Legal Metrology

Importance of Legal Metrology Laws

calendar08 Apr, 2024
timeReading Time: 4 Minutes
Importance of Legal Metrology Laws

Importance of Legal Metrology Laws: Legal metrology rules are the cornerstone of ethical and open trading processes. These regulations, which are governed by regulatory frameworks, guarantee the accuracy, consistency, and dependability of measures and weighing systems across a range of businesses. Legal metrology rules are essential to modern business because they protect consumer rights, encourage fair competition, and maintain standards of quality and safety.

In addition to shielding customers against fraud and deceit, they promote international trade, build consumer confidence in the marketplace, and help governments preserve their tax money. The importance of legal metrology laws cannot be negated since these laws look into the weights and measures instrument and their accuracy and help in maintaining uniformity in measurement across the country. The government has come up with various rules over time to curb the misuse of weights and measures and promote its standardization.  

Guidelines for Obtaining LMPC Certification

To obtain an LMPC license, one needs to comply with specific guidelines set by the government through various laws and regulations. These guidelines are given under Section 47 of the Standing of Weights and Measures Act, 1976, which has to be followed for weights and measures. These guidelines are –

  • To get the LMPC Certification, the applicant must pay a fee of Rs 100 to the Pay and Accounts Officer, who has an office in New Delhi under the Department of Consumer Affairs.
  • The registration of LMPC is required for the items that are mentioned in the list of weights and measures objects given under the general rules of the Act.  
  • If in case the application submitted by the applicant is incomplete, the Legal Metrology Controller is required to return that application to the applicant within 7 days.
  • If the application made by the applicant complies with the procedures and is complete in every sense, the controller of the Legal Metrology has to provide him/her with the LMPC Certificate.

Importance of Legal Metrology Laws

The importance of legal metrology laws is much as it is considered. The paramount importance of legal metrology laws are as follows –

Legal Dispute Reduction

The importance of legal metrology laws is realized if there is any legal dispute between the customer and the dealer. If the dealer doesn’t comply with the LMPC Act and there is any dispute between him and the consumer, it may involve severe legal complications. In addition to the legal process cost, the dealer will also be liable to pay fines and penalties in case of the absence of such licenses.

Health Sector

Weighting and measurement instruments are used in medical and pharmaceutical lines to perform specific tasks. Certain tests and procedures involve accurate measurement and weight to perform the tests and cure them. To perform these tests the equipment should be accurate and well tested and approved by the relevant authorities to negate any negative effect on the patient/s. Hence, there is a great importance of legal metrology laws in the health sector as well.

Quality Maintenance

The other importance of legal metrology laws is that it helps in maintaining the quality and quantity maintenance of the products. The products are assured of their quality after going through certain specified standards testing thereby giving customer’s much-needed satisfaction about the quality of the products.


The importance of legal metrology laws is also recognized by the researchers while doing research. Research work involves complex processes, and accurate readings are required to make new products and promote innovation. A science lab contains many equipment that are used for research work, and if these instruments are not accurate, then the research will be full of flaws, which thereby lead to no innovations and deviate the researchers from their goals. 

International Trade

The accurate measurement and weight system maintains the balance between the measuring systems of nations involved in the trade of certain commodities. This maintains the disparity between them and gives a clear picture of the measurement so that there is no confusion about the standards of the products. It also negates any chances of disputes between the nations that can affect future trade. So, to ensure smooth transactions and a good relationship between the nations, legal metrology laws are highly important.

Market Reputation

Having the LMPC Certification ensures that the reputation of the business in the market is maintained, and no one doubts the quality adherence of the products. This helps the business build a customer base for the future, and the mouth publicity is an add-on to it. So, the importance of legal metrology laws is also seen in increasing the market reputation.

Fair Market Competition

Getting a legal metrology license ensures that the competition in the market is healthy and fair without any fraud against the customers or even the other dealers. Healthy competition assists the growth of the nation and helps the businesses to maintain the quality standards to remain intact in the market posing a good competition.

Products on which LMPC Certification is not applicable

There are certain products on which LMPC Certification is not valid, and these are –

  • Products above 50 Kg in weight coming from agricultural yield
  • Industrial use of any raw material
  • Materials used in shops like motorcycle, bicycle, and tri-cycle repair shops
  • Restaurants/Hotels serving packaged food items
  • Any drugs or medicine that is covered under the Drug Control Order 1955


Legal metrology regulations are essential protections that guarantee accuracy, fairness, and transparency in modern commerce trade procedures. These regulations shield customers from dishonest business practices and promote trust in the marketplace by maintaining measurement and weighing standards across a range of industries. Additionally, they are essential for encouraging fair competition, boosting consumer trust, and facilitating global trade. In addition to protecting the rights of consumers, the implementation of legal metrology rules helps governments maintain their income streams and promotes innovation and quality control in the production of goods. It is impossible to overestimate the importance of legal metrology laws in preserving the integrity of business transactions as we continue to navigate an increasingly worldwide economy.

Corpbiz understands the importance of Legal Metrology Laws and can get the required LMPC certification for weights and measures dealers in time so that the dealer’s business proceedings are not hampered and can continue efficiently in the market. The legal executives at our organization can help these dealers/manufacturers get the certificate and also explain its importance in the bigger picture.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What are the penalties involved for using unverified weights and measures models?

    The penalties involved for using unlicensed weights and measures are as follows –
    · A fine that is greater than Rs 2,000 in value
    · The fine may even extend up to Rs 10,000 in case of more non-compliance
    · On inspection, if found guilty of not having the required certification, the weights and measures can be sealed by the authorities.

  2. Where can a complaint be filed in case of non-compliance?

    If any dealer, manufacturer, or packer commits an offense under the Act, the consumer should file a complaint with the appropriate authorities. These authorities are the legal metrology comptroller, the legal metrology assistant comptroller, or the inspector of legal metrology having territorial jurisdiction over the matter.

  3. what is the importance of legal metrology laws?

    The importance of legal metrology laws is very high in the society. The LMPC license ensures that consumers are not cheated and all applicable rules are adhered.

  4. What does Rule 27 of Legal Metrology (Packaged Commodity) Rule, 2011 state?

    Rule 27 of Legal Metrology (Packaged Commodity) Rule, 2011 states the standard procedure for the manufacturers, dealers, packers, and even importers to complete the registration. The application for registration needs to be sent to the director or the controller of legal metrology, along with all the necessary documentation.

  5. What does Rule 6 of Legal Metrology (Packaged Commodity) Rule, 2011 state?

    Rule 6 of Legal Metrology (Packaged Commodity) Rule, 2011 states that the seller must have made certain declarations in the outer packaging of the pre-packaged food items, or else hefty penalties can be involved against such dealer or manufacturer. These declarations include the product's manufacturing and expiry date, quantity of the product, pricing, manufacturer's/importer's name and address, and name of the commodity

  6. Who is eligible to grant a Legal Metrology License?

    Legal Metrology License is generally granted by the controller of the Legal Metrology department to registered applications that have completed the documentation.

  7. Why is the Legal Metrology Act essential?

    Legal Metrology regulations shield customers from dishonest business practices and promote trust in the marketplace by maintaining measurement and weighing standards across various industries. Additionally, they are essential for encouraging fair competition, boosting consumer trust, and facilitating global trade.

  8. How is LMPC Certification important in quality maintenance?

    The products are assured of their quality after passing certain specified standards of testing, thereby giving customers much-needed satisfaction about the quality of the products.

  9. Can a dealer charge more than what is mentioned in MRP?

    No, a dealer cannot charge more than what is mentioned in MRP, and if this practice is going on, then that dealer's complaint should be done, and the authorities will take action against it and impose certain fines and penalties.

  10. Is using or selling weights or measures that aren't stamped legal?

    No weights or measures can be offered for sale, retained for sale, used in a transaction, or used for protection unless verified and stamped by a Legal Metrology Officer-licensed dealer or maker.

  11. Is it possible to transfer a license granted under the Legal Metrology Act?

    No, the Act prohibits the sale or transfer of licenses granted or renewed under its provisions

  12. Does the certificate of verification have to be displayed?

    Every certificate of verification issued under the Act must be prominently displayed in the areas where these weights or measures are being, intending to be, or are likely to be used in transactions or for protection.

Read Our Article: Five Aspects Covered Under The Legal Metrology Act

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