Legal Metrology

How to obtain Repairer license under Legal Metrology Act?

calendar10 Feb, 2022
timeReading Time: 3 Minutes
repairer license

A repairer license serves as mandatory consent for those dealing with weight and measure instruments or equipment that come under the ambit of Legal Metrology. An application pertaining to the repairer license is filed with the Controller of the State Legal Metrology along with standard fees and documents. A repairer license comes with one year of validity. The maximum validity of the license has been capped at five years. The department of Legal Metrology is a prime regulator which is accountable for ensuring uniformity and accuracy in all measures and weights, weighing & measuring instruments utilized by traders in all marketplaces and trading centers in the state.

In this blog, we shall disclose all the legalities regarding the repairer license, including mandatory documents and penal provisions.

Definition of Repairer as per Legal Metrology Act 2009

As per Legal Metrology Act 2009, the term “repairer” implies to an individual who repairs a weight and includes an individual who cleans, lubricates, or adjusts any weight or measures or facilitates any other services to such weight to ensure that such weight adheres to the norms established by or under this Act;

License for Repairer of weights and measuring devices

Every application shall be furnished to the concerned Inspectorate offices in Form – LR – 1) along with the given documents:

  1. Identity proof.
  2. Passport size
  3. Company registration
  4. No objection certificate granted by the respective authority
  5. Document proof of ownership/Agreement/Lease of the premise
  6. Constitution in case of partnership firm/ proprietorship
  7. Incorporation certificate of the company falling under Companies Act, 2013
  8. Copy MOA and AOA
  9. Copy of employees’ appointment letter attached with Qualification and Experience Certificate and photographs, if any;
  10. List of tools, Machineries, & Accessories along with the purchase bill.
  11. Purchase bill for Test weight in case of new Verification Certificate.
  12. GST registration certificate
  13. Certificate relating to Professional Tax Registration
  14. Labour license
  15. Non-Tribal to attach a trading registration from concerned ADC of Meghalaya

Key particulars to be filled by the applicant in Form-LR-1A

  • Name of the applicant
  • Address of the workshop
  • Tenancy proof of the premises
  • Date of establishment
  • In case of limited company, name, and address of the Director(s)
  • In the case of proprietorship firm, the name and address of the proprietor(s)
  • Number of Shop/Trade registration
  • Professional Tax registration number/IT tax registration no
  • Type of weights & measures proposed to be repaired
  • Proposed area of operation
  • Previous experience in the repairing domain
  • Number of Manpower and their skill level
  • Types of machineries/tool/accessories present at the premises
  • Power usages and connection
  • Confirmation regarding the apt availability of space for stocking loan/test weight
  • Confirmation regarding the availability of a previously held license

Penal Provisions under Section 23 of the Legal Metrology Act, 2009

As per Section 23 of the Legal Metrology Act, 2009, it is not allowable to manufacture, repair, or sell weight or measuring instruments without a valid license. It further prohibits said undertakings if the license is granted by individuals other than the Controller. Keep in mind that the manufacturer cannot avail a repair license to repair its own weight or measure as it is prohibited under the Act.

Section 46 of the Legal Metrology Act 2009 sets out penal provisions for defaulters carrying out business activities without a valid license. As per the said Act, the defaulter in such a case may be subjected to a monetary penalty[1] of up to Rs 5000 or jail term up to one year or both for a subsequent offense


Legal Metrology Act, 2009 seeks to underpin and enforce norms of weight and measures, oversee trade and commerce in weights, measures & other goods tradable via weight, measure or number & for matters associated therewith. The Repairer of weights and measures also need to comply with the same and avail above license to conduct repair-related undertaking.

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