure the implementation of the Krishak Bandhu Prakalpa Scheme has greatly contributed to the empowerment of the farmers of West Bengal.

What is the Krishak Bandhu Prakalpa Scheme all about? 

The Krishak Bandhu Prakalpa Scheme is an initiative that has been undertaken by the Government of West Bengal to give monetary aid to the farmers of West Bengal. The fundamental aim of the Scheme is to ensure that financial assistance is given to the farmers for the purpose of boosting their income and enhancing their quality of life. The Scheme has aided farmers in the acquisition of the quintessential agricultural products such as fertilizers, seeds and pesticides.

The Scheme will offer monetary aid to farmers for the purchase of new agricultural equipment and the adoption of the latest farming practices. Further, the Scheme will ensure that each farmer is insured against potential crop losses in the near future. The Scheme will assist in boosting the farmers’ incomes and enhancing their quality of life.

Aim of Krishak Bandhu Prakalpa Scheme

The key aim of the Krishak Bandhu Prakalpa Scheme is:

  • The primary aim of the Scheme is to ensure that monetary aid is provided to farmers in West Bengal.
  • Within the ambit of this scheme, life insurance coverage of Rs. 2 Lakh will be provided in addition to monetary assistance to the farmer beneficiaries.
  • With the assistance of the monetary incentives as given by the Government of West Bengal under the Krishak Bandhu Prakalpa Scheme, the farmers’ families will become independent in such a manner that they will not be compelled to rely on others for their necessities.
  • The monetary circumstances of farmers will improve through the aid of the Scheme.

Details of the Krishak Bandhu Prakalpa Scheme

There are several advantages of the Krishak Bandhu Prakalpa Scheme, as declared by the Hon’ble Chief Minister of West Bengal. The said benefits are described as follows:

  1. To begin with, a life insurance cover of Rs. 2,00,000 will be provided to each beneficiary under the ambit of the Scheme.
  2. Insurance cover is given to each and every farmer who suffers from untimely demise during the implementation of the Scheme.
  3. The crop coverage insurance of Rs. 5000 will be provided in dual installments to the beneficiaries of the Scheme.
  4. A budget of nearly three thousand crores has been earmarked for the execution of the Scheme.
  5. The insurance cover will be allotted within the duration of 15 days subsequent to the demise of the farmer.
  6. The surcharge for Crop Insurance will be offered by the state government to each one of the beneficiaries as per the Scheme.
  7. The surcharge for the crop insurance will be offered by the State Government to each one of the beneficiaries as per this Scheme.
  8. Rs. 5000 per acre is provided in dual instalments and given to the beneficiaries in Kharif and Rabi – two different farming seasons, respectively. 

Krishak Bandhu Prakalpa Scheme: Important Documents

The following are the essential documents under the ambit of the Krishak Bandhu Prakalpa Scheme:

  1. Attested Copy of ID Proof
  2. Voter Card
  3. Aadhar Card
  4. Driving License
  5. PAN Card
  6. Passport etc.
  7. Death Certificate – Attested Copy
  8. Attested Copy of Krishak Bandhu Card
  9. Attested Copy of the Attested Applicant Copy
  10. Attested Copy of ROR
  11. Legal / Natural Guardian Declaration in case of Minor Claimant
  12. Registration Certificate of Agricultural Labourers

What are the Components of the Krishak Bandhu Prakalpa Scheme?

There are components of the Scheme for 2020 as described in the following:

  1. Guaranteed Income: As per the guaranteed income, monetary aid will be offered to each of the farmers as well as their beneficiaries who will be chosen for this Scheme. This Scheme has further options, which are discussed as follows:
  2. Those farmers who have one or more acres of land holding are eligible to receive Rs. 5000 per year for the Kharif and the Rabi seasons.
  3. The 1st instalment will be made in the month of June.
  4. The 2nd instalment will be made in November.
  5. The farmers would be provided a minimum aid of Rs. 2000 per year on ad valorem grounds.
  • Death Benefit: As per the death benefit scheme, the families of the farmers would be given Rs. 2,00,000, and the grounds for death have listed suicide as one of the possible causes. Farmers aged between 18 and 60 years can access the benefits offered by the recent insurance policy.

Krishak Bandhu Prakalpa Scheme: Amount List

These are the details for the amount listed under the Scheme:

  • Decimal or 0.01 Acre to 40 Decimal or 0.40 Acre
  • Amount: ₹ 4,000/-
  • Installment: ₹ 2,000/-
  • 41 decimal or 0.41 Acre to 99 Decimal or 0.99 Acre
  • Amount: ₹ 4,400/-
  • Installment: ₹ 2,200/-
  • 100 Decimal or 1 Acre to 200 Decimal or 2 Acre
  • Amount: ₹ 10,000/-
  • Installment: ₹ 5000/-
  • 100 decimal or 1 Acre to (Amount Not Calculate)
  • Amount: ₹ 10,000/-
  • Installment: ₹ 5000/-

Registration Process of the Krishak Bandhu Prakalpa Scheme

If you are considering applying for the Scheme, the following are the steps to follow:

  1. You must log in to the website if you wish to apply for this Scheme.
Registration Process of the Krishak Bandhu Prakalpa Scheme
  • Then, you will be expected to download the West Bengal Krishak Bandhu Prakalpa Scheme application.
  • Once you have downloaded the said application, you will be required to fill out the form with the necessary details.
  • Subsequent to Step 3, you will have to verify whether you have entered the correct information in the application form.
  • The next step would be to click on the “Submit” button.
  • The last step will conclude with the successful submission of the application.

How to Check the Application Status?

The following steps can be followed:

  1. First, you will have to visit the West Bengal Krishak Bandhu Prakalpa Scheme.
  2. You ought to click on the Home Page of the said Scheme.
  3. You should enter both your username and password there.
  4. Lastly, you can successfully acquire the list and its status.

How to Keep Track of the Status of the Krishak Bandhu Prakalpa Scheme? 

  • You will have to visit the official website.
  • Once you have clicked on the link, you can peruse the Krishak Bandhu Prakalpa Scheme List of the pertinent year.
  • You will be required to enter details of the voter card number and captcha and click on the “Search” button in order to keep track of the farmer status of the Scheme through online means.

How to Check the Application Status of Krishak Bandhu Prakalpa Scheme List?

The following steps can provide guidance on how to check the status of the application; this can be done with professional assistance:

  • First, you will have to visit the West Bengal Krishak Bandhu Prakalpa Scheme website.
  • You ought to click on the Home Page of the said Scheme. 
  • You should enter both your username as well as password there.  
  • Lastly, you can successfully acquire the list and their status, respectively. 

Krishak Bandhu Prakalpa Scheme Website: Steps for Agent Login

You can contact an agent for making an application for the Scheme, it is vital to have a professional assistance for Scheme like these.

  • You must visit the official website of the Scheme.
  • You ought to click on the “About” option on the Home Page.
  • You will have to click on the “Login” button.
  • Lastly, you will have to click on the “Agent Login” button.

Beneficiary List

You can also get a list of beneficiaries under the Scheme by:

  1. You will be required to visit the official website if you wish to acquire further information regarding this list.
  2. Then, the Home Page of the website will make its appearance.
  3. Then, you will have to click on the option “Krishak Bandhu.”
  4. After this, you must enter your login details on the immediately following page.
  5. Then, you ought to click on “Search Beneficiary” once you have finished your login.
  6. The subsequent step in this process would be for you to choose your respective block or district.
  7. Once you have done this, a PDF list will materialize on your screen.
  8. Now, you will be able to look for your name as under this Scheme with the utmost ease.

How to Download the Krishak Bandhu Death Benefit Application Form under the Scheme?

  1. Visit the official website of West Bengal’s Krishak Bandhu.
Download the Krishak Bandhu Death Benefit Application Form
  • Click on English or Bengali to download the application form.
  • Then, you can proceed with printing the form if you wish.
  • You will be expected to complete the significant details in the form, such as
  • Farmer’s Name
  • Address
  • Claimant Name
  • Claimant’s Age
  • Date of the Farmer’s Death
  • Relation with the Concerned Farmer
  • ID Proof No.
  • Details pertaining to the Land  
  • You will be asked to attach the document as stated above to your form.
  • The concluding step would be that you make a submission of the application to the Assistant Director of Agriculture of your district.

To Wrap Up

To conclude, the Krishak Bandhu Prakalpa Scheme has become a beacon of empowerment for the farmers of West Bengal. It has an all-encompassing approach which comprises monetary aid, insurance coverage and social security benefits. The Scheme has greatly aided the welfare of farmers and their families. This Scheme has ensured that farmers are granted monetary assistance at critical times such as crop failure, medical emergencies, and death.

This Scheme has included diverse groups of farmers ranging from landowner farmers to sharecroppers to farm laborers which ensure equitable resource distribution. The Scheme keeps evolving and it can lead to betterment of the lives of farmers and their families while boosting village economies of West Bengal. The success of this Scheme is noticeable in its benefits and the sense of security it provides to the farming community. With the right encouragement and improvements, this Scheme shows promise to act as a model scheme for farmer welfare schemes in national and international platforms.


  1. 1)    When will the money from the Scheme arrive?

    The grant will be provided twice each year and a death relief payment shall be given within the duration of 15 days of the farmer’s untimely demise.

  2. 2)    How do I check my Krishak Bandhu List?

    You will need to visit their official website if you wish to check the Krishak Bandhu List.

  3. 3)    Who is not entitled to Krishak Bandhu?

    The families of the demised farmers who comprise within the age group of 18 to 60 years are considered to be eligible for the Krishak Bandhu scheme.

  4. 4)    What is the established upper limit on crop loans?

    The Scheme offers monetary aid for the purpose of cultivation up to a maximum of Rs. 10,000 per year and a minimum of Rs. 4000 per year in dual installments on an annual basis for the Kharif and the Rabi seasons.

  5. 5)    What is the application procedure for this Scheme?

    You will have to complete your details in the Application Form in Bengali or English and if required, you will have to fill a Self-Declaration Form and make a submission of the same at a Krishak Bandhu Desk to the officials.

  6. 6)    Will I get a receipt for making a submission of my application?

    Yes, you will receive a receipt for making a submission of your application subsequent to entering the Acknowledgement ID that has been created from the Krishak Bandhu Portal for the purposes of future reference.

  7. 7)    What should a farmer do when he has not received a payment receipt?

    You can contact the block ADA for assistance in case there has been any error leading to your not receiving payment.

  8. 8)    How much monetary aid will a beneficiary get?

    Under the latest Scheme, each enrolled farmer will be granted a monetary aid of up to Rs. 10,000 per year for one acre or more of cultivable land, which can be paid in dual installments for the Kharif and the Rabi seasons.

  9. 9)     If there is more than one applicant, will each claimant be granted the Rs. 2,00,000?

    The total amount will be split amongst the claimants as per the “Eligible Applicant Certificate” as provided by the BDO.

  10. 10)     what are the main benefits of Krishak Bandhu Prakalpa Scheme?

    The key benefits of Krishak Bandhu Prakalpa Scheme are that it covers the insurance and the income is ensured.

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